I'm w/ you, R.F. I am glad I am still a virgin, too!
JoinedPosts by sweetface2233
So how bad is the male STD test???
by bluesbreaker59 ini'm going in for a routine checkup at the behest of my partner.
she was shocked i've never been tested, and i said well i have no symptoms, i wear condoms, and had very few partners, so i didn't think it was necessary.
really how bad is the "q tip"???
only part of meeting you enjoyed
by martinwellborne infor me it was bible reading, where you could express your own opinion, in line with present truth of course.. pre the change it was awful listening to some fool telling you his opinion of bible highlights.
When the cute brother would get on the stage. LOVED when he was the WT reader...hee hee.
Would you support a witness who was refusing a transfusion?
by Caedes ini was thinking about what i would do if a family member was in the situation of refusing a blood transfusion.
if the doctors were trying to force them to accept a transfusion, would i support my family members right to choose or would i take the position that they are brainwashed and are incapable of making a rational choice on the matter?
does the fact that they are hopelessly ill informed take away from their right to make a choice that they know will kill them?
If I want my family to support my wishes of accepting blood, I would need to support their wishes of refusing it. Would anyone here go against a DNR order that a family member had in place? Would that not be comparable?
A gift from me to you for Valentine's Day
by sweetface2233 infor those of you who have a valentine, there is a pretty good deal offered to listener's of a morning radio show here in dc.
just go to www.proflowers.com and at the top of the page, press "heard about us on tv or radio.
" the password is diamond.
Loubelle, I'm not seeing anyone either, but for the first time in my life, I do have a Valentine. One of my girlfriends and I made reservations at a restaurant we like and we have turned it into a big joke. I'm not going to feel bad about not being in a relationship on supposedly the "most romantic day of the year". I'm done feeling sorry for myself because I haven't been able to meet the guy wants to be w/ me. I'm still going to have a good time, like I always do w/ her; and I won't have to worry about her expecting anything afterward.
I am actually going to take advantage of one of the specials. I miss my sister very much and will be sending her a bouquet. Her door may be closed to me, but mine will always be open to her.
P.S. I just heard on the radio that the special ends TODAY!
A gift from me to you for Valentine's Day
by sweetface2233 infor those of you who have a valentine, there is a pretty good deal offered to listener's of a morning radio show here in dc.
just go to www.proflowers.com and at the top of the page, press "heard about us on tv or radio.
" the password is diamond.
For those of you who have a valentine, there is a pretty good deal offered to listener's of a morning radio show here in DC. Just go to www.proflowers.com and at the top of the page, press "Heard about us on TV or Radio." The password is Diamond. One dozen red roses or 2 dozen assorted colored roses for $39.99. There are also several other offers (20, I believe) on that page. I personally like the "Thinking of You" bouqet...wink, wink.
Everyone enjoy their Valentine, if you happen to have one.
Favorite Quotes
by Abandoned ini love inspirational quotes.
i read through them from time to time and i always feel better after sharing the thoughts of yesterday and today's greatest minds.
"if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.
Don't make someone a priority if they only consider you as an option.
It's not you....it's me....so a damn good marriage is about to end...
by oompa ini just dont think i can take it anymore....my wife of 11 years is such a great gal... but we are just not connecting anymore......otwo says hang in there...as she may come around and wake up!!
!....but the extreme differences in our lifes are starting to take a toll...and may be making me want to drink too much.....i should not need to self medicate like this!!
!.....soooooo wish i had never woken up or could just deal with the real truth....what a rock to my world.......nothing will be the same.................................................oompa.
Drinking since 11am? On a weekday???? Dude, don't you have a job? If not, find one...it will get your mind off of this shit.
And excuse me, but does it seem to anyone else that we have been through something like this before, quite recently? Someone making comments for HOURS about drinking or ODING, not getting the attention that they believe they should, so a separate thread is started.
It's not you....it's me....so a damn good marriage is about to end...
by oompa ini just dont think i can take it anymore....my wife of 11 years is such a great gal... but we are just not connecting anymore......otwo says hang in there...as she may come around and wake up!!
!....but the extreme differences in our lifes are starting to take a toll...and may be making me want to drink too much.....i should not need to self medicate like this!!
!.....soooooo wish i had never woken up or could just deal with the real truth....what a rock to my world.......nothing will be the same.................................................oompa.
You won't be getting any hugs from me, but you will get an, "I have been there before and remember exactly what it is like." Deciding to end a marriage is a very hard thing to do. Months from now you will regret it and want back in it. But, hang in there...your future does have happiness in it.
Hey remember, you aren't too far from DC and I have the summer off
Do the others know?
by 4mylove ini keep hearing that at judicial committees (?
) very explicit details are asked of those being questioned.
do others in the congregation know how detailed these meetings get?
My last JC consisted of 4 different meetings w/ each meeting getting more detailed than the last; long story. If you have never experienced a JC, you probably heard about it from your JW friends who were grilled in one. Word gets around about those things. The purpose? Probably because their lives are boring and their wives are prudes...it gives them material for a circle jerk after the DF'd or reproved publisher leaves the KH.
Anyone attending the Memorial this year?
by sooner7nc inmy wife is probably expecting me to go, and i'm not looking forward to the confrontation.
I am still planning on that yeast infection. Maybe I'll get 2 and double my chances of not being welcome...NO LEAVEN!!!
On another note, the first Memorial I missed was in 2006. I was on a date that night. I wasn't all that interested in the guy, but I made sure to get naked as the ultimate "F-YOU" to the WTS and the JWs who were pestering me.