Oh yeah, cause it's so respectful of other parents to leave brainwashing literature with their children!
JoinedPosts by brunnhilde
Hilarious video on YouTube !! - "I Love Pioneering"
by dorayakii inlook at this video on youtube, it was just sent to me today.
i almost wet myselfwith laughter!!!.
More JW Folklore, Enjoy
by moomanchu insent to me by my jw relatives.. is this for real ??????????
from a brother in kansas.. this was an experience from japan, as told by a circuit overseer: .
jehovah's witnesses were doing street work and placed some magazines with a man.
I had to hoot when I saw this - we had a biddy in our cong who was so zealous she named her poor Australian shepherd after this guy!! I'd forgotten about it until I saw the thread. What nuts!
For anyone struggling to free themselves or loved ones from the Watchtower.
by nicolaou ini just wanted to share an encouraging thought with anyone who is struggling to fade away from the watchtower.
six years ago, when i first started posting here, i was a ministerial servant with doubts.
my wife was an active sister and my 11 and 12 year old sons were enrolled in the theocratic ministry school and going out in field service every week along with their 7 year old sister.. there has been a lot of stress and tears along the way, my wife and i often wondered what our future would bring, but i can honestly say that we have made it.
I remember when I was first seeing my therapist because I was so sick with guilt over not being able to buy into the load of B.S. anymore, and he asked if there were any others I could talk to and I just stared at him, horrified that he would suggest I would even CONSIDER speaking to apostates! I kept spluttering about how even looking online could get me thrown out! I swear, these guys could give the folks in Guantanomo Bay some lessons on psychological torture that would make waterboarding look like walking in the rain! Good on ya, N, for escaping intact! My little immediate family is out as well, tho my parents and my husbands dad are still in and appalled that we've stopped "running the fine race..." BARF! Sounds harsh, but once they've passed on, I think I'll photocopy my big white a** and write TAKE ME OFF YOUR LIST! and mail that back to the BORG headquarters *snicker*
If You've Faded, Do You Still Consider Yourself a Dub?
by brunnhilde ini've been thinking about this a lot, because i've chosen to fade and i would never refer to myself as a jdub, but i've read postings from others who do.
i would have written a letter a year ago but i've got older parents who are upset enough about me just not attending.
on another thread someone is also leaving and they were advised to tell the jc to do whatever, to not acknowledge that they have any authority.
I've been thinking about this a lot, because I've chosen to fade and I would NEVER refer to myself as a Jdub, but I've read postings from others who do. If you do, how come? I would have written a letter a year ago but I've got older parents who are upset enough about me just not attending. On another thread someone is also leaving and they were advised to tell the JC to do whatever, to not acknowledge that they have any authority. I just don't want to be counted as inactive or considered to be a dub in any way shape or form!
Why Is Everything Always Wrong To A Jehovah's Witness???
by minimus innothing is ok. everything is problematic..... what if you stumble someone???--------.
let's say you want to invite someone over, you gotta worry about someone thinking your favoring this one over another.
you might be accused of having "cliques".
I remember my friends mother telling me very earnestly that a song by the Police, "Murder By Numbers," was Satan teaching people how to kill each other. Even at sixteen I knew it was satirical about the cheapness of life in the political arena but try explaining THAT to a JW Zealot. She told me her sister had thrown away all of my friends tapes, for her own good, of course!
Are There Watchtower Employees?
by sammielee24 informer employees of the watchtower society canadian headquarters in georgetown, called bethel, have indicated in court documents that how and associates is, in fact, the jehovah's witnesses legal department.. does this then mean that the bethel workers classified as employee's are entitled to employment insurance?
workers compensation?
does this include all those that have been sent home from bethel over the past year?
Good on her! Wonder how long before she was DF'd...
Why Is Everything Always Wrong To A Jehovah's Witness???
by minimus innothing is ok. everything is problematic..... what if you stumble someone???--------.
let's say you want to invite someone over, you gotta worry about someone thinking your favoring this one over another.
you might be accused of having "cliques".
Because you were always being watched! It was like a Soviet state where we were all spying on each other, for our own good, of course! And anything that might have stumbled someone was potentially dangerous, cause we all know there were some real freaks who were just LOOKING for something to be offended about! I remember the terror I felt when we moved and some sisters from the new cong helped me unpack - MY HARRY POTTER MOVIES!!!!!!
Remember the song Make The Truth Your Own?
by pierogi inwhat is the wtbts exactly saying here because they don't let you make the truth your own?
besides nicknaming the religion "the truth", this is just another example of how the wtbts brainwash jws to think that the truth and the watchtower are the same thing.
i think this might be why jws, before hearing anything negative about the watchtower, already decide that it is false or they defend it.
"By the way you do conduct yourself, you make known that the truth is your own." Now how ironic can it get. The way you conduct yourself is the way THEY tell you to, so how the hell is that "making the truth your own"????? And what about, "The devil will ever resort to deception," when THEY are the ones who deliberately withhold information "for our own good." What a load of BS!
A call to all NF's and NT's (Myers Briggs)
by becca1 inok, some of you may be sick of these personality type issues but here goes.. i've noticed that whenever these topics come up, nf's and nt's come out of the woodwork.
in case you didn't know, these are the minority of the geneal population.
in a random setting you will have only 2 to 5% of n's (infp, infj,enfp,enfj,intp,intj,entp,entj).
Another ENTP "Rational" woman here. I think as N's we question authority a hell of a lot more than S types. Someone explained it this way to me once: S types have a worldview and when they get a new piece of information, they fit it into the worldview they already have. N types (especially NT's) have a worldview, get a new piece of information, and flex the worldview to accommodate the new information. I've always referred to myself as an information junkie - I always want to know more, which with the B'Org is hard because they just repeat the same crap over and over again, and also, heaven forfend you get any information from anywhere ELSE. Something else I've noticed about N's vs. S types, and I don't mean to sound offensive, but S types enjoy small talk, just talking about not really anything - they enjoy the process of visiting. It is comforting and comfortable to them. For me, small talk is incredibly uncomfortable and totally meaningless. When I talk, I want to have a discussion, I want it be interesting and thought provoking and lively! That, I have found, after many long years being married to an ESFJ husband, is disconcerting and stressful for S types. *sigh* I am SO glad I'm going to university!!! I can talk and argue and discuss and all that and I get to know stuff and they think it's a GOOD thing!!! And as a woman, I can even disagree with a man and point out (as I did recently with one of my profs) when he's missing the point! Even better, he doesn't look grave and disapproving, he looks thoughtful and slightly sheepish!! *clears throat* Ummm, sorry, didn't mean to get all worked up about that. Its just such a relief to be out and able to be who I really am. I never could before.
Did you find it hard to work and go to all your meetings?
by JH ini remember when i had a seasonal job and worked 40 or 50 hours a week, i missed many meetings, cause i was too tired to go to a 2 hour meeting.. i prefered to rest or keep that precious time for myself.. when i was layed off, then i found the time and energy to go to my meetings..
ROFLMAO Finally-Free!!! It's so freaky to roll those old terms out. *SNORT* The true language indeed!