JoinedTopics Started by awaken2004
Any new directions about Facebook at the summer conventions?
by awaken2004 injust wondering because a few of my jw friends have "left the building".
i really hope so because i am totally regretting having a few fb pals.
hope more leave soon.
Hate Crime / Graffiti on KH
by awaken2004 in (sorry don't know how to post link).
this is the kh my family attends.
of course my brother only posted this on facebook because it happened to the dubs.
Mother Denies Heart Surgery For Infant, Cites Religion
by awaken2004 in
sorry if you cannot click on the link.
thought i would share this here.
JW Jokes - Post Your Favorites
by awaken2004 ina man arrives at the gates of heaven.. st peter asks, "religion?".
the man replies, "methodist.".
a third man arrives at the gates.. st. peter: "religion?".
So. California Meetup June 20
by awaken2004 ini know it is last minute and i do apologize for not posting sooner.
a few of us will be meeting tomorrow at about 2:30 pm.. .
please pm me or email me a [email protected] for details if you want to join us.
So. California Meetup May 23
by awaken2004 inwell i'll ne having a meetup this month and i hope you can make it.
i haven't picked a location but it will be at a restaurant saturday, may 23 about 4:00 p.m. it will probably be at the usual place applebees restaurant.
i'll confirm the location soon.. .
So. California Meetup
by awaken2004 ini was on the old website as sandy if any of you remember.
well i'll ne having another meetup this month and i hope you can make it.
i haven't picked a location but it will be at a restaurant saturday, april 25th about 5:30 p.m.. .
Which group would you say J-dubs hate more?
by awaken2004 incatholics or born again christians?.
i know someone who doesn't believe the j-dub doctrines but anytime he talks to a non-witness about religion he takes on this arrogant attitude that.
the witnesses know more about the bible than any other religion.
by awaken2004 ini am still annoyed by this elder from the kh i used to attend.
i was there a few weeks ago to attend a service for my uncle who died.. the elder as usual work into his talk about not worrying about getting rich or having money.
he always preaches to people from the platform it is.
Death of a JW Relative
by awaken2004 ina jw relative of mine died last month.
i believe he was 80 years old.
he knew he was going to die and said all his goodbye to family and friends.