I would like to say thank you for all these PDF's youve made and keep making available. Unfortunately for me I cant download them all such as the prevous 2 Rutherford's or these ones as the ones with sendspace download at less than a snails pace ie 1kb/sec for me and I dont know why. Thanks for the ones I can get.
JoinedPosts by beginnersmind
Face The Facts and End Of Axis Powers--PDF's by request!
by Atlantis inface the facts and end of axis powers--pdf's by request!
request from researcher: hi atlantis!
i used to have 2 booklets by rutherford called face the facts and end of axis powers, but they got trashed and i thought that you might have them on pdf.
JW's to be glorified at Holocaust event
by Apostate Kate2 inread from the bottom up.
i sent them an email.http://www.blueridgenow.com/article/20070923/news/709230304/1018/services03/news/center_for_diversity_education_brings_anne_frank_a_history_for_today_to_asheville thanks for writing kathleen.
it is helpful to recieve a variety of viewpoints on this.
I would no way condone the leadership being praised or glorified in their so called stand and I think what the Watchtower leadership did was cowardly and inexcusable but I believe that the rank and file JW who died should be remembered as much as anybody else. However they should be rememebered as individuals as opposed to being lumped together with their leadership if that makes sense.
Are you a good person? Take the Bible challenge.
by jesusisgod inmost people consider themselves to be a good person.
i have asked several people just in passing and with family members, and they have confirmed this.
when asked, "do you consider yourself to be a good person?
You've been watching Kirk Cameron haven't you?
My thoughts exactly, 'Way of the Master' and "your a lieing, theiving adulterer at heart" and all that. His sidekick really irritates me but thats another story.
The FDS and the 144,000
by Doug Mason inwould someone please verify and explain the following wts theocratic arrangement for me.
it is my understanding that the fds is made up of all members of the anointed who are on earth (wt march 1,2004 page 10 par.
9), and that this fds class is represented on earth by the governing body.
My take is that they try to explain the domestics and the slave class as the same group but individually to explains to the rank & file and any annointed who arent in the governing body the reason why they can have a governing body with only a few of the slave class on it. You only have to read the questions from readers from the may 1st 2007 watchtower to see how one of the annointed who's not a governing body member should view themselves.
"However, genuine Christians do not demand special attention. They do not believe that their being of the anointed gives them special "insights" beyond what even some experienced members of the great crowd may have; nor do they expect special treatment or claim that their partaking of the emblems places them above the appointed elders in the congregation."
I guess that puts all the annoined in their place huh?
Was told about another JW molester in Ontario
by truthsearcher ina storekeeper and i got into a conversation about the witnesses yesterday and i told him about the recent lawsuit settlements for pedophiles by the watchtower.
that prompted his memory of a local case where a witness was being molested by daddy and brother, went to the elders, told she was lying, nothing done to dad and big bro.
years later, she finally got up the nerve to do something about it, the case went to court, charges were laid.
I'd like to offer a friendly welcome to the newbies The Oracle and Beginnersmind.
Thanks and thanks for sharing this info.
Was told about another JW molester in Ontario
by truthsearcher ina storekeeper and i got into a conversation about the witnesses yesterday and i told him about the recent lawsuit settlements for pedophiles by the watchtower.
that prompted his memory of a local case where a witness was being molested by daddy and brother, went to the elders, told she was lying, nothing done to dad and big bro.
years later, she finally got up the nerve to do something about it, the case went to court, charges were laid.
Thanks steviedances & truthsearcher for the comments on the threats. Truthsearcher I can understand the non physical or spiritual ones with the emotional and spiritual blackmail thrown in and I agree that is exactly what they are and I agree with everything you say. I was more asking about the physical kind and steviedances your right I suppose someone who can abuse children could quite easily threaten someone phsically especially faced with prison. I think I was more thinking how could a jw threaten another jw instead of a pedophile threatening a victim. Thanks again for your comments on this.
Rutherford's last book Children 1941-"Don't have kid's till after Armegedon
by Witness 007 inprinted during w.w 2 on cheap paper this soft cover book is rare.
so i stole one from the hall.
interesting quotes.. watch.
So I stole one from the Hall.
You mean you borrowed it and will return at a later unspecified time right?
Was told about another JW molester in Ontario
by truthsearcher ina storekeeper and i got into a conversation about the witnesses yesterday and i told him about the recent lawsuit settlements for pedophiles by the watchtower.
that prompted his memory of a local case where a witness was being molested by daddy and brother, went to the elders, told she was lying, nothing done to dad and big bro.
years later, she finally got up the nerve to do something about it, the case went to court, charges were laid.
Many are unable to do that because of the threats made on their well being, even their life.
I dont suppose you or anybody for that matter can provide proof to back this comment up especially the latter part? Im just asking because if im going to bring this up in conversation I would like to be abe to say it knowing I can back it up with evidence and not be accused of just repeating heresay. Do you know what I mean?
Vindication 3 1932 quote about reading Rutherfords books better than Bible
by beginnersmind in1932 "if you spend 15 minutes reading each of rutherford's books you would get more pleasure than you would reading the bible for a whole year" {vin3 383} .
this is twice now ive seen this quote posted on topix.net and when i asked for confirmation of it the first time over there i didnt get any.
when i searched online i managed to find the vindication 3 book but it didnt go upto page 383. can someone verify that the above quote is accurate or check this book if they have it?
Thank you for the scan! Coming after the index explains why I couldnt find it online as the copy I found finished after the last normal page. Thanks all again.
Vindication 3 1932 quote about reading Rutherfords books better than Bible
by beginnersmind in1932 "if you spend 15 minutes reading each of rutherford's books you would get more pleasure than you would reading the bible for a whole year" {vin3 383} .
this is twice now ive seen this quote posted on topix.net and when i asked for confirmation of it the first time over there i didnt get any.
when i searched online i managed to find the vindication 3 book but it didnt go upto page 383. can someone verify that the above quote is accurate or check this book if they have it?
Yes a scan of it would be great indeed. Im holding off telling a family member this quote until ive seen it with my own eyes.