I start with a basic definition of God (as in the Adler version), faith as a
choice of hope or not in that possibility beyond the known, and atheism as re-
jection of belief in God or gods. Character, belief in yet other things,
ability to get the facts right, centric intolerance, names for God, interven-
tions, law of the land, etc., are all optional additional stipulations. Reli-
gion typically combines faith and belonging to a social group.
Not all believers claim to prove is and not all disbelievers claim to prove
isn't. The prove is and isn't-ers belong in their own category, and it's the
same category as the GB--there isn't any prove is or isn't for the basics of
that. Someone trying to rationalize an atheist is a believer typically means
they likewise assert something as proven beyond what can be proven but that
category is for those of either group who are mistaken or propadandizing. For
example, the GB belongs in that group and I assume they don't have faith, not
that they do.