Metatron, I thought many of those same things today. Thank you for articulating for those of us who have been stunned into silence. Again I am sure that JW's will prove themselves totally useless in any constructive way in this situation.
ARoarer, I am so, so glad that your son is all right. (I can't believe you have a boy of college age, btw) I will pray (something I rarely do anymore) for his continued safety.
A very distant relative of my husband's (His Uncle's brother's wife)was in one of the towers. Somehow, she got out before the major explosions. She is very lucky.
I just keep looking at the pictures and thinking how can they believe that anyone is still alive under that? How? It seems impossible. I hope that I'm wrong.
I just keep thinking of all the children whose parents didn't come home tonight.
Who are never coming home.
so sad
p.s. I have two cousins who are exJW's now in the military who may be called in to do clean up in New York. Please keep them in your thoughts. One of them is a father of two children under the age of 2, who only joined the reserves earlier this year. They told him that he'll be among the first to go because of the training he has...