*snif sniff* I love weddings! Thanks so much Mulan for showing us that picture, they look very happy!!! :)
for anyone who is interested, here is a photo of my son and his new bride.
i know they look really young, but they are 22 and 23. young, but not terribly young.. i would have posted a photo of myself, but since i took the snapshots, i wasn't in any of them.
you will have to wait for the professional photos.
*snif sniff* I love weddings! Thanks so much Mulan for showing us that picture, they look very happy!!! :)
there are some really weird and interesting names on this site.
just out of interest, lets swap details of how we selected our chosen "stage name", it could be fun!.
i chose "englishman" when i first started to lurk at h20.
I think that most of the H2O vets know where mine came from, the character of the Gypsy dancer who is living among her outcast people and befriends Quasimodo in Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame.
I also love the Disney version of Esmeralda because of the song she sang: "God help the outcasts." The lyrics are up on my website. It resonated with me back when I was first having doubts about the Borg but had not the courage to act on them yet.
I have another net alias that I've used for five years outside the ex-Jw realm (star trek related). I nearly used that one on H2O but it's known by all my family (and also is the nickname my husband calls me) so I didn't post it here because of the recognition factor.
My husband's alias, JackDawson is self explanatory. He is registered here but mostly lurks. He posted on H2O a couple of times.
Anyone have nicknames that they considered using but didn't? I think that would be an interesting side issue. My other (nearly taken) choice was Eponine (another Victor Hugo character) Then again if I'd known about the Powerpuff girls back when I registered my nick on H2O I probably would have been Buttercup *lol*
to carry the island thing further, if you were stuck on an island what 10 movies would you have?.
1. superman.
2. airplane!.
The Empire Strikes Back
The Princess Bride
Star Trek First Contact
12 To the Moon: Mystery Science Theater 3000 Version (Was a tv movie though, not theatrical release)
Dead Poets Society
The Fugitive
Brigadoon (Gene Kelly Musical)
And I'm leaving one blank because I know I'll forget one and have to come back *lol*
here's the moment we've all been waiting for.
the release of the jw.com ladies photo shoot.
please refrain from any lewd comments.
Boy, am I glad that my avatar is a cartoon character *ROFLMAO*
Slayer, I salute you. I can't wait to see what Mulan says when she gets back *LOL*
Hey Mulan,
Don't cry too hard about your mom not going sweetie! Remember that we both have those 'special' moms? Well I actually hoped that mine would skip my wedding! No such luck!
She managed to behave herself most of the day but the rest of the trip with her was a nightmare (we had a 'destination wedding', out of state). It would definitely have been easier if she'd skipped it.
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow! Enjoy the day, we'll all be with you in spirit! I hope your son has a long and happy marriage.
awake 22.8.01 coping with post-traumatic stress.
the awake article deals with the tricky and sensitive subject of ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder).
certainly there are many grievous situations that bring about this situation today.
Great post!
I was actually just thinking about this very subject this morning. I told my husband, it's no wonder that JW's are so depressed, they're constantly under the pressure of believing that Armageddon is coming any minute, but no one knows when, and feeling responsible for saving as many people as possible from the wrath of their 'loving' God.
It's no wonder JW's are depressed!
I want to post more on this but it's late...just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated this post, its a keeper. You're right on the mark!
...lost to suicide, years ago.
he was a model young jw.. this is something i've been wanting to write for a very long time, and its finally finished.
i am posting.
Dedalus! You're making me tear up now *lol* You're such a sweet thing, your remarks made my day. You, too, have effected me in much the same way as you say I have you: going on to get your education and live the life you want despite your family's reactions...that is heroic to me, my sweet little cyber bro. I love ya *HUGGGGGGG*** I hope Foxy is feeling okay! I still mean to send you pictures...with my Dad and all I'm behind in everything. Please give her my best and pat her tummy for me! *lol*
That haircut story is the funniest thing I've heard in ages. Thanks for giving me a good laugh today. I'm glad your hair survived *lol*
Michelle, hey sweets! Great to see ya. Sorry I've been such a lousy pen pal. Dad is doing well...though it's progressing too slowly for his liking *lol* Justin is still looking for work *groan* but it's actually been a blessing to have him to help with driving Dad around since I can't... I'll do my best to write you a real letter soon! Thanks again for posting.
Hey there bboyneko, nice to meet you. Thanks for the quote, I too have not read that poem in some time. That's why I love poetry: good poems are like old friends. You can spend ages of time away from them and the second you get reacquainted, it's like no time has passed. Thanks again.
Thanks to you too Randy. You too are one of my heroes, for all the work you have done and will do to help others get out of the Tower.
If I start naming my heroes off here I am definitely going to cry, so I better stop here!
Love ya all
i just felt the need to check in.
i've just felt so touched at the heart by those of you who responded with such loving interest yesterday.
and while i need to be grown up, responsible, and wise, sometimes all i want is for someone to love me and keep me safe.
Hi Troubled,
I'm glad to hear from you honey, I was so concerned last night.
I can only echo what the others have said, I'm glad you're still talking. You're going through some really tough things right now...most of us have been there and know that you will be fine...you'll make it out the other side. Just hang in there and keep talking. We're listening.
p.s. Oh, there IS one thing I can add to the other posts... Don't pay any mind to You Know.
The Four Agreements:
Be Impeccable With Your Word
Don't Take Anything Personally
Don't Make Assumptions
Always Do Your Best
...lost to suicide, years ago.
he was a model young jw.. this is something i've been wanting to write for a very long time, and its finally finished.
i am posting.
...lost to suicide, years ago. He was a model young JW.
This is something I've been wanting to write for a very long time, and its finally finished. I am posting
the link here instead of the text to save bandwidth: http://www.homestead.com/WTSurvivors/Hero.html
Dear Troubled,
I am so concerned for you after reading your post. I have not seen your others but will look for them now.
As a person who contemplated suicide constantly between the ages of 13 and 25, I can tell you that I understand the appeal of the 'peace', just quietness of death. Though this may sound trite, please know that I am totally sincere when I say that SUICIDE IS NEVER THE ANSWER!
I agree with the others who say keep talking here as much as you need, and also with those who directed you toward professional counseling. I know that there is a big stigma attatched to it in the Org, please don't let that stop you.
You are a person of value, of immeasurable worth in this Universe. There is no one else like you. Please don't do anything that would deprive those who love you (and I know there are those who do, even if it doesn't feel that way right now!) and also those of us who could love you if we have the chance to get to know you, the opportunity to do so!
Just this morning I was writing about someone who I was fond of who committed suicide when I was 18. It's been 12 years and I still think of the hole that he left in all of our lives.
Please be kind to yourself and remember that no man can measure your value or tell you that you're worthless, even if you feel that you are. WT programming plays upon all of our feelings of unworthiness and whips them into a total frenzy. Please don't give in to them. Don't let them win.
You are, as Six of Nine said, on the cusp of a new life. That can be frightening. But the peace comes when you realize that you don't have to please any man, only your personal higher power, or code of living.
You only have to do your best, no one can ever ask more of you than that.
I hope this is making sense, I'm brain fried today; but I couldn't let your post go without responding.
Please know that we're all sending you all the good thoughts and positive feelings that we can. To everyone who has responded so kindly to troubled, I salute you and (((hugs))) to you all.
*hugs* To you too, Troubled...
p.s. Maximus...finally saw Gladiator and thought of you throughout it...I hope all is going well with you my friend. I think of you often and have been keeping up with your posts here as my health allows...
The Four Agreements:
Be Impeccable With Your Word
Don't Take Anything Personally
Don't Make Assumptions
Always Do Your Best