Hi there S4!!! So good to see you here, I've often wondered what became of you! *hugs* Hope to hear updates from you now and again :)
this is from seeker4, whom some of you may remember from h2o.
have been quiet for several months, and not even reading the boards.
too busy.
Hi there S4!!! So good to see you here, I've often wondered what became of you! *hugs* Hope to hear updates from you now and again :)
hey ... i'm just getting into the swing of this great 'apostasy' thing right ... ?
... i thought y'all out there might well have a story or two to tell, so ... plz tell me tell me tell me about the most embarrasing thing you ever saw at a meeting ...
ROFL What a great thread!
My cousin was about four or five, and he and his Mom were in service and he tells her that he has to go to the bathroom. She tells him to wait until she's done with the door they're at. Well, turns out the lady wanted to talk a bit. Finally, my cousin turns around, unzips and starts relieving himself on the ladies bushes *ROFLMAO* My Aunt was mortified, fortunately the lady at the door said "I have sons, don't worry about it!"
When I was about four, a brother was giving a talk on Abraham. He read the scripture about "Abraham's bosom." Now mind you, all the women in my family are, uh, generously endowed to put it mildly. So here I am picturing this guy with a big gray beard and huge boobs *LOL* I laughed so hard that I had to be taken to the ladies room. For the rest of the meeting. Every time my Mom asked me if I was ready to go back out, I'd lose it again. My Mom found it amusing, thank goodness but I don't think the rest of the congregation did, because when we finally left the bathroom you should have seen the looks *lol*.
And my all time favorite... my little brother was about five months old at his first Memorial, and my Mom gave him a bottle to keep him quiet. Well, during the prayer over the wine, it was dead silent in the Hall and just as the brother on the platform says "Jehovah, please bless this wine." My over-fed baby brother burped, loud. All the teenaged brothers sitting in the row in front of us lost it and you could see their shoulders shaking with laughter. A young married sister next to them slapped one of them on the arm so he'd stop laughing. *ROFLMAO*
Thanks for the laughs everyone.
last night i went to my first meditation class, conducted by a nice young man, teaching a yoga-type meditation.
it is my first venture into meditating, and i thought i would share a couple of interesting points.
i was with an old friend, who also happens to be an ex dub, but only out about a year.
Hi Mulan!
I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your class. I took up Yoga last April and just LOVE it, even though I'm limited in the poses I can do because of the MS. I have tapes on meditation and have been longing to really get into them, but with my Father being ill and living with us I have only this week been able to get back to it after 2 months without it. I missed it SO much!
The JW attitude/reaction to Yoga is hilarious. Here for your amusement is a re-posting of what happened to me when my JW family found out I'd taken up Yoga.
Love ya!
Posted: Apr 10, 2001 5:54:43 PMGood Greif. My JW relatives really, really need to get a hobby of some kind to keep them
busy.My sister Claire stopped by today (with a hilarious story of a comedy of errors and how all
my relatives assumed that other relatives were picking up my daughter for the memorial...
but that's another post right there)Anyway, she said to me "You look really good today, better than I've seen you in awhile."
"I've started doing some gentle restorative Yoga. Doing wonders for my muscles" I replied.
A few minutes later, she said "Dad called me up today and said 'what do you think about Yoga?'
"How the heck does Dad know I'm doing yoga? I haven't told anyone until you just now!"
"I asked him why he asked, and he told me that he'd called your house and Leah answered the phone.
Said you couldn't come to the phone because you were 'meditating and doing your yoga'. He was
concerned. I told him that stretching exercises are good for you...and..." then she paused "As long
as you're not doing trascendental meditation or whatever..."I laughed out loud.
Can you believe that! I've been disfellowshipped nearly three years and my family is still
gossiping about something as trivial as the kind of exercise I do.Good grief.
Happy Monday everybody.
prayers and thoughts for my wife, liza, who is undergoing a hysterectomy today.. she has fibrodal tumors and cysts in her uterus, she gets to keep her ovaries (thank god).. yeru (who gets cut off for six weeks).
All my best wishes that she'll have a quick recovery, Yeru. I'm sure you'll take great care of her :)
Beautiful girl. I fear the day my daughter will look like that *lol*
Of course any boy coming around here will have to get through a very determined step father, then bio father, several grandfathers and step grandfathers, uncles, and then ME *lol*
I pity him already :)
Boozerunner, that is just about the funniest thing I've ever seen. I'm printing it out to show my husband. He is going to love it *lol*
Thanks for the smile today, I really needed it :)
brain surgery possible without blood transfusion .
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010725/hl/blood_1.html .
new york (reuters health) - patients who object to blood transfusions for religious reasons may still be able to safely undergo brain or spinal surgery, researchers report.
I can follow it up for you, Maximus.
My father had a brain aneurysm in June. He needed a craniotomy and clip surgery to save his life.
My JW family upheld his wishes and refused blood. He didn't need it, he was lucky enough to have the director of the neurosurgery department at a huge university hospital to perform his surgery. He survived.
Twelve days later, my mother in law, (not a JW) had an abdominal aneurysm and bled out into her belly. She lost her entire blood volume, then from the first hospital ER, as they pumped more into her
on the helicopter: as they pumped more into her as they put her in and through surgery. All in all she lost her blood volume four times.
It took 23 pints of red cells, 7 of fresh frozen plasma and one of platelets to save her life. There is no doubt that if not for the blood, I would have been visiting her grave and not her hospital bedside.
One of the first things she said to me when she got off of her respirator and was able to speak was this: "It's a good thing that your father didn't have what I had, or things would be very different right now."
Still, my JW family refuses to accept that she needed blood at all. They insist she 'could have survived without it'. Excuse my language, but BULLSHIT! They refuse to accept that blood can and does save lives, they refuse to accept that the WTS keeps watering down the issue as people keep dying: fraction this, byproduct that, it means NOTHING. No one in my family would take blood, because they say that regardless of the society's 'new light' that it's wrong. That it should be poured out onto the ground once it's bled out.
Interesting, though, that none of them batted an eye when my Dad, and my sister who is his patient advocate, agreed to the use of the cel saver machine if need be. Doesn't sound like pouring it out on the ground to me.
It's all bullshit. People are dying because those old rotting, decomposing men in Brooklyn would rather let them than admit that they screwed up.
It sickens me to no end.
Okay, I am going to leave it here before my blood pressure goes up any more myself.
*hugs* to you Maximus...
fellow posters;.
sad news.
winston smith (screen name) a fellow poster and friend died friday july 20, 2001 at 43 years old.
I'm moving this back to the front.
Thank you to everyone who has posted their condolances to me and others here who were Ed's friends.
I got to know Ed through correspondance over the past 20 months, and I can tell you that I leaned on his shoulder many times. A quote from one of his letters to me from last year:
"I've got big shoulders...so if you ever need anything, anything, if it's in my power, I'll do it. Bye for now, we'll talk soon."
I cannot believe he's gone. I keep wondering things like I wonder who is going to take his beloved cat? Things that make no sense. And I was only his friend, I can't imagine how his fiancee is feeling right now. I want to publicly thank HoChiMin for taking my message, as well as the comments that were posted here yesterday to Alma at the service. HCM, I can't tell you what that meant to me. Thank you, thank you.
Ed was buried today. I have the URL to his memorial info, there is a URL where you can leave an entry in the guestbook. One of the brilliant Women Awake ladies found it and I am so grateful to you too, Cynthia.
If you'd like it, please e mail me. I don't feel comfortable posting it here.
Thanks again for all your well wishes.
This just can't be happening...
fellow posters;.
sad news.
winston smith (screen name) a fellow poster and friend died friday july 20, 2001 at 43 years old.
HCM, that link doesn't work, could you check the URL and re=post?
Nelly, when you speak to Alma could you please send her my love? I hadn't talked to her since my dad's aneurysm but I knew she was to go out to him shortly...do you know if she made the move before this happened?
I'm just heartbroken for her...for all of us who loved him.
(((hugs))) for you too
Sorry, it does work, I must have been typing it in wrong. Hard to see the screen...
fellow posters;.
sad news.
winston smith (screen name) a fellow poster and friend died friday july 20, 2001 at 43 years old.
Bringing this back up to the top. Will anyone with information on what happened exactly to Ed please contact me by e mail?
I'm re-reading letters back and forth from me to Ed and back again that span a year and a half...and I can't imagine the world losing such a good man.
fellow posters;.
sad news.
winston smith (screen name) a fellow poster and friend died friday july 20, 2001 at 43 years old.
Ed and I are/were good friends...I will have to try to contact his girlfriend and see what happened.
I'm horrified. I'll miss him so much :( :( :(
Es, not believing what she's reading