who/what is dd candidlynuts? never come accross that abbrev b4
Posts by mia_b
JW kids with Bebo & other such accounts. Its scandelous!
by jambon1 infor those who dont know, bebo is a kind of free web site thing that you can use to put lots of info about yourself, friends & pictures etc.
i think its a bit like myspace or whatever its called.. anyway, i got asked to look at an individuals page and of course it had links etc to this persons friends.
all were jw`s.. if i were still a witness, the stuff that is put on these websites would have concerned me.
Do you Sudoku?
by BlackSwan of Memphis ini tried the one in the newspaper the other day and just about solved it.
but thought i should start small and work my way up to get a better understanding of how it's played.. so i picked up a sudoku mag at target the other day.
it's an easy one and i'm really getting the hang of it and enjoying it.
Have done but got bored :D
OFF to MADISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by whyamihere inwell i am off to madison........... my husband, aka doormat is on a business trip, so i am driving down to see him - as if!
i am dropping off the kids and seeing good girl or bad girl.
it is a little dinner we are having.
glad u had a good time! looks like it was a fun nyt.
Why Is There a Seemingly Large Percentage of X JW Jerks?
by XJW4EVR inthis is something i posted on minimus' "looked down" thread, and thought i would split it off into another topic.. so why is there a seemingly large number of x-jw jerks in cyberspace?.
longhairedgal wrote this:.
i know ex-dubs can be pretty bad.
another problem as well as the obvious where people will say things they may not say face to face is that you may not realise the "tone" in which the post is meant. some hav a dry sense of humor or think they are humorously sarcastic which may just be read by you as "jerk" but they didnt mean it to be read that way.
Name 3 reasons for your exit or near exit from the WTS.....................
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmy main 3 reasons for my near exit from the wts are:.
1. armageddon is always around the corner.lies and false promises.
( i'm still waiting ).
1. being abused by father and finding he could be an elder again
2. lack of love and no support while my father received lots of support
3. being depressed and never able to do enough (when i said that no matter how i prayed i never felt close to god my sister said i obviously wasnt praying hard enough)
Why didn't someone warn me?
by slimboyfat inmy god i thought i was going to have a heart attack!
why didn't someone warn me there was going to be a talk on "how to identify an apostate" tonight?.
well i am just lucky the brother didn't mention the tell tale signs of firstly, clutching your chest at the surprise when you hear title of the talk, then grabbing hold of the seat like you are on a nose-diving airplane for its duration.
lmao i can just imagine it even if i dont know what u look like! glad i dont go anymore!
Things YOU eat, that other people think is weird.
by misanthropic inthis mornings events have got me thinking about things.
i love peanut butter, not the sweet kind but i like the old fashioned peanut butter, usually laura scudder's with no sugar or preservatives - it just tastes better imo.
i put it on everything including pancakes which are really good with peanut butter and maple syrup.
i like yoghurt on my toast. and raisin and banana sandwiches. and french fries and mc milkshake (thats the only mc s**te i eat everything else makes me hurl). i hav also been recently converted to custard and icecream.
My Story, in verse
by dedpoet inthis is my 1000th post, (light sabre required now), and as i've never told my story on this forum i though i'd do it now.
as some of you may be aware, i write poetry, and some even think i'm talented, so i decided to write it down in verse.
it's very much a work in progress, i haven't finished it yet, but here's part one:.
thanks for your story - must have been hard to write i cant rhyme anything! gratz on getting to jedi!
That feeling that it could al be false how did you experience it?
by GBSJG inwhen i started researching i was still convinced that jws had the truth.
so i read some critical articles by ex-jws about certain teaching and i started to do some more research.. at this time i have successfully faded and no longer believe anymore.
but i can remember the moment when i first allowed the thought in my mind that it could all be false and not the truth.
i felt guilty reading all the stuff and the guilt disappeared when i saw it was unreasonable to feel the guilt cos i wasnt doing anything wrong. thats when i realised it was all mind control.
My Journey-A Fledgling Relationship Goes Up In Smoke
by truthsetsonefree ina fledging relationship goes up in smoke.
it was 1973 and the wt was in full cult mode.
they wanted to purify the organization in preparation for the coming "great day of jehovah.
Thats sad - I hope you can start a relationship with your father. I always wanted one and still do. I love him (but cant forgive him?!) but i dont think he loves me.