As an aside, I think the "everyone who voted Trump is a racist" mantra is one of the reasons the Dems lost (besides offering up the turd-sandwich candidate). It needs to be killed or they will continue to lose.
I'm late to the party and hope I'm not high-jacking the thread, but I wanted to address this point.
Not everyone who voted for Trump is a racist, but everyone who voted for Trump decided racism wasn't a dealbreaker, and that's horrifying.
It may not be politically expedient to make that point, but it's reality. You can't look at Trump's actual statements and credibly argue his words and tone were not racist.
@NinaCee welcome to the forum. I discovered this place 10 years ago and it helped me finally slam the door shut on JWism. I visit this place a lot less frequently than I used to, but it's still therapeutic for me to browse topics from time to time.
I know exactly where you're coming from with your statements. One of the primary voids religion fills is a sociological one. It becomes one's tribe and it's very difficult to uproot ourselves from our tribe and make it on our own. That's why so many who leave the religion find themselves going back with their tails between their legs willing to undergo the humiliating process of being let back in.
It takes time, but you can slowly rebuild a community worth being a part of. It's been over a decade for me and I still miss the instant familial bond I could form with Witnesses anywhere. But I could no longer ignore the blatant logical deficiencies in the belief system and the knowledge that those bonds were conditional on my conforming to the dictates of a group of creepy old guys in NY I've never met.
I wish you success moving forward.