I'm curious about a trend I've noticed - supposed active JWs coming here to ask specific questions about JW policy - why don't they just go ask their elders? Why ask a group of people who are openly anti-JW? Most of us are either a: faded, b: inactive, c:disfellowshipped, d: disassociated e: never a JW f:apostate. Why in the world would someone who is supposedly still active in the congregation come HERE to ask what the current teachings are? Why not ask an elder directly?
Let's see, I can think of some reasons:
1. Lying and not active at all but pretending to be for some really sick reason.
2. Disfellowshipped and ashamed and desperate for information but can't ask.
3. Don't trust the elders anymore but won't/can't admit it.
Anyone one else have any ideas?