I can't wait to be able to say - "Did you print this from the INTERNET? You can't trust anything that comes off of the internet!"
JoinedPosts by Georgiegirl
Extra Extra read all about it. Study Article PDF to be posted on www.jw.org
by jah1914 injust got this excerpt from a friend who is an elder all excited about how jah's people are using technology.
guess we won't have to provide links anymore.. excerpt:.
we are pleased to inform you that the study articles in the english edition of the watch-tower will be made available as pdf files in the public area of the jw.org web site.
Evolutionists - please help!
by Georgiegirl inok. (taking deep breath) i am finally at that point in my recovery where i am ready to look at evolution as more than a loose theory which is clearly disprovable by the fact that all the bones proving it could be in a coffin.
or, um, some illustration like that.. i feel like first i have to "unlearn" the jw teaching of evolution to learn what "real" evolution is.
then, learn about that and then see how i feel.
Thank you very much everyone. I've got quite a lot to get through and will probably have questions. I am hoping to get through most of this while on winter break from school. I really, really, really appreciate the calm and factual answers - and that no one tried to make me feel dumb!!! :)
And my sincere apologies for using the word "evolutionist" if it offended anyone. I had no idea that could be considered insulting - I thought it was the correct way to describe those who believe in evolution (as opposed to those who do not). Thanks, inkling, for giving me the benefit of the doubt.
Is this an obsession?
by WuzLovesDubs inok..ive been separated for 8 months now.
want to file for divorce and just get it over with.
guy at work (he is day shift i am night shift) i have known about a year and a half has been wanting to go out.
1. Yes there is something seriously wrong.
2. Tell Human Resources and NAME NAMES. Your safety is primary.
3. Listen to your instincts next time. Don't second guess your reactions.
4. Consider getting and reading The Gift of Fear.
5. On the off chance the guy is just completely socially inadequate, spell it out for him ONCE very clearly. "I am not interested in you as a romantic partner or as a friend. Your behavior is offensive to me. Stop it now." If he continues in any shape, manner or form after that statement, file a complaint of sexual harrassment at work. Better to be thought a bitch then to be a dead one.
Seriously, from what you have described, this is NOT NORMAL behavior. Take care of yourself first. The number one mistake women make is trying to "be nice".
Hope it all works out.
Evolutionists - please help!
by Georgiegirl inok. (taking deep breath) i am finally at that point in my recovery where i am ready to look at evolution as more than a loose theory which is clearly disprovable by the fact that all the bones proving it could be in a coffin.
or, um, some illustration like that.. i feel like first i have to "unlearn" the jw teaching of evolution to learn what "real" evolution is.
then, learn about that and then see how i feel.
PERFECT!!! Thank you.
Dealing with JW anger
by loosie inok i need some suggestions form others here on how to deal with anger as a result of being a jw for so many years.. i am normally an easy going person.
i am friendly and easy to get along with as long as you have a sense of humor and aren't a sexist.. i am trying to live well by finally going back to school and no longer living for this world to end.
i am much happier because of leaving the jw's.
I just had this problem recently as well.
First thing that helped me was therapy.
Second thing that helped me was learning about the bigger world. Excuse me for being blunt but when you read about women being raped with weapons in the Sudan until they die horrific deaths or are maimed for life or see the pictures of people savagely beaten in Zimbabwe for daring to vote, or learn that the circumcision of little girls in Africa is STILL widespread, or learn about truly destructive cults...well...it kind of puts this into perspective. I'm not minimizing what anyone went through (I was fairly lucky in my JW experience and others not so much) but I AM saying broadening my view instead of focusing inward really helped put everything into perspective.
And third, I decided to use the powers of evil for good ;) in that I realized I am in a completely unique position that billions of people AREN'T in and I wouldn't be here if it hadn't been for being a JW. I am in college and am learning a career that will help me to help others - but from the wonderful perspective of having been there. The way I look at problems and questions and challenges is totally different than anyone else in my classes because of my past. How cool is that? So I guess in a long-winded way, I'm saying I consciously made a choice to re-frame it and look at it differently. It is taking time and therapy, but it's working well.
Evolutionists - please help!
by Georgiegirl inok. (taking deep breath) i am finally at that point in my recovery where i am ready to look at evolution as more than a loose theory which is clearly disprovable by the fact that all the bones proving it could be in a coffin.
or, um, some illustration like that.. i feel like first i have to "unlearn" the jw teaching of evolution to learn what "real" evolution is.
then, learn about that and then see how i feel.
OK. (taking deep breath) I am finally at that point in my recovery where I am ready to look at evolution as more than a loose theory which is clearly disprovable by the fact that all the bones proving it could be in a coffin. Or, um, some illustration like that.
I feel like first I have to "unlearn" the JW teaching of evolution to learn what "real" evolution is. Then, learn about THAT and then see how I feel. Someone (a devout Catholic) told me once that she is a firm believer in evolution and that it is the process God used to create, so she has no conflict with being both an evolutionist AND a creationist. Me? I'm not sure I even believe there is a God at this point. (amazing how coming out of JWs destroys your belief in God, isn't it? I mean, a Lutheran could change and become a Presbyterian but never lose faith). ANYWAY.
I would really like some suggestions on some SIMPLE books/articles, etc to read so I can ease into this slowly. I'm not looking for scientific equations and complex explanations. I just want the basics right now before I go further.
Meeting coming up... help me Flying Spaghetti Monster!
by KingAgag injookbeard said in a recent thread of a sister saying she hadn't seen him for a while to which he replied "that's because i haven't been here.
" i have to attend a few meetings as i will visit my parents who don't know i am fading.
also the memorial and assemblies i still have to attend for a while for the wife's sake.
the unthinkable....college!?!
by 2pink ini'm 30-something, newly out of the org.
my spouse is also on the way out.. both of us were raised in "the truth"....aka no college education.
we have 2 small children, soon to be 3. we both want to go back to school.
Good for you!!! If your college has a non-traditional program (i.e. programs specifically for people NOT right out of high school), ask them about childcare, etc etc.
As far as degrees - which is better - I think it depends on what field you want to work in. Google, for example, ONLY hires out of Ivy League colleges, BUT a friend of mine who is superhigh up at a bank (like he manages several hundred people) has an online degree from Phoenix.
I do agree - online courses are NOT always easier and can be even MORE time-consuming - just depends on the school.
Ten years is going to pass whether you go to school or not - so go!!! It will be tough, but there's a finite end to it.
A debate for S.O.M
by Lillith26 ini am not a christain, but i do read the bible and believe myself to be a reasonabily moral person.
i have homosexual friends and relatives and would like to see just one bible passage where jesus himself says "men should not lay with men".... perhaps i may have missed it- or perhaps you practice paulianity instead of christianity?????
Lilith - PM for you. Ada - see my post in red on page two.
Is mental illness actualy messages from god?
by highdose ini don't mean depression or somthing of that nature.
i used to work with patients who suffered from severe schiofrenia etc, they would claim that they were god, son of god, gods mesanger etc.. of course they were highly medicated and put in a place where they would be taken care of.
it was a rough section of the hospital to be put, in fact the chances of making it through a shift with uniform undamaged were silm and there was porters ( guards) behind each locked door.
Yes, I think it is actually a brain dysfunction. In schizophrenia, the voices that are heard are usually "evil and demonic" voices (in other words, they are not friendly happy voices instructing the person to have a nice day!) Dr. Michael Persinger had done several studies as well - there is a syndrome called temporal lobe lability. It's almost like have a mini-epileptic seizure in the brain so it's unnoticeable on the outside. Anyway, when he re-created the seizures, the people in his study experienced a feeling of peace and divinity - some felt that "god" was actually speaking to them, some felt god-like, etc. There are doctors now who are trying to reproduce his studies to verify the results. So...yes. In my opinion, the empirical science shows there is mental illness involved.
Of course, try telling that to someone who feels they actually receive messages from God!!!