BugEye, good question. You said
Most of the literature from the WTS is presented in a "textbook" fashion, which impressively convinces people that the contained information must be correct.
That is true, particularly since it contains references. The WTBTS insinuates that there are many opposers, so people think that if there were inaccuracies, it would be common knowledge. So they don't check.
Had Enough, you said
knowing the future as it was "prophecied in the Bible", his promises, his word...was the strongest hold on me fortified by all the "fulfilled prophecies" before us as proof these promises would also come true.
This was true for me, too.
Pathofthorns, you said
There is also more information available to those with doubts than at any other time.
While this is true, you must realise that (1) good JWs, even if they have access to the internet, do not usually go to 'apostates' for information and (2) JWs are brainwashed into thinking that the doubts are caused by being 'spiritually weak', so tend to try to improve their spirituality. Also, the majority of dubs do not know about the injustices and corruption within the organisation. I had quite a shock when I found out how much covering up goes on in the organisation, and I had already left before I looked at any 'apostate' sites.
You also put down people who become JWs by saying
No reasonable or thinking person will ever sign up to be a JW. Only the "stupid, ignorant or gullible" do, and that mostly encompasses JW children who have not the intellectual maturity to critically examine things before making such a serious decision.
And then you have the nerve to say that you weren't being critical of others
Boozy, Dana, Redhorsewoman I agree with your comments