My question is, since they both have been privately reproved, are they even going to be allowed in this wedding? The wedding will not be in the Kingdumb Hell. I know if it was in the Hall, they would not be allowed in it, but I don't know about outside of the Hall.
The answer is easy if the wedding is at the KH. However, since it is not, then it depends on how much the elders want to meddle and who the bride and groom and other wedding party members are.
If the bride and groom have any status at all (ie, privileges...elder, MS, pioneer), then there would be serious question on their continued qualifications for setting a good example to the congregation in those positions. If an elder is conducting the wedding, he will be asking questions about all in the wedding party. So much for the "private" part of the reproof.
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth typing that sh*t out.
I know I meddled as an elder because of stupid ass rules, including weddings. And I regretted it for a long time. I cannot change what I did back then, only apologize and move forward. Forward and out of the cult for 3 years now.
As to delaying dumping said GF....maybe GF wants out of the cult now too...time for some honest communication long before the wedding of a friend... otherwise it is hypocrisy all around.
Snakes (Rich )