just made me laugh - pranks too often hurt people, this was funny I think - especially since the kid's face is not shown.
Snakes (Rich )
just made me laugh - pranks too often hurt people, this was funny i think - especially since the kid's face is not shown.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pkqe8fm2uw&feature=player_embedded.
snakes (rich .
just made me laugh - pranks too often hurt people, this was funny I think - especially since the kid's face is not shown.
Snakes (Rich )
i saw the flyer today for the summer assembly.
it talks about how people are ruining the earth.
in the upper left corner are the "evil" ones one man smoking, i think the other was drinking and then a pic of a dead seagull.
here is a better * version of what you scanned:
* I found my vomiting smileys -- on a previous DC thread. LOL
i saw the flyer today for the summer assembly.
it talks about how people are ruining the earth.
in the upper left corner are the "evil" ones one man smoking, i think the other was drinking and then a pic of a dead seagull.
this was on google from the back of the May 2011 Awake! Asleep! magazine. I noticed this is the less scary version.
glad I am not having to listen to this drivel.
Snakes (Rich )
or b) continue in my plan of eventually getting him out with steve hassan's help?.
option b is going to be expensive but not impossibly so.
but it would require more patience than i think i have.
Glad you figured it out.
I was raised a JW.... was in it deep. I left about 4 years ago. A couple of years later I met the girl who is now my fiancee-- and she was never a JW. I can tell you if I had tried to date her (or anyone not a JW) earlier in my exit process, it never would have worked. I had to mentally free myself from the religion before I could, in fairness, be with someone never of that faith. I was lucky... she helped me release the last tendrils of the Organization. I would have done it without her, I had been out long enough... but it was great she was patient with me.
The guy you were dating.... he has to figure it out on his own first. If he does, then maybe he stands a chance with a non-Witness. Otherwise, as someone else said, he could revert back if placed under pressure. Bad combo.
Hang around if you like, lots of non-JW discussions happen here. If not, glad you joined us for a moment in your life.
Best wishes.
Snakes (Rich )
those of you who have been following my story know that i just 'came out' to my family about being finished with the religion.. does anyone have advice on how to explain this to the kids?
their ages are 9 & 14 and they are very smart and fully grasp all the issues.. they are living with their father who has brainwashed them.
so this is very touchy.. should i just keep being a good mom and just lay low?
daaaaaammmmmn go scully ...... worships at scully's feet. good advice. sic em.
Snakes (Rich )
*i'm posting this in a public place so this person will see it, i'm not sure if they are a member of the board or not but i'm sure they're a lurker*.
dear person who knows my mother, i want you to know that i am not nor have i never been a jw.
yes as you well know i was raised in the org but i was never baptised into it.
mrs. jones... seems like I missed some chaos. Also looks like you have it all under control . woot woot give em hell josie..
Snakes (Rich )
i have a few questions regarding moving and changing congs.
i would love to hear from former elders.. .
my wife and i will be moving soon, and as i described in an earlier post we will be using the move as an opportunity to fade.
evil one... welcome to the board. We really should not have to jump through hoops should we, but as TAI said, its a cult.
Look through some of my old posts. I did this exact thing. Ironic, I moved to a St. Louis area congo.... in card only. I still live in the same house I have lived in for the last 13+ years. After I was deleted as an elder (and a secretary), I had my card sent to a congo about 15 miles away, another state, another circuit. I waited 3 weeks before actually attending. I never attended a book study group (partly because they couldn't figure where to assign me since I did not live in the territory). I hit and miss the TMS ... (despite their attempts to get me to give #2 and #4 talks .. -- because I had given public talks in their KH as a visiting speaker -- they even assigned me a school talk without my permission -- I was a "no show.") I attended the Sunday morning meetings, but often left after the talk. I quit commenting early on. I really had nothing to say.
This huge (150+) congo thought they were getting a MTS-trained elder, so the love bombing began. After they received my introductory letter, they knew I could not be reappointed for 3 years, and then only as an MS, then a year later an elder. Yeah, the love cooled quickly. I even had a difficult time getting a KM.
When the congo closed for 2 months for a major remodel and scattered everyone, I disappeared. I came back for one meeting when they reopened. And I walked out after the talk, and never looked back.
As a former secretary, I can tell you it depends on the lazy factor of the receiving and sending secretaries. A lot has changed since I was secretary, but you should just have your letter sent to a huge congo in a KH with multiple congregations. Then just get lost. That is what I did.
wish you well.
Snakes (Rich )
i see it happening.
any comments on our future here in the us?http://www.evolver.net/user/soultraveller/blog/america_changes_are_cominga_lot_them_are_herechanges are coming ----.
that will blow your mind..... #1 the united states has lost approximately 42,400 factories since.
starting over... interesting comments...
some additional observations...
post office... I ordered something from Land's End the other day. It came UPS AND USPS (post office). You see, it came UPS all the way to my town, then they delivered it to the post office, and they put it in my PO Box (UPS pays USPS for that last connection). FedEx and the post office have a partnership of sorts. You see FedEx boxes outside of lots of post offices now, unheard of before. The "junk mail" is what pays for the little first class mail that we receive. I still get a lot of my bills through the mail, but so many people now get their statements emailed in a PDF or a link online. How many actual letters do you send now? I remember having pen pals in my late teens and early 20s. Now it is all facebook and email and instant messaging. No more trunks full of bundled romantic correspondence to look at decades later. I can see the post office going to 5 day a week service. Already I receive nothing on Tuesdays except the weekly junk bundle of ads.
checks ... I used to work in check processing for the US Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. It was a large operation. They were just starting to heavily market the ACH (automated clearing house) concept. Sending images of the front and back of the checks and the information on the MICR line at the bottom electronically. They were still sending checks cross country on overnight flights. I quit after a few years, but I heard not long ago that they consolidated all of the check processing for the branches for St. Louis (Louisville, Memphis, Little Rock) to St. Louis and that it is a fraction of the size.
paper money .. you did not mention this one, but I can see the replacement of $1 bills with coins coming soon... along with the elimination of pennies. Not cost effective.
newspaper... I only get the Sunday paper, and that only for the coupons and ads. And more and more of those coupons are showing up online. The ads are also showing up on the respective retailers sites, sometimes a week early. I can see this going strictly online or to e-book readers.
books (and magazines) ... ironically, magazines are actually doing well from stats I read recently (but cannot put my finger on right now). But every ad and even some articles, have little scan codes and/or web addresses for more content. I would hate to see books go away. I love having hardback books on my shelf. And electronic versions can be altered at the whim of the content provider.... or as Amazon did recently, just erase it from your Kindle without your permission. The only thing I would like to see go electronic is college and elementary school textbooks.
POTS (plain old telephone service... aka "landline"). For cost reasons, I just recently switched my phone number from AT&T POTS to AT&T u-Verse (VOIP) service. In reality, I only kept it to keep my old number, the one I have had for 15 years and the one my parents had forever before that. Once we move out of the area, I will probably just go to straight unlimited cell service.
music I still have some cassettes, but nothing to play them on. I still like having a CD, but only so I can make a backup copy and play the MP3 version on my player. I do not like the idea of buying an MP3 and then not having a hard copy.
television .... the cable internet providers are figuring this one out (story here). If you are a heavy streamer, and based on caps that Charter and AT&T are going to put on their internet service, they are going to start charging for those extra gigs or slow down or cut the connection if it exceeds those caps. And to think that at one time it was thought that the fiber cable systems had been overbuilt with so much excess capacity... now that technology has caught up, they can't build fiber fast enough.
things... we have too many damn things. I have a stack of stuff I am taking to the local charity (5a's thrift store... a store that benefits a local pet shelter). I have a rule... bring one thing in the house, send two things out... keeps clutter to a minimum.
privacy .... we have never had privacy ... before the internet and computers.... it was nosy neighbors. Even if you went completely cash (income and expense), their are cameras everywhere now.
The world will continue to spin. In reality, if computers and the internet and television went away, I would not cry. Some things are made easier with computers, but so many other things about them are time wasters....
Speaking of which, I need to get on the phone and call some of my offices to make appointments for my job. Have to pay for the internet, television, phones, etc.
Snakes (Rich )
(as a side note, why is it more and more postal carriers look like slobs.... if they even wear a uniform, they have their shirts untucked. My grandpa is probably rolling over in his grave on that one.)
well, i walked in and got the love-bombing before i even made it past the foyer.
everyone's missed me, everyone's thrilled that i came, blah, blah, blah.
to be fair though, there were a few there that i do miss so it was nice to see them.
Mary... I am sorry that you had to go through that yet again.
My JW mom did not even tell me about the Memorial™ even though I talked to her two days prior. My fiancee said if she were going she was bringing a can of Cheez-Wiz™ for the "crackers." I told her not to bother, we had better things to do. (We went to an Earth Day festival instead -- though that is becoming more and more commercial and weirder with the New Age booths. We then went to CVS to shop for bargains - never thought about the Memorial until quite late... aww shucks)
I have wondered what new people (non JWs) thought of the memorial "talk" I gave a couple of years before I left the cult. How ridiculous I must have sounded. Not a one of the non-dubs studied as a result of the Memorial™, and few showed up for the [Not-So] Special Talk™
Supposedly, the local dubs loved the talk, not the same old same old. I think the outline was new, but I tried to spice it up some, make it more interesting, more about Jesus. (Meaning I had to go off the copyrighted outline a bit.) What I hated the year that I gave the Memorial™ talk was they had a separate "Special Announcement©." -- which was nothing more than invites to the Special Talk™ and for Bible Studies™ as I recall. It was a little slip of paper, about the same size as a time slip. It was to be read word for word with the same kind of enthusiasm as a convention release announcement. The young PO had a copy of the outline and the announcement in his lap making sure I did as I was told. I did not. I made the announcement as a mere afterthought, so as to not take away from the solemnity (gag) of the occasion. Of course, I was read the riot act about the announcement. Originally the PO wanted to be called up to the platform to make the announcement. I vetoed that. As Memorial™ speaker, I had control over every aspect of preparation through execution. Can you imagine how anti-climatic and very infomercial-ish that would be?
Oh wait, it is a book publishing corporation .
Snakes (Rich, of the "never going to the Memorial again" Sheep Class)
anybody else as shocked as i when you tasted them?.
They make as much sense as a Meat Milk Shake.
This was on the menu at Denny's recently. http://www.dennys.com/#/menu/menu-10
Snakes (Rich )