The Borg, back in the 70s when my dad was the lit servant, brought home a box or two of tracts. They needed a stamp on the back cover with the KH contact info before handing out to the publishers. He paid my brother and I (we were probably about 7-10 years old) to do it.
so this has been going on for years.
about 10 years ago I think, when this personalized tract thing started up again, I figured out how to print the info directly on the tracts by feeding them in the printer. I probably lost 20% of them to printer jams. I also toasted a whole toner cartridge. Unfortunately, it was my printer and toner, and worst of all, my time.
The next campaign I printed out 1,000 labels separated the tracts, and put the labels on the tracts myself.
The next campaign I printed out the labels but separated the tracts and gave them to the publishers with the labels to put on.
The last time I was involved I just gave them bundles of tracts and thought "f*ck it"
The next campaign.... oh wait... I left the borg for good summer of 2007.
Ironically, I think I still have a partial box of address labels left from that nonsense.
Snakes (Rich )