Skepsis, I went back and looked at all of your posts. I forgot I commented on your thread once. What an interesting journey.
hi all.. it's being a while that i don't share in the forum.
after moving to another country and finding a job, i asked my congregation in my country to send my publishing card here.
once i did it, i stopped attending meetings.
Skepsis, I went back and looked at all of your posts. I forgot I commented on your thread once. What an interesting journey.
hi all.. it's being a while that i don't share in the forum.
after moving to another country and finding a job, i asked my congregation in my country to send my publishing card here.
once i did it, i stopped attending meetings.
That is excellent! Even better that you left as an MS. Leave them scratching their collective heads.Snakes (Rich)
that;s what my wife (and all jw's) gets to hear about us at the kingdom hall today, (hmmmm, i wonder if she'll raise her hand to answer this one) ... .
watchtower study ... today, apostates and others who create divisions in the congregation use “smooth talk and flattering speech.” (romans 16:17, 18) they may pretend to care about others, but in reality, they are selfish.. (the watchtower - study edition (simplified version) 10/17 page 4 paragraph 7).
I guess I am selfish.
Fu#k em.
we want people to learn ttatt.
we have numerous resources online to draw jws in so that they will wake up.
however, i've noted some radical methods that have been used by fellow exjws, and quite frankly, this must stop.
My 74 year old mom has been a JW since 1970. They don't much use carts in small town Alabama. She just started regular pioneering. I wish she wouldn't. I encourage her to Pioneer, as she always wanted, UNLESS it stops being enjoyable or she gets tired.
I understand some in the exJW community being frustrated. But screaming at people at the carts? If it was my mom manning a cart, and I watched you scream at her, I WOULD PUNCH YOU IN THE MOUTH.
What good does it do to scream at people? I yell at my 16 year old and I may as well be screaming in my head.. LOL.
Seriously, we just feed their persecution mindset and PROVE that "apostates" are crazy, and that is what happens when "you leave Jehovah (tm)
Think about it.
Snakes (Rich)
makes me crazy:.
there: go over there!.
their: they own it; belonging to etc.. for the love of pete - use them correctly!.
I had to go back and edit a post earlier today because, when typing on a phone, the software tries to autocorrect. I had their instead of there. I hate when the time is up and I see the problem later and cannot fix it.
***Shrugs*** If that is my worst problem today, damn, it is a good day.
i dont know if it's due to the last convention, the recent broadcasts, the internet or just plain fatigue - but since the convention i've had a few people contact me via facebook messenger asking how i am then cutting to the chase asking me what it's like "on the outside" or "how did you adjust after leaving?
" and asking me how they can leave the wt but keep their families.. my reply is always the same, i show real genuine interest and concern and listen to their situation.
then i suggest a fade, how to fade, to ignore or reject elders visits, to not talk about their doubts to active jws under any circumstances and finally point them to this site.
He said what mattered to him was his dedication to Jehovah as if I had broken my contract by leaving. I agree with you, they've broken the contract by completely changing the wording of it.
WT loophole on the "they changed the contract" is that every time you filled out a form for some "special privilege," even something as innocculous as auxiliary pioneering, you were agreeing with supporting the GB. It was on the bottom of every application. If you became an MS or elder, you were agreeing with the updated contract (new light). Saying all that, their rules. When we don't play by their rules, they can do what they want. And we can do what we want, but with known consequences of our choosing freedom. We lose so- called friends. No real loss if we are logical. Losing JW blood relatves, that is a loss, but we are better off ultimately. Logically we know this. Emotionally it sucks
Snakes (Rich)
on about 2 occasions after uploading my comment, i noted that the end of sentences appear to be cut off.
this is what i see i don't know if my post also appears that way to others.. this seems to happen especially when long urls/web addresses are included in my post.. i always select the "full screen" icon from the menu at the top of the comment box in order to view my comment in full screen mode so as to make sure that all of the information is visible, yet, on uploading my comment, the end of sentences appear to be cut off.. also, in order to make sure that i have included everything i want to state, i sometimes type my comment in ms word on my laptop or in a draft e-mail on my phone then copy & paste it into the comment box.
some of these pre-typed comments have included long urls/web addresses and the end of sentences appear to be cut off in this instance as well - don't know if pre-typing my comment in a word processor and then cutting and pasting it into the thread has anything to do with the problem.. i tried to correct the situation after uploading: i used the editing feature to delete my post.
Don't use Word, it has hidden formatting codes. Use plain text Notepad. It uses the .txt file format, no codes. Not even sure .rtf real text files work. I often use notepad if I know I am going to post a long comment, or am writing over several sessions. Copy/paste in comment box, then format using the editor in the forum. It works for me.
Hopefully Simon will chime in.
lett announce to his braindead indoctrinated rank and file masses the wt corporation is short on funds and so they have money problems.
he made light of his role and the rest of management's predicament by saying on a public broadcast: "in doing the math we found that the amount of money flowing out will be much greater than the amount of money coming in at this time".
clearly the guys on the gb have very little business sense to let things get so out of hand with tons of projects in the works and having to close all of them except for warwick, and one in england.. i have to wonder just what type of math these dead heads on the gb even know or consider when making all their plans for the future of the corporation they have leadership over.
Sour Grapes
A corporation expands from using the profits they have made. A company does not go to its workers to ask for money to expand unless some percentage of ownership is given
Any percentage of zero is still.......ZERO. which is where WTBTS is hopefully headed.
So I am torn on this video. On one hand, I acknowledge the production quality has improved tremendously since I left 10 plus years ago. Nice facilities. I would have loved this when I was still in. I am sure my JW mom does.
On the other hand, it is a fuc#ing cult. All of that quality wasted on an inferior message.
A for quality, Double F for message. LOL.
i've been disfellowshipped for six years, since i was 18. i struggle with depression and self-destructive habits (minor in comparison to the suicides, substance abuse, risky sexual behavior of others i've grown up with who have left or were too afraid to leave).
i'm fairly successful for my age - respected in my field, i have an extensive curriculum vitae of published writing, presentations, and other projects.
yet, i often feel worthless and unloveable.