You need professional help. Take it from someone who was raised JW, was a pioneer, elder, MTS grad, blah blah....stayed in until age 40, THERE IS A LIFE OUTSIDE JW.
The JW will NOT be there to help you. First you have to help yourself. Find some boots, then you CAN pull YOURSELF up by the bootstraps.
I'm sorry if I sound a bit harsh. It took therapy, a small group of non JW friends, and a new attitude. You know what? It was hard, but I have a non JW wife, adopted son, a career, an education, savings, a house.. All in 14 years since walking away.
You will regret going back and being codependent. Trust me and others here. We may not walk in your shoes, but we have walked the path ahead of you. Take care.
Snakes (Rich)