very very sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. cancer sucks... of all the things to die of, this one scares the hell out of me...I
Shakes you up when it is someone close in age to yourself.
She was almost exactly the same age as me - we were born just days apart
.....cancer a disease that literally eats you alive. I hope your friend didnt have to suffer a lot of pain during that decade.
I had a friend, a sweet older JW, die of cancer 5 years the end she was incoherent...once it accelerated it went fast.....I spent a lot of time at the hospital, not as an elder, but as a family friend...often hours upon hours....being there for her and her 3 adult daughters, non-JW husband, and all the relatives. No local elders ever showed up for long....despite her decades of service in the congo.....almost like they just made the obligatory trip a couple of times....nothing else,,,,,except for the service overseer/pioneer...since he could count his time talking to the non JW relatives at the same time....
TWENTY EFFING MINUTES is all they could muster for someone who devoted almost 30 years of her life to the WTS.
as for the 20 minutes...that really is bad.
I thought you (and everyone else) might be interested in something I found related to this last night... I was cleaning out old JW elder files (prepping for my bonfire ) and ran across the so-called "Funeral Discourse" (5/88 editition) I noticed that a) there are no times on the outline...unlike a normal public talk outline... and b), the "REMARKS REGARDING THE DECEASED" introductory section is all of 4 lines:
"Details regarding age, birth, when married, and so forth" "By whom the deceased is survived" "Dedication record, including privileges of service"
and "Exemplary qualities displayed by the deceased (Eccl 7:1)
....after that, its nothing but a FU*KI*G Watchtower Publishing Corporation Infomercial!!!! (including this line: "while living, make good name with Jehovah God"..2 lines later... "One way is to take zealous part in witness work, if qualified." ...just cant leave that little poke to guilttrip the witness into "doing more"...
Please note that it says, in part, at the bottom of the outline "Instead of eulogizing the deceased, use the material in this outline to give a fine witness concering the truth. Good balance should be observed in this respect. Doctrinal points can be presented as beliefs of the deceased, which served as motivation for him. Purpose of talk is to uphold Jehovah God as a God of love and mercy and at the same time bring comfort to the bereaved...."Oh, and the last line: "The talk need not exceed 30 minutes." (underline mine)
Your friend got gypped.....but I am sure they would have only ran on another 10 minutes with the Infomercial instead of "eulogizing the deceased."
What the hell is that? I had never given a funeral talk and only briefly glanced at the outline when giving it to brothers to use.
I will be soooo glad when I am finally free of this sh*t....soon...very soon.... I'm sad thinking about it and I did not know her.... again...sorry for your loss....
SnakesInTheTower (of the "shaking his head incredulously" Sheep Class)