Is the JW you asked going to get back to you on that? I'd like to know what he/she says.
JoinedPosts by pierogi
Caught in the headlights
by Honesty ini recently asked a jw to explain the discrepancies in the following scriptures between 1 corinthians 10:3-4 and 1 corinthians 10:9 in their new world translation:.
first i presented the scripture as it is rendered in another modern day translation, as it is rendered in the original greek and as it is rendered in the latin vulgate:.
1 corinthians 10:3-4 they all ate the same spiritual food, 4 and all drank the same spiritual drink.
Wanted: funny JW stories
by exwitless inok, so i've had a really busy and exhausting week.
i could really use a good ex-dub laugh!
you guys have some of the funniest stories sometimes, i laugh so hard i cry.
Kingdom Hall wedding
by Wanita innot a witness but have them as neighbors.
i have been studying watchtower publications for years and have spent lots of time in discussion with witnesses in hopes of having them read the bible without watchtower glasses on.
i will be going to a jw wedding soon and am wondering, since i'm not a witness, what to expect.
Kingdom Hall wedding
by Wanita innot a witness but have them as neighbors.
i have been studying watchtower publications for years and have spent lots of time in discussion with witnesses in hopes of having them read the bible without watchtower glasses on.
i will be going to a jw wedding soon and am wondering, since i'm not a witness, what to expect.
Why do the local congregations always pay for the D.O. and C.O. visits?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inevery time a circuit and district overseer visited our congregation,the elders always wanted a show of hands from the congregation to see if we would pay for their car expenses and travel.sometimes the congregation would pay for airline was always approved.. do you know if the idea came from the local congregations to pay?
did the wts send out letters to each congregation to see if they would pay?
we know that the wts always get what they want.. it's amazing how we paid $250-$400 for each overseer visit and the wts paid nothing..
Why do the local congregations always pay for the D.O. and C.O. visits?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inevery time a circuit and district overseer visited our congregation,the elders always wanted a show of hands from the congregation to see if we would pay for their car expenses and travel.sometimes the congregation would pay for airline was always approved.. do you know if the idea came from the local congregations to pay?
did the wts send out letters to each congregation to see if they would pay?
we know that the wts always get what they want.. it's amazing how we paid $250-$400 for each overseer visit and the wts paid nothing..
Do you have any "Phobias"
by JH inmaybe you're afraid of rats, or afraid to walk under a ladder or go in your basement for some reason .
uuu2b1 gave me the courage
by skeptic1914 inalright, i admit it.
i have been this close to posting a number of times.
i saw uuus2b1 post and the welcome he received and figured i'd post too.
Hi Skeptic1914!
I'm not active, still technically a JW though. It's really great that your wife is tolerant! Not like when I told my friend who studied with me (about the UN relationship). I told her at lunch and when we drove back to her house I could tell that she had been crying, for ME! Then she told her elder husband and to make a long story short I also said that I couldn't teach people something that I didn't believe. Well, I said I wasn't sure about it because I felt that they wanted me to paint myself into a corner with the questions they asked me. They haven't tried to do anything about it and it's been a year. But THIS ISN'T ABOUT ME, SORRY, I have a tendency to ramble about my experiences.
Anyway, Welcome!!!
Why must observers attend the Kingdom Halls for the Memorial?
by RULES & REGULATIONS injesus had only 12 members attend and partake the last meal and memorial.there were no observers in the room.each disciple was given bread to eat and wine to drink.there is no mention of other people in the room who couldn't eat or drink the last meal.this was only for those who would partake of this meal.. why does the wts feel that observers need to be at this yearly event?
why can't the elders who(supposedly) have any 144,000 in their congregations,have a memorial with only these members?
if jesus wanted observers he would of had some at his last meal and requested that they be present from then on..
memorial new light
by shadowofbathory inno spoilers here.
take note in the new memorial outline for somewhat new light.
unusual to mention it at the memorial but its related to the remnant.