Kinda reminds me of the joke about how to circumcise a whale.....
Of course, you send down four skin divers.
what was the significance of all the focus on the foreskin?
the wt has tried to make a case that it was god's wisdom for humans health to remove it, even though god created man with it.
a design flaw followed by a manufacturers recall?
Kinda reminds me of the joke about how to circumcise a whale.....
Of course, you send down four skin divers.
it's new year's eve where i live and i want to wish all of you peace and happiness in 2008!
changeling (((((((((((((((((jwd)))))))))))))))))
Sorry, I misspelled your name....
it's new year's eve where i live and i want to wish all of you peace and happiness in 2008!
changeling (((((((((((((((((jwd)))))))))))))))))
Hi Changling and everyone else,
I don't post very often, but I do hang out here at least several times a week and enjoy reading your observations and comments.
So, I just wanted to return the good wishes for a Happy New Year.
Mary, I have followed your some of your trevails in your postings. You sound like a positive person in spite of it all. Keep on troopin'...it'll get better.
i don't have to tell you how jw's use the line about how the world is just getting worse and it's a sign that we are in the end times.
what is your thought on the world?
is it really getting worse, or does every generation say that?
Is the world getting worse? In order to address the question, we need to define what “worse” actually means – as in, worse than what? Some of the previous posters have made comments that accurately reflect significant improvements in the overall condition of humans over the past (pick a time period). Unfortunately, we are in completely uncharted waters as a species, as the population of the earth has more than doubled in the past 50 years (& the doubling time is shrinking rapidly). The human family is literally at a crossroads. Humans have kept one step ahead of Mom (Mother Nature), by creating an artificial and ultimately unsustainable way of life based on a voracious consumption of non-renewable energy resources (and the renewable energy sources are no where close to filling the gap). Additionally, we are playing roulette with pandemic disease on a global scale. We are not special and we are not immune to Mom’s solution to out-of-control population and exploitation of the earth. Remember, in the game of life, Mother Nature always plays the last hand and she ain’t too happy right now. Is the world getting worse? Yes… for humans. If we don’t wise up as a species, is the world getting worse? It doesn’t matter… the earth and life will persist with or without us. Therein resides the choice. What are we going to do? In geological/evolutionary terms we are a juvenile species. The irony is that we have the mental capacity to deal with these issues, but we apparently lack the collective wisdom to find a solution. Is the world getting worse? We may be able to exercise control... but time will tell. Alex B.S. Geology, U. of Akron, Akron, Ohio
well, i just got done with my final term paper!
(maybe even the last one of my school career!!
aaaaargh my neck hurts from typing.
Yupper, Just finished up finals on Friday… One more semester and I’ll be completely finished. I bailed on the Borg in the middle of 1997 and started back to in January of 1999. So, when I am finished I will have spent 9 ½ years in school – I can’t wait to be finished. I’ll be graduating with a geology masters and a law degree. Congrats to all of you who have chosen education over that BS the WTS tries to shove down everyone’s throat. Happy Winter Solstice to All, Alex
greetings, friends:.
i recently put up a thread entitled "when can i comment?
" new to the thought process of critical thinking, i have felt overwhelmed by the wealth of information now available to a mind opened up to society-banned material.
CC, On a scale of 0 to 100%, with 0% being total faith/no doubt and 100% being total skepticism/atheist I am probably at about a 98%. I was raised by JW mother (custodial) and an atheist father (visitation). I spent most of my life believing the things the WTS taught and eventually became an elder. For me, the doubts were always percolating just below the surface, sometimes at a simmer and other times at slow boil. I always kept abreast of science issues and ultimately I just could not deny the scientific evidence for the age of life on earth. Eventually I realized that the WTS line that life on earth began just 28,000 years ago (based on counting using the 7 creative days) was pure fantasy. The doubts were no longer percolating – they were a roiling, unstoppable boil and I had to be true to myself and my mind and “TRUTH.” It was time to leave. It’s essentially incontrovertible that humans evolved just like every other species on earth. The need to believe in a god or gods is rooted in the ancient human need to explain things. There is a level of comfort in believing that there is a divine plan and that there is a life hereafter (whether it the JW version or some other version). When I yielded to the truth of how we got to be here it was downright scary to think that I (and everyone else) was on my own to figure out what life is all about. I went back to school and majored in geology, which confirmed my thoughts about life and humans as a species. Now, there is an indescribable sense of mental peace that has come from accepting the truth. My journey has gotten me to the 98% mark but as of yet I cannot get to 100% because it seems like there is something going on (a whole different subject) that we haven’t grasped. I don’t think that it is a single supreme being and, in fact, it might just be a vestigial need to “believe” that is based on criteria that may also yield to science. Nevertheless, the early part of the journey to agnosticism was very frightening but the longer I stayed on course the more comfortable I became with where I was going. I hope this helps. All the best to everyone on this board and happy Winter Solstice to All, Alpaca
this is the 10th anniversary month for my departure from the misery of being a witness.
just wondering if anyone on this board is from the fort lauderdale or hollywood area in south florida.
i was associated with the las olas cong.
Hey everybody, Thanks for the responses. CJ, I remember that design studio (Y,T, & T) -- I had a yacht canvas & upholstery business during the 70s & 80s and I was always on Las Olas Blvd. I moved to Ohio in 1999 (after being a life-long Floridian) to go to school (almost finished). When I left the BORG it was time for a big change. Lawrence, sorry to hear about the negative experiences at the Kingdom Halls. Actually, in all the years I was a Witness, I met many very kind, genuine people. It is unfortunate that the BORG and the lemmings (rank & file -- including the elders) are so misguided. It's really a sad waste of human potential. All the best to everyone. Alpaca
this is the 10th anniversary month for my departure from the misery of being a witness.
just wondering if anyone on this board is from the fort lauderdale or hollywood area in south florida.
i was associated with the las olas cong.
Actually, the last 10 years has been very productive. I am almost finished with both a law degree and a Masters degree in Geology. Wow....good stuff!!!
i meant to say that this month is the 10th anniversary of my departure.
I meant to say that this month is the 10th Anniversary of my departure. Alpaca
this is the 10th anniversary month for my departure from the misery of being a witness.
just wondering if anyone on this board is from the fort lauderdale or hollywood area in south florida.
i was associated with the las olas cong.
This is the 10th Anniversary month for my departure from the misery of being a Witness. Just wondering if anyone on this board is from the Fort Lauderdale or Hollywood area in South Florida. I was associated with the Las Olas Cong. in Ft. Lauderdale and the Hollywood North Cong. in Hollywood. It would be interesting to see if any former friends have also wakened up to the bogus and repressive lifestyle of the Witnesses. Does anyone know Jill Thomas/Lillienthal? Alpaca