Mrs. Smith, I can relate a little to yourstory.. but a difrent twist.
See, my mother didn't want me to bring home a light-skined black woman and wanted me to bing home a beautiful chocolate girl because she just wasn't very favorable of lightskinned folks. That old light v. dark argument.
maybe I'll bring home a ark chocolate guy instead hmm....
Anyways, yah prejudices are so hard because they are what is taught and at moments they can be so.. habitual that they come out w/o even noticing it. It really sucks, and I think its important to realize that saying your not prejudice or a bigot requires. i don't know, wrok at NOT being it because in some level we all are. I realy don't like when people mae this bold statement that "OMGZ, i'm not racist" when at times even my black ass is and works at it, yet they can somehow make the clea statement to declare how unracist they are and that's it.. all the while letting little bits and pieces of their racist thoguhs slip out from time to time.
Like my favorite to hear is, "I'm not racist BUt.." and they person goes on to spew the most racist trite crap ever and you aen't suppose to say anything because again, they aren't racist...
but well. They are.
And homophobia requires work too 'cause hell eve gay people themsleves with their own desire to be with the same sex need to get use to seeing it. Like I still remember my first same sex kiss I sa that was really serious. I think it was on Six Feet Under between the two characters Keith and David and it made me feel really funny and I laughed. but I said it was gross and wrong and made the straight boy automatic scruncy face and "Eww, wtf" reaction you know?
So yah I think working through prejudices means being honest about them in the first place and working to dismantle themAnd also be willing to forgive others for slips even when its hard because you at times will slip. I know my black friends would kill me for the things I let my white friends say.. now they can't jsut about say 'anything' (and I'm sure we all know like the ultimate 'Hells no' word that will set saywhat up in the motha) but they say crazy stuff w/o realizing its offensive and we talk about it. but what makes me stay around is that they are cool and will listen and work with me even if they don't always understand or agree.
And the really sexist thigns i've said that women have pulld me up on.. yeah, so I think we all should work at prejudices but moreso forgive and try to understand each other.
I feel so martin Luther King Jr. today.... somebody should build a march behind me. The Saywhat march.
Go on. Start working. I've blessed this thread with my... excellence.