tec = Judaism apparently does not blame Eve for Adam's sin, and the Genesis account is theirs to begin with. Or women, for the problems of the world, for that matter.
It would seem that generally, there is evidence of extra blame, in all three religions. I doubt that you will find many religious leaders that will come out and say they blame Eve either entirely or mostly for the fall. Nevertheless, it's easy to see that Eve carries more blame than Adam according to Gen. 3:16-17 both in severity, and order of punishment. In addition, men are allowed to "rule" over women, who are placed as clear second, and Adam is punished for both listening to his wife and eating of the tree. Leviticus goes on and on about the unclean states of women, and how everything she touches while unclean will also become unclean etc.
The fact that these verses appear in the Torah, is indication enough for me that extra blame does exist for Eve, in the forefront of Jewish religious leaders minds, and in the subconscious minds of the Jewish r&f (Yentl anyone?) as much as those of Christians.
According to the god of the Torah, all women are being punished by God, more severely than men. If God blames and punishes Eve (women) more than Adam (men), does it not follow that Jewish believers would to? You only need to look for signs of how this belief has played out in the societies of all three religions.
Adam is punished for the sins of listening to his wife and eating from the tree true enough, but humans being humans the blame is largley placed upon Eve and consequently women.
Before the Torah was written (pre-history), did women have equal status in society? Do ape societies give us a glimpse into our animal beginnings and social structure.