cell phones
... having a big sink tub in the basement to wash the dog .
... an under the cabinet radio in the kitchen to easily turn on .
... having a mudroom .
cell phones
i was reading the post from truth seeker on the april 15 wt.
i went a little farther in the article and noticed the q& a indicating that some in the congregation may choose to abstain from cafeine.. this kind of reminds me of the hotdog incident, back in the 60's when we wouldn't be allowed to eat a hotdog because it offended some brothers and sisters with weaker consciences (they believed that hot dog weiners had blood in them).
so we became closet hotdog eaters for awhile.
What are they building their faith on? ... a tower of toothpicks?
what have you been looking for and cannot find it?
it can be anything, anybody, etc......
A time when I feel like a normal person instead of someone on the outside looking in.
and the winning lottery ticket
i am enjoying john mayer's "heavier things".....my boys keep me up to date!.
we had so many exceptional artist for those of us growing up in the 70's,...i am curious as to what you enjoy now?what are some of the latest artists you enjoy?.
any younger posters feel free to clue us in as to your favorites!.
I like anything Satanic. Or anything that puts down organised religion.
Green Day, Bad Religion, Goth stuff
But I also like really positive stuff like, Oasis, Matchbox 20, etc
47 yr old Mom here. Making up for lost childhood.
firstly some background.. when i was 21 i went to live in sydney and left my congregation in tasmania.
until then i had never seen the bad side of the borg.
being new in town and staying with my non jw sibling i immediately checked in with the local congregation and soon found a fellow witness to share an apartment with.
"used-nice-non-demon-possessed" furniture
That brings back memories.
i believe we all want to think that we are very much loved and respected.
when we were in the "truth", we used to say that we knew our brother or sister would die for us----if they had to.
but in reality who really loves us???
During my fade only one sister I didn't know very well came by to see me after four months had gone by. At that time I simply stopped going to meetings after my father died. I still wonder if I'm remembering it correctly because it seems so shocking.
Before my fade we had a bible study at our house, we were regular in service, we had social friends. But when I made the decision to stop going, and I hadn't even told my husband, no one came over. I remember thinking it really showed them for what they were.
I still have moments when I think no one loves me. I grew up thinking that and now I know why. It's because there is no real love in that org. The WTS control socialization to such a degree that everyone is afraid of being marked for displaying natural affection for those ailing. I now have family and friends that I can count on, and I know love me.
take a look at this awake article.
i will make a few small comments in red (in parenthesis), but leave the .
bulk of commenting for others to add on.
It's autobiographical! They tell you to think for yourself, then tell you what to think!!! How evil they are. They make a rational arguement, then twist the hell out of at the end. the message being "think for yourself but everything not from us is from Satan".
The paragraph below works to enlighten and paralyze with fear. It's a form of mental strangulation. Definately designed as a hook to keep people in place.
Proverbs 14:15 states: "A simple man believes every word he hears; a clever man understands the need for proof."(TheNewEnglishBible) Many today are like sponges; they soak up whatever they are submerged in. It is the easy way. Exercise for the muscles is hard work; exercising the mind is even harder. (Here's the bait) Hey get your mind working.
It is so much easier to soak up whatever is around—and today, for the most part, that is television, the printed page, radio and movies.(Here's the hook)... Using information is bad
"The god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers," that they might not know the vital truths of our time.(Here's the paralyzing poison FEAR) All the information available is from Satan
What about you? Will you let others think for you, or will you do your own thinking? Do your own, and "thinking ability itself will keep guard over you." At the same time, it must be admitted that we need good and proper guidance (And the kill)Let us tell you what to think.—2 Cor. 4:4, 6; Prov. 2:11; Ps. 36:9; Jer. 10:23. z
Propagandists tell you what to think.
Like I said, it's autobiographical.
is this staged?
i noticed the man kept calling the householder 'brother', i never heard that done in the ministry.
It's fake
my mom and dad love my son, but i also know because of the depth of their brainwashing, they won't be respectful of my parenting (as i've asked them) and will try to "plant seeds" with him.
he's only 7, loves his grandma and papa very much and is easily confused and distressed when he gets conflicting info.
since we left the dubs, we've had a couple different run-ins with my parents trying subtle and not so subtle means to get at my son, or more accurately, get at me.
Yes by all means let him see them. Just de-program after.
I left when my children were 3 and 6. they are now grown. When they were little, my mother would cut my sons hair, take them to meetings, have bible studies with them. But I also told them about all of the other religions out there and that Grandma believes what she believes and that's her business. It's a matter of having open communication with your kids.
My kids are not involved with any religion, and neither am I. They don't think the JW's have the truth, any more than any other religion. They have a very healthy attitude toward spirituality and other peoples belief systems.
ok i have listed all the intresting and thought provoking things.
hear they are from a to z.
<----------- yep nothing.. .
I have seen many inactive ones despite receiving enocouragement, invites to gatherings, invites to home meals, visits and so-on but still remain spiritually lazy.
Here's what is really happening. Those judged by you as spiritually lazy are just trying to be kind in accepting those invitations. Jehovah gave humans the ability to reason, on their own, and therefore do not need men dictating every thought, every movement, every sentence to them. To say the JW's reason from the scriptures is completely false. The GB rationalize from the scriptures, then write it down, then tell all of the R&F what to believe, how to act, what to think, what to wear, and who to accociate with. The GB rationalize from the scriptures in order to prop up their absurd rules. Those who are in the org, are not thinking for themselves, that would be a sinful act would it not? To think for oneself and perhaps disagree with anything the org says might cause a real problem.
So, the ones trying to get away, fade, escape, will be polite about it. They will accept invites, or not, they know what you are doing, but they do not want to be rude, or cause problems especially if they have family still in. You are misreading the events, they are not 'spiritually weak', (an observation that is in no way your business, or within your scope of authority to decide) they are trying to withdraw from a toxic organization.