Did you refrain from obtaining a degree or advanced studies when you had the chance because it wasn't the Witness thing to do? How has this affected your life? Comments, rants, and personal experiences please.
JoinedPosts by nvrgnbk
Stuck in a dead-end job because of obeying anti-higher education policy?
by nvrgnbk indid you refrain from obtaining a degree or advanced studies when you had the chance because it wasn't the witness thing to do?
how has this affected your life?
comments, rants, and personal experiences please.
Evaluating Raymond Franz
by greendawn inwhat do you think of ray(mond) franz?
i have seen here some people critisise him as not being a really heartfelt opponent of the wts, but my view is that he was quite honest about his expressed motives against the cult.
with his revelations he gave a lot of momentum to the ex jw movement (the apostate organisation according to the jws) and offered valuable assistance to those seeking to shake off the ideological and social dependance on the oppressive cult.
With regards to the irrational fear the organization inspires, I've been lurking on here for two years+ and just obtained CoC a few weeks ago. To me it was the symbolic last step in my deprogramming. As it has been mentioned here, I knew before I read it that I would be unable to go back after examining it. As an ex-bethelite, I knew some of the persons it refers to. Borrowing a Witness expression, I found it had the ring of truth. I'm not in total agreement with Franz on theology and religion in general for that matter but I consider the work a trustworthy recounting of events.
The Light Gets Brighter
by searching99 ini was thinking about this today after reading some post regarding how the organization has been incorrect with the date of the end of the system and really anything else.
i always remember the "answer" being: jehovah causes the light (a better understanding of his plan) to get brighter.
i always wondered why it was so unclear the first time around.
The text is Prov. 4:18. The context(great question by the way) is a contrast being made between the righteous and the wicked. It is, like most of the Book of Proverbs, a lesson in morality and the accompanying benefits contrasted with dishonest, unethical behavior and the resulting penalties and sufferings. From a purely contextual standpoint, it has nothing to do with progressive revelation and/or understanding of Bible prophecy.
Views of worldy folk as a witness
by fifi40 ini bring this subject up because personally i dont get it.. i have noticed that some posters use words such as 'evil' or 'stinking goats' to describe the view (either their own adopted view or that of the jw org) they had of worldly people whilst a jehovahs witness.. the reason i find this difficult to understand is because i never felt that way toward 'people of the world' whislt being a believer of of the teachings of the jw organisation.
and i didnt pick up on it being rammed down my throat by the org either.
now i wonder if i was ignorant of something, not paying enough attention or if it is just each individuals approach toward life that makes the difference.. what were your views of 'people of the world and why?.
Official doctrine: Future Bird Feed
How did I conclude it was not the 'truth'?
by jgnat ina new board member asked me this.
i asked if it would be all right to publish my reply.
the question, in full, is, .
I once read, perhaps it was here: "I'd rather have questions I can't answer than answers I can't question."
The simple fact that the society discourages indepedent thinking should call into question their teachings.
Apocalypses: Prophecies, Cults, and Millenial Beliefs Through the Ages
by nvrgnbk inthis book by eugen weber is very important.
it dedicates only two or three paragraphs to j.w.s.
for that very reason it's a good read for those who are undecided.
This book by Eugen Weber is very important. It dedicates only two or three paragraphs to J.W.s. For that very reason it's a good read for those who are undecided. It shows that the "unique" message of the organization is really nothing of the sort.
P.S. I wasn't sure where to post this.
Evaluating Raymond Franz
by greendawn inwhat do you think of ray(mond) franz?
i have seen here some people critisise him as not being a really heartfelt opponent of the wts, but my view is that he was quite honest about his expressed motives against the cult.
with his revelations he gave a lot of momentum to the ex jw movement (the apostate organisation according to the jws) and offered valuable assistance to those seeking to shake off the ideological and social dependance on the oppressive cult.
He comes across more hurt and disappointed than angry and bitter. Not at all like the typical apostate described by the organization. Makes one wonder what else they have misrepresented.
Will the WTBTS come to an end?
by pierogi incults come and go so do you think the wtbts will eventually come to an end?
i think about this sometimes and i wonder if i will live to see it.
the reason why i want it to end is because i don't like the administration.
Yes that's it. Keep so busy with your routine, injected sporadically with special campaigns and "new(inconsequential) light, that you have no time think or evaluate. Yes dear ones it's that thinking, that evil, nefarious independent thinking that gets us into trouble. We'll take care of the thinking for you. Just stay busy! If you're already doing alot just do a little more and maybe just maybe you'll get everlasting life. Oh wait a second there's gonna be another test in about a thousand years. If you screw up after that- VAPORIZED. Are you tired, anxious, nerves frazzled? Great! Now you depend on us to make you feel better. "How?" you ask. Why with another special campaign to give your life purpose, silly rabbit.
P.S. Sorry to all those offended by sarcasm. I can't help it.
Will the WTBTS come to an end?
by pierogi incults come and go so do you think the wtbts will eventually come to an end?
i think about this sometimes and i wonder if i will live to see it.
the reason why i want it to end is because i don't like the administration.
Your points are well taken metatron and done4good. I hope my parents live to see a huge decrease.
Thanks also to onthewayout for your interesting observations.
JW's participate in Government talks with other religious bodies!
by Atlantis in(please delete if already posted).
http://www.online.ie/home/news.aspx?newsid=636132 religious bodies in talks with government.
ground-breaking talks between the government and religious bodies began in dublin today.. .
There is one important fact being overlooked in this discussion. Since when has the leadership of the organization felt it was bound to the same standards as the lowly, foolish, barely tolerable, not-to-be-trusted publishers. I'm thinking- U.N. ok for them but do not even think about taking a dip in the apostate waters of the swimming pool at the YMCA.