Guilt Guilt Guilt
Amen sister!
Nvr get out of bed to do massive hrs of service each month?.
Guilt Guilt Guilt
Amen sister!
this is i guess geared more toward bethelites or those in the know.
in the endless sunday meetings i was always facinated by the photographs and pictures in the books and magazines.
is there a large photo studio at bethel were the pictures are taken?
Hello Ruby:
Was there a lot of in fighting and string pulling to be picked to model for pictures?
Not exactly. "Prominent" and "mightily-used" brothers and their families are picked by those with authority to do so in the Photography Dept. Talk about status! When you've appeared in a piece of literature you know you've arrived, theocratically speaking that is.
Too ugly for the WT cover,
what circumstances or age would allow a bethelite to retire?.
they don't get social security right?.
what if anything do they get paid when and if they retire?.
Hello moo,
What circumstances or age would allow a bethelite to retire?
Nowadays you don't have to retire. Once they've sucked all of the vital juices out of you, they'll "retire" you and call it a wonderful and exciting new avenue of sacred service.Ex.- Special pioneering in North Dakota.
Love and respect to all former Bethel inmates,
i recently posted the progress of my fade.
a recent face-to-face meeting with a jwd poster, ak-jeff, caused me to reflect on how i arrived at .
Hello Doubting Bro.,
I need to keep going because I refuse to allow this stupid religion to steal her from me. I will fake it for the rest of my life if I have to because I just can't imagine living without her.
I totally understand. I hope I wasn't misunderstood. Do what you must my brother knowing you've got company. Your wife sounds special. It's great that you're refusing to let the org. destroy your family as it has so many. Hang in there!
Respectfully yours,
many of us who were once jehovah's witnesses had a measure of happiness in our lives.
for me, i had a hope in the future, i had answers as to why we are all here, i believed in a loving god who looked after me and cared about me, i had answers to all of lifes big questions.. when i found out the truth about the witnesses, i was lost in a great big world and now had no answers other than the fact that what i once believed was "the truth" in actuality wasn't the truth.i now had to start all over in my search for truth.
for me, it wasn't long before i found what i thought was the truth since i always believed in the bible.
Hello carpenter,
Good to hear from you. Hope to see you soon.
Hello Mouthy,
My deepest respect to you for your kindness in the face of harshness.
...but i can't say anything more right now.
still, it's amazingly, wonderfully, ain't the sky a gorgeous shade of blue today kind of news.
wish me luck... .
Hello Abandoned,
I'm so happy for you! You have a noble heart and it's drawn something beautiful to it. It's exciting but not surprising.
You had it coming to you. It makes perfect sense. You really put yourself out there. Like persons respond to that. Enjoy one another. What
else is there? Nothing. Bask in the warmth of new love.
Best wishes,
in 1996, the year he died, sagan gave a commencement address.
the following is an excerpt from it.
(the picture was taken by voyager 1 in 1990 as it left our solar system.
it's just a layer that needs to be peeled off
Oh tetra, it's a peelin' even as we speak.
ray franz mentioned in crisis of conscience that in 1980 schroeder, klein, and suiter proposed changing the start of "this generation" from 1914 to 1957. as the "this generation" doctrine has since mysteriously morphed any date associated with it is moot.
however, as time marches on without the developments anticipated by the gb may they again pick a new year, this time for the invisible enthronement of christ, in an attempt to buy time and regain credibility?
what dates or historical events would be likely choices?
Hello Doubting Bro.:
and my guess is that they will not be as loyal as the pre-1975 folks.
No, that my friend is a fact.
i recently posted the progress of my fade.
a recent face-to-face meeting with a jwd poster, ak-jeff, caused me to reflect on how i arrived at .
RE: OTWO & Doubting Bro. Fades
Hello to both. I don't know what's going to happen to me in the near future. I may be here crying my eyes out before you know it if they DA me in absentia, especially if anyone (I don't know who's reading this stuff) figures out who I am on JWD. But I will tell you this, I'm ready. I'm not saying it wont be tough, but I'm so ready. I already had the CO visit me. Super nice guy. And no I'm not being sarcastic, he's a kind man. I guess I'm saying just quit going already! Be as nice as pie to the brothers. You have no axe to grind with them. What's the worst that can happen? It feels so great to not go. And it gets easier with every passing day. I'm not trying to tell either one of you very intelligent men what to do. I'm just saying that by continuing to participate in the charade you're giving the org. power that it doesn't truly have. I hope my well-intentioned words of encouragement are not misunderstood.
Wishing you both the very best with this most delicate matter,
in 1996, the year he died, sagan gave a commencement address.
the following is an excerpt from it.
(the picture was taken by voyager 1 in 1990 as it left our solar system.
I don't know tetra,
I'm just a little older than you, but I'm liking what I'm seeing from people your age and younger. It seems like many of the new generation are just simply not buying what the establishment(religious, governmental, economic, etc.) is selling. It just appears that, while serious problems continue to plague humanity, each consecutive generation gets a little smarter, a little tougher to fool. This gives me hope. Ex.- I think the fanatical Islamic movement is already opening the eyes of a whole generation of young, forcing them to reconcile their religious traditions with reality.
Critical optimist,