So, as many of you know, I wrote a letter three months ago and told my family the goods about this cult... I think I was kind enough yet firm enought to get my point across-let's hope so as I'm not exactly Ernest Hemmingway when it comes to writing. Here's the best part to come of it. Not one of my letters was ever given to the Elders; apparently I'm not going to be disfellowshipped for apostacy-which honestly I could give a big rat's ass less about that one, and best of all, the letter has made it even to people that I didn't even send it to which means it's being passed around. For all of you thinking of doing the same; freaking do it, it is the most liberating expierence I've ever done-honestly if feels great to show that I have power over the fools that destroyed much of my life. Also, expect being called every name in the book and remember when this happens, it's a natural reaction from anyone who just got the bejesus scared out of them. Believe me, it scares the hell out of them, so realize that, be nice to whatever replies you may get and never, and I mean never back down from your prinicples. Remember you are right and they are wrong plain and simple! I'm not done by a far sight; I plan on having posters made that has Russell's pyramid and the occult diriven year of 1914 on it... another with Beth Sarim, and another asking if God's spirit directed the WT to all their false predictions and foolish claims? I'm making fliers which I hope many of you help me write, and I'm going to stick them on windshields and I'm going to stand in front of my familys KH with the posters on Sunday before meetings. From what I can tell, these fliers are like a trainwreck to the unsuspecting witness; they know they aren't supposed to read them yet they just can't help it-believe me they are reading it. This religion must die, and never destroy another family; it CAN BE DONE, if we stick together. If all i acheive in my life is to play a hand in destroying this evil called the WT, then it will have all been worth it; no more of my family members should ever be slaves to this cult ever again, realizing the fact that this may take years, it still will all be worth it when this complete evil is destroyed. Believe me my friends, WE CAN DESTROY THE WT, if we don't back down, refuse to be treated with distain or shunned... I mean when someone shuns me next, there will be a GD scene, I'm no longer in the mood to take that sh%$ anylonger. Next family member that shuns me for not being stupid enough to enslave myself to the fools at the WT is going to hear an cannonaide come out of my damn mouth. I will take their stupid arrogant insults no longer! it's time to draw our figurative swords and slay this beast, it must go down now! Oh, by the way, almost half of those I've written have been favorable to what I said.