I googled my ID, and there is actually someone with the same ID on another type of forum for motorcycles, etc.
I thought mine would have been an only one, but.....
well, for some reason, my sister in law- a faithful dub googled me and tracked me to this site.
i don't know if she is lurking on here, but, if she is, i'd like everyone to give her a hello, and a big, warm welcome.
so, hi becky!!!!!!
I googled my ID, and there is actually someone with the same ID on another type of forum for motorcycles, etc.
I thought mine would have been an only one, but.....
well, for some reason, my sister in law- a faithful dub googled me and tracked me to this site.
i don't know if she is lurking on here, but, if she is, i'd like everyone to give her a hello, and a big, warm welcome.
so, hi becky!!!!!!
Darn it Worldly Andre, now you've attached a demon to her computer with the moticon.. :)
judge lifts restraining order on "d.c. madam" phone records.
source: http://www.legitgov.org /.
email sent from jeane palfrey to citizens for legitimate government .
What's really going on?
the wbt$ certainly puts themselves as mediator between god and mankind..very unchristian.....in many cases the wbt$ would have us ignore the words of jesus and have us rely on them,for any meaning the bible may have..as in the case of the september 15th 1968 watchtower artical "why are you looking foreward to 1975??
?..the writer tells us "this is no time to be toying with the words of jesus!
"..the end is very near..this was on a thread by another poster a few days ago.....we all know that armageddon did not arrive as predicted by the wbt$ in 1975..but..to work up the 1975 frenzy,jw`s were told to ignore the words of jesus.....is telling people to ignore the words of jesus,anti-christ behavior?.....outlaw
I think Snowbird nailed it.
A good thief, to look innocent will make other thiefs around him look as if they stole something, while he points and blames in order to deceive the unsuspected by-stander. The WTS is that thief.
Call out others as "False Religion" to shift people away from them being a true False Religion, it's classic.
They are Anti-Christ year in and year out, and the followers of this false prophet have no idea what's coming. How many studies have been done by the WT on the "false prophet" ?
jws believe 1914 was a turning point with jesus' invisible reign, and the first world war started in 1914.. what order did it actually happen?.
did they think armageddon would be in 1914, then when it came and went they changed their mind and said it was jesus' invisible reign?
or did the war happen and only after they decided to say 1914 was a special year for them?
From what I've seen, if I'm not wrong, it wasn't until about 1924/25 that they switched to 1914 as Christs invisible reign. Somebody? Anybody? Thanks!
when i look around at all the people in the world, i'm comforted to know that jehovah will soon destroy them.. i'm talking about people that don't attend our encouraging christian meetings.
yes, people that don't zealously participate in the preaching of the good news.
'what good news?
Once again, thank you Watchtower Society for pumping out more athiests into the society from your Mega-Religion factory...My applause
it appears that there is a charles taze russell ringtone.. i wonder what it/one would sound like?.
It would be the sound of the eye, piece of block of the pyramid as it was laid on top of his memorial pyramid...a big clanky sound.
justitia themis had a topic 'disgusting comment re: education from tacoma 2007 district convention' regarding a talk on education that those pursuing degrees would be d.e.a.d.
unfortunately that stupid comment was not made at the dc i attended, but i am providing the audio to let ones know how far the society is going in discouraging ones from pursuing college by using weak and tired arguments.. http://www.box.net/shared/s523re4c7i.
OK, I'm gonna take a deep breathe now....................................whew! that feels better.
Where do I start with this lunacy?
To start, I'm so happy I got to sit and listen to 20+ minutes of this made up name Jehovah, and heard mention of Christ what?..2 times. What about being taught by Jesus?
And lets focus on the the 2 ladies:
Lady 1:
SHE made the bad choice on what she was going to college for, and couldn't get a job, YET, later on she says she worked in her field. Thousands of college students each year get through college and move on to jobs in their field of study. (Blame going to college for her bad choice, I love it)
Lady 2:
This is NO special thing she was experiencing that they were highlighting as "because of her being a JW, she is highly referred because of how she acts or teaches her own kids". Do you know how many thousands of daycare workers and home baby sitters get referrals and new kids on a monthly basis? Were THOSE referrals based on how they acted because of Jehovah?? Give me a break. Twisted thinking.
Conclusion...this talk, shows SPECIFICALLY that 1) you can go to college and still become a great faithful Jehovah's Witness, (they clearly proved this with the first girl did they not?)...Great teaching WTS, you just taught against what you're trying to teach)
and 2) this scare tactic clearly demonstrates that they really don't have great faith in "jehovah" and their kids, to think that they can't go to college and avoid all the negatives of college life. You make it what YOU make it. No one's forcing kids to go get drunk every weekend. A good student of this organization could easily avoid getting into trouble if they chose to, but the WTS knows better now, don't they???
Glad I could down load it...thanks for the link!
my grandpa died sunday afternoon.i was there in the room with him.i had to watch as he struggled to take his last breaths.it was horrific to watch.this was the second time i have watched someone in my family die.he died of prostate cancer.it was a long and painful death.i'm glad he's not in pain anymore.. at the moment i'm feeling a little emotional and upset about what i saw and all of the jw bs i had to listen too.i'm also dreading the jw memorial which is next weekend.i am planning on going.i'm da ed so i don't expect anyone to come up and talk to me or express there sorrow to me.the thing is i feel like i should be comferted and people should tell me they are sorry i lost my grandfather.i lost someone who i had alot of respect for all of my life regaurdless of how close we were after i da ed.i think i'm going to be excluded at the dinner after.they are planning a reception type thing for after the service.
i'm glad i did get the chance to see him and talk to him before he got really sick.i had the chance to go to dinner with him and my parents and a couple of my aunts a few months ago.when he was leaveing he asked me pointedly for a hug.he said he was collecting them.i hugged him and said i loved him.that was the last time i saw him till i went to my aunts house where he was staying just before he went into hospice.the next time i saw him was 3 weeks ago when he entered hospice and wasn't expected to live the night out.then i saw him sunday i arrived about 20 to 30 minutes before he took his last breath.he was creamated this week and will be buried with my other family in our family plots soon.. anyway i'm just in need of some kind words of support at the moment.i though that jwd would give that to me even though i don't post here that much.it really sucks to feel alone at times like this..
Sorry to hear this. Maybe you can feel comfort in knowing you were there with him and depending on the situation, he knew loved ones were there with him.
Many people don't get this opportunity. I hope you can have peace in your heart soon, and always remember the positive in the life he lead and had with you, however much it was.
two jws came knocking to my door.
instead of ingnoring the knock, i decided to answer.
with fixed smiles on their faces, one of the ladys offer me a flyer concerning the district convention.
Hey, if they visit again and you give them more info, even if they are trying to counter your info, ask that "when they break free from the mind control, will they come back and visit" to let you know and say thanks.