My Grandpa Died Sunday

by noni1974 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • noni1974

    My Grandpa died Sunday afternoon.I was there in the room with him.I had to watch as he struggled to take his last breaths.It was horrific to watch.This was the second time I have watched someone in my family die.He died of prostate cancer.It was a long and painful death.I'm glad he's not in pain anymore.

    At the moment I'm feeling a little emotional and upset about what I saw and all of the JW bs I had to listen too.I'm also dreading the JW memorial which is next weekend.I am planning on going.I'm Da ed so I don't expect anyone to come up and talk to me or express there sorrow to me.The thing is I feel like I should be comferted and people should tell me they are sorry I lost my Grandfather.I lost someone who I had alot of respect for all of my life regaurdless of how close we were after I DA ed.I think I'm going to be excluded at the dinner after.They are planning a reception type thing for after the service

    I'm glad I did get the chance to see him and talk to him before he got really sick.I had the chance to go to dinner with him and my parents and a couple of my Aunts a few months ago.When he was leaveing he asked me pointedly for a hug.He said he was collecting them.I hugged him and said I loved him.That was the last time I saw him till I went to my Aunts house where he was staying just before he went into hospice.The next time I saw him was 3 weeks ago when he entered hospice and wasn't expected to live the night out.Then I saw him Sunday I arrived about 20 to 30 minutes before he took his last breath.He was creamated this week and will be buried with my other family in our family plots soon.

    Anyway I'm just in need of some kind words of support at the moment.I though that JWD would give that to me even though I don't post here that much.It really sucks to feel alone at times like this.

  • NotaNess

    Sorry to hear this. Maybe you can feel comfort in knowing you were there with him and depending on the situation, he knew loved ones were there with him.

    Many people don't get this opportunity. I hope you can have peace in your heart soon, and always remember the positive in the life he lead and had with you, however much it was.

  • hubert

    Dear Noni,

    You are a great granddaughter to say all these things about your grandpa. I never knew my grandpa's very much, because (in the old days) they didn't spend much time with their grandchildren. I have one grandchild now, a girl, and we do everything together. She is my sidekick. We even went to Florida with her and her mom, and our most fun was just seeing her have fun. She's 11 years old, and full of life.

    Although I don't want her to be with me when I die, I do want her to remember the good times she had with her grandpa.

    I hope you have many memories of good times with yours.

    You and he will be in our prayers.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Noni, I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your Grandpa. I've never been a dub and I have a strong belief that death is but a doorway and your Grandpa now "knows it all". If you don't get any conforting from your family...go to somewhere in nature... a lake, stream, park, whatever and have your own special 'service' for your Grandpa by thinking of all the wonderful memories that you have. Take care.... life is eternal.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    noni1974 I am so sorry for your loss. I too, remember the pain in my heart, of losing my grandparents. If you are not invited to the dinner after, have a notebook and paper with you, drive to a nice park, and write. Write down everything that you can think of, about your grandpa.

    You will be able to add to it later, and re-read when you are feeling down in the future. And your children, need to know as much as possible, about this wonderful man, you loved so much.

  • jaguarbass

    I lost my father 3 years ago to prostate cancer. It was a terribel thing. He never told me he loved me or hugged me till about 6 months before he died. That was the last time I saw him. He wasnt a witness, my mother was. He told me two weeks before he died good by and he loved me and would see me on the other side.

    If you live long enough everybody and everything you know will die.

    Hopefully that will lead to something better. But enjoy yourself now.

  • nvrgnbk

    I'm so sorry noni.

    I loved my grandfather very much as well.

    He died 15 years ago and I still get emotional and sometimes cry when i think about not having him here.

    Cry as much as you need to. Know how much your Grandpa loved you.

    Even if he never told you, he was proud of you.

    Good he's at peace now.

    You are never really alone. Love is all around you. And love is within you.

  • Mum

    Noni, I'm so sorry for your loss. My grandparents were the most important people in the world to me, and their loss has left a huge empty place that no one else can fill. I actually still talk to them when I feel down or need reassurance.

    You can find solace with others who have lost loved ones. You have been blessed to have a grandfather who gave you happy memories.



  • Hortensia

    I sat with my mother while she died - sat for hours as she took fewer and fewer breaths. It was difficult, but I felt it was the last thing I could do for her. I didn't want her to die alone - whatever door she was passing through. By staying with your grandfather while he died, so painful and distressing to you, you were doing a loving service for him. And even though it was difficult, he isn't suffering now. I remind myself of that when I think about my mother's death. She isn't suffering now. You are suffering, keep posting on the JWD forum, we'll keep thinking about you and hope you can get through the memorial service and JW follies without too much grief.

  • esw1966

    I'm really sorry for the lost of your grandfather.

    It is very sad to love someone you loved so much. I lost my mother 3 years ago to breast cancer. It was very hard to experience her last breaths of air and to see her there on the bed no longer alive. Death is very sad.

    I wish you the best.

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