JoinedPosts by NotaNess
Neep Help, has the teaching on Porneia Jan1, 1972 WT pg31/32 changed since?
by NotaNess inhi all, any changes in this teaching since they made these statements regarding scriptural divorce and "being one flesh" as the only means of divorce?
are they still backing these scriptures with that meaning only, or have they flip flopped since then and related it to all immoral sex acts with anyone other than a spouse?.
if so, do you have that info?
May I direct your attention to pages 220 & 221?
by NotaNess inof the proclaimers book.
no doubt many of you have read this jw book on the wt version of the history and origins of the society.. my issue is on pages 220 and 221 where they "briefly" show some images of things and practices, that the org has abandoned.
some of these were practiced for many years, and even were at the very creation of the organization.. according to jw/wts teachings and beliefs, this organization has "pagan" origins based on the given evidence.
Of the proclaimers book. No doubt many of you have read this JW book on the WT version of the History and Origins of the Society.
My issue is on pages 220 and 221 where they "briefly" show some images of things and practices, that the org has abandoned. Some of these were practiced for many years, and even were at the very creation of the organization.
According to JW/WTS teachings and beliefs, this organization has "pagan" origins based on the given evidence. Did this not have any effect on you as a JW, knowing that you were out teaching to "not touch un-clean things"? Is this not proof, that this is NOT how God's organization would come to be, or even be God''s organization in general?
It did and does not matter that they were abandoned, or a "better understanding" was implimented into the teachings. If a career criminal and killer, stopped his ways, and was introduced to you as a good friend of a friend of yours and you were asked to have them over for dinner and/or sleep over, would you do it?........why not?, he abandoned his old practices. The answer is no, and you would never ever feel comfortable with that person at gatherings or socials, around your kids, etc.
If you read it, how did your mind explain it away?
(please, I don't want to hear about how all religion is pagan based, just focus on the particular issue, thanks)
?Please explain Evolution to me in simple terms
by Guest with Questions inand please dont give me links to read.
i dont want a complicated version; just a very simple explanation on the theory of evolution, and if possible, in your own words.
many of us are very ignorant on this subject and it seems that a few here are very knowledgeable so i hope you can help me and others also.. also if you believe in the theory of common descent, could you explain that to me also?
Uploaded here is an illustrated drawing of a very important molecule found in every living cell of humans, a protein molecule called Laminin.
.....just for fun.
What have I missed ??
by Junction-Guy ini have been on vacation since july 1st.
i spent 16 days visiting family in ohio, and have only checked in on the board briefly during that time.
has anything major happened in the watchtower world?.
Hey, good to see you had a good vacation. While you were gone the believers have lead the athiests to believe we are convinced there is no God, so theyll finally stop posting anti-God topics. Its not working. Everyone shift to plan B.
Neep Help, has the teaching on Porneia Jan1, 1972 WT pg31/32 changed since?
by NotaNess inhi all, any changes in this teaching since they made these statements regarding scriptural divorce and "being one flesh" as the only means of divorce?
are they still backing these scriptures with that meaning only, or have they flip flopped since then and related it to all immoral sex acts with anyone other than a spouse?.
if so, do you have that info?
The force is with me. Thanks! :)
Neep Help, has the teaching on Porneia Jan1, 1972 WT pg31/32 changed since?
by NotaNess inhi all, any changes in this teaching since they made these statements regarding scriptural divorce and "being one flesh" as the only means of divorce?
are they still backing these scriptures with that meaning only, or have they flip flopped since then and related it to all immoral sex acts with anyone other than a spouse?.
if so, do you have that info?
T R U E ! Ill wait patiently, though.
Why is it so hard for a JW to admit when they are wrong about anything?
by A-Team inespecially about the bible??
why would jws rather argue and argue instead of admitting defeat and wrongdoing?
Case in point, sort of:
I brought up the policy and teaching to a Witness today, on scriptural divorce as stated in the Jan 1st, 1972 Watchtower on fornication and adultery. (regarding homosexuality & beastiality as well).
Their reply was "what year?"....OH, that's old, so long ago, probably not that way now. I hinted at the "old light" habits of the WT. So basically, he just shrugged it off as "old, doesn't relate to me today, info".
How can you show these people when something so wrong is staring them in their face, yet they completely disregard it as nothing for them to be of interest in? This person was born after this Watchtower issue, and was raised in the org.
Neep Help, has the teaching on Porneia Jan1, 1972 WT pg31/32 changed since?
by NotaNess inhi all, any changes in this teaching since they made these statements regarding scriptural divorce and "being one flesh" as the only means of divorce?
are they still backing these scriptures with that meaning only, or have they flip flopped since then and related it to all immoral sex acts with anyone other than a spouse?.
if so, do you have that info?
Don't know why it posted twice, what the heck...I didn't finish what I was typing dang it!
Neep Help, has the teaching on Porneia Jan1, 1972 WT pg31/32 changed since?
by NotaNess inhi all, any changes in this teaching since they made these statements regarding scriptural divorce and "being one flesh" as the only means of divorce?
are they still backing these scriptures with that meaning only, or have they flip flopped since then and related it to all immoral sex acts with anyone other than a spouse?.
if so, do you have that info?
Hi all, any changes in this teaching since they made these statements regarding scriptural divorce and "being one flesh" as the only means of divorce? Are they still backing these scriptures with that meaning only, or have they flip flopped since then and related it to all immoral sex acts with anyone other than a spouse?
If so, do you have that info? Thanks!
I am ashamed.
by ThomasCovenant inif we cut out all the crap, the jehovah's witness religion kills people through their 'blood' policy.
people die from following it.. therefore i am ashamed to say that i was part of it for so long.
i used to say, as many who are still in still do, that it's not a bad way of life.. yes it is.
Just wanted to give another Hurrah, to Raymomd Franz, for his battle and succeeding to come forward to tell of the wrongs of the WTS in regards to this topic and countless other issues. No doubt he has helped many Escape from the Watchtower.