Would be funny too if someone got into the announcement booth and starting talking in a demonic style voice. what a sight that would be.
JoinedPosts by NotaNess
International Conventions
by stillajwexelder inso i am sure you will be thrilled to know that the international conventions in 2009 will be held in mexico, hawaii, south america (but did not say where exactly), austria and germany with other possibles and kenya - nairobi.
cost to europe is slated at 2500 dollars package but warned that other destinations will cost more.
the main requirement read in the letterwas "make sure you have the finances".
International Conventions
by stillajwexelder inso i am sure you will be thrilled to know that the international conventions in 2009 will be held in mexico, hawaii, south america (but did not say where exactly), austria and germany with other possibles and kenya - nairobi.
cost to europe is slated at 2500 dollars package but warned that other destinations will cost more.
the main requirement read in the letterwas "make sure you have the finances".
Im wondering, if the people in charge of renting out these parks and arenas for the CONventions were of the Christian faith...would they be so willing to rent them out if they knew the very people they are renting to, believe they are being lead by satan, and part of "false religion". Or is the money just too good to pass up? Would be interesting to have someone pay for one of those planes to fly overhead with an appropriate banner message for the witnesses.
Need information concerning my infant child
by willz inhello all, i have been attending meetings for about two months, but have been reading about the truth for a year now.
our firstborn was on oct 7th, this year ;) however, my wife is in a c.o.g.i.c.
and because im not as humble as most, i often argue with her about the lies being told in her babylonian church.
However, if YOU are baptized, you cannot allow your daughter to be baptized. You would be associating with false religion to allow your daughter to be inducted into Chistendom, the great harlot.
Yes, we know this is how the WT and it's followers view other faiths, but please everyone, let's not forget that the JW faith is False Religion & an Apostate to Christ, proven over and over again.
Show her that there is no evidence in scripture supporting infant baptism. But if she wants to dedicate your child under God's watch, I wouldn't sweat it. Like others have said, your child doesn't know anything about it. If it makes her at ease in the raising of your child, and you understand it really doesn't mean anything that's life changing, then just go with the flow. It's not gonna harm anything. If the WT makes you believe it will harm you in some way, then you need to get out of that understanding.
Baptism, wedding rings, honeymoons, are all linked to pagan origins. Have you any experience with these???? Does the WT tell you God has a problem with you over these said issues?
First thing to try and do is to get your mind out of the grips of the WTS, then you can think a little bit more clearly on the matters like you're facing here.
need a scan of the wt jan 15 2008
by cultswatter inneed a tiif scan of the page with the triangle please.
please use the descreening filter in the scanner(epson calls it descreen).. i want to do some serious image work on the triangle but a crappy jpeg or png won't do.
if you think that i am obsessed with this triangle then you are right.
This is a rediculous argument. Saving a tif as a jpeg to post online for you to download is gonna do absolutely nothing to the visual quality of the scan. You only lose quality in a bitmap image saved as a jpeg, only after it's been opened and compressed multiple times over.
I've only been working in Photoshop about 325 days a year for the last 12 years, but I could be wrong.
by millymollymandy inhi, i've been lurking on here for a few days but i have a burning question that needs to be answered so i'm outing myself... .
i'm a non-jw (non-christian, in fact) and i've been in a relationship with a jw for the last five years.
we're both pretty young (early 20s) and he still lives at home with his devoutly jw family.
Here's something to think about. Let's say a friend at a party pointed out a cute guy(your boyfriend), and you never met him before, but she's trying to hook you up. If she told you "hey, he' a stock broker, her drives a vette, he's 6'3"....you'd be like "wow, tell me more". The next thing she says, is "but he belongs to a cult".
Would you go over and meet him???? Would you have ever given him any further attention?
This is who you're in a relationship with. Now what?
OK, I'm sorry for whatever topic or post I made that spawned this topic.
what song best describes your sex life
by karter insound of silence.. as my wife is a j.w all along the watchtower!
Doug Stone's "Made for Loving You" - (Country)
Racism has reared its ugly head
by dinah inhello folks.
seriously need to vent.. my daughter had a boyfriend who broke up with her today because her parents don't want him seeing a half-black girl.
he said his parents screamed at him all night.
Last spring, the boy's parents didn't seem to have a problem. They actually dropped by to visit a few times. I have no idea what changed. My guess is a grandparent saw a pic of my daughter.
Am I the only one here that doesn't see anything to do with race here???? Not one thing was mentioned about the parents showing or saying anything about the girls color to prove anything racially. There was a comment about a "GUESS" pertaining to the grandparent.
I'm definitely not feeling good that your daughter and yourselves are having to go through this, I feel for you, but I sure as heck would be afraid to have some of you that posted, on a jury deciding my verdict in a crime I didn't do.
Could it be that the daughter started rubbing the parents the wrong way over time, or did some things they didn't like?? If it was race, it would have been addressed back when they started. A true bigot, wouldn't let the relationship go that long without issues right off the bat.
Hope it all works out for her somehow.
Photoshop fun, combined your Avitars, see who was chosen...
by NotaNess inup like a zombie and bored, sorry.
couldn't spend much time on these, but it passed the time.
the names i selected for the images are to the right.. .
Up like a Zombie and bored, sorry. Couldn't spend much time on these, but it passed the time. The names I selected for the images are to the right.
STOP THE MADNESS....where is this board going?
by SnakesInTheTower ini've only posted since feb 07..but i have lurked for several years prior and there was usually something interesting on the board.
as i was reading the active topics list this morning, only a couple things jumped out at me as interesting...its been this way since the dgate and tgate incidents.... i was discussing this with a long time poster via im yesterday....does it seem to anyone else that so many of the topics are ...i dont know....odd...or different than they used to be...and i dont mean that in a good way.. i miss the newbies coming on and telling us their stories.... i miss the long time posters updating us on their lives post-borg... i guess with the recent uproar, the lurkers are hesitant to become newbies (cant say as i blame them now...we probably scared them off , and maybe the vets are just as hesitant...after all, someone went 2 years with their fraud/hoax...who will believe anyone else now?
i hope this is just a temporary cycle on this board..i have read many many posts from the archives...i hope one day soon we can get back to a happy medium here.. by the way, i like the fluff threads, but these seem to be more and more sex related (maybe that word will wake someone)... yet they get all the attention....and then someone goes too far and it gets locked down by a mod and the poster restricted......(i am not a prude...just sometimes enough is enough).
Well, for me...I don't feel comfortable posting, even though I do and still try. I even have trouble posting things I've researched and found interesting. The board has a feeling of "clicks". I'll post some things but even on those things I feel attacked and even an "outcast".
Since the TGate and DGate, it seems a bit worse. Maybe those "clicks" are stronger now since the TGate and DGate happened because they are in their click of people they know pretty well? Just a thought.
You See! I knew my topic on Cliques here a few weeks back was ahead of the game. "MAN, I'm tired of always being right!" (-Jim Carrey)