I believe they even conducted a wedding for one of the inmates that got baptized, If i remember correctly.
"Do you, Bubba, take this man to be your bitch...."...lol
i'm just curious about this, and the prison baptisms---never knew much about it.
thanks in advance.
I believe they even conducted a wedding for one of the inmates that got baptized, If i remember correctly.
"Do you, Bubba, take this man to be your bitch...."...lol
hey, folks,.
we're moving next week, and i've been thinking about sending a pro-active do not call letter to the approprate congregation, just so i don't have to mess with them calling.
is there an easy way to find out which congregation's territory my new place is in?
one characteristic of dubs is a preoccupation and fear of the demons.
their literature contains descriptions of a contest between the creator god and satan, such as found in their recently publication worship the only true god.
according to page 71:
What I never uderstood was why your self-respecting super-powerful demons wanted to hang out in, say, a musty old painting bought at a garage sale by Sister Dunk of No.12 Girdle Street, Wapping, and hung up next to her embroidered scenes from the Bible Stories book.
You'd think that a demon would rather be hanging out in the penthouse suite of the Ritz or at least having a hauntingly good time in the aisles of Louis Vitton.
I know that I would!
this is my last post for a couple of weeks as i'm going on holiday (st ives).
my apologies to those waiting for august's km, it's going to be a bit late!.
anyhow... i was enjoying amazing's recent thread where he picks apart the society's view on masturbation and, like him, realized that female sexuality is seldom discussed.
There are cases where a girl became pregnant as a result of one sex interview with a boy
What the hell is a sex interview?
Boy: "Now then Ms....."
Girl: "Smith"
Boy: "Ms. Smith...yes....I understand that you are interesting in the position of salami catcher."
Girl: "Yes I am! I saw your ad. in the paper and I'm very enthusiatic about the position!"
Boy: "What qualifications do you have for the position?"
Girl: "Well I'm extremely flexible and use my head. I can also think on my feet."
Boy: "Um...well that sounds satisfactory. Can see your references?"
etc etc etc
Yup. The wonderful world of bethelsex.
i replied to your message, but i'm not sure if you know how to access it.. when you log in, look at the top leftish of the screen for the box which says "welcome 68storm".
in it you should see "inbox (1 new messages)".
click on that and you should get to my message.. nice to hear from you!.
Hi there!
I replied to your message, but I'm not sure if you know how to access it.
When you log in, look at the top leftish of the screen for the box which says "welcome 68storm". In it you should see "inbox (1 new messages)". Click on that and you should get to my message.
Nice to hear from you!
i just had a jw come to my door and i had to threaten her to get her to leave!
i told the woman right off i was 'apostate' and had no intention of changing it.
she kept asking me personal questions which i told her were none of her business and she said she would have the elders come by and i told her that if they came by the better be wearing bullet proof vests!
Can I bite you too?
i keep saying i am going to start a thread on this topic so here goes.... what, if anything, is always morally wrong?
murder, rape, incest?
how much do you think your belief, or lack thereof, in a higher power influences your opinion?.
What does that mean? Rape and murder are acts that meet certain criteria. How are they not acts?
OK here's where I ramble incoherently....lol
How do we process moral judgements? I would say that it goes something like this:
Here's example 1: suppose I came to you and said "I'm going to give you an act and I want you to tell me if it is morally right or wrong."
You say "OK go ahead".
I say "Alright, the act is two people having sex. Is that morally right or wrong?
You say "I don't know!"
At this stage all we have is the act: two people having sex. So, what you do is find out the criteria, usually by questions.
You might well ask me "what were the ages of the participants?"
I say "one was 36, and the other was 11."
Now you have not only the act (two people having sex), but criteria too (their ages).
Using the criteria, you can make a moral judgement, that the specific occurence of this act is morally wrong.
Finally, to signify that, you apply a negative label: child abuse.
Example 2: Suppose that, as above, the act is two people having sex.
However, this time you ask questions and the criteria turn out to be that the two people are 36 and 34, married, and celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary.
This time the criteria enables you to make the moral judgement that the specific occurence of this act is morally right, and to signify this you apply a suitable label e.g. making love.
So, above are two examples of the same act (two people having sex), but the first is morally wrong and the second morally right.
Looking at the answers that were given:
1) An adult having sex with a toddler. This is not just an act, but an act with added criteria. The act is sex, the criteria is that one is adult, one is a toddler. It's the criteria of this specific occurence of sex that enable us to judge it as morally wrong.
2) Sexual intercourse with a child. Again, this is an act with criteria. The act is sexual intercourse. The criteria is that one of the participants is a child.
3) Unwanted sexual contact. Same again. The act is sexual contact. The criteria is that it is unwanted.
This is why I say that there is no act that can be said to be absolutely right or wrong. You cannot make a judgement on a specific occurence of an act, until you know the criteria of that specific instance. It's the criteria that enable the judgement.
And that is what moral relativism means to me: using the individual criteria of a specific occurence of an act to make a moral judgement on the specific occurence of that act.
To use moral absolutism in the above examples, you would have to say that all occurences of the act (two people having sex) are wrong. Obviously not a maintainable position.
This is also why, if Big Tex says "rape is always wrong", he's not making a statement of moral absolutism. What he's really saying is that "when a specific occurence of sexual intercourse occurs where one of the participants is not willing, this is wrong."
I can therefore reply to Big Tex "I couldn't agree with you more!" and still not be a moral absolutist.
fury at sheriff's 'exile' comments .
maxwell's name was added the sex offenders' list.
scottish justice minister jim wallace has been asked to investigate comments made by a sheriff as he allowed a paedophile to escape a jail term.
Thomas Maxwell back in the news:
i keep saying i am going to start a thread on this topic so here goes.... what, if anything, is always morally wrong?
murder, rape, incest?
how much do you think your belief, or lack thereof, in a higher power influences your opinion?.
OK, here's a mind-challenge.
Can someone name an ACT that is always ABSOLUTELY wrong?
Remember, we're talking about acts. Rape and murder are not acts, but labels applied to specific instances of acts that meet certain criteria.
i just had a jw come to my door and i had to threaten her to get her to leave!
i told the woman right off i was 'apostate' and had no intention of changing it.
she kept asking me personal questions which i told her were none of her business and she said she would have the elders come by and i told her that if they came by the better be wearing bullet proof vests!
Threats are counter-productive, and put you at risk of legal action.
Here's what you do: write a letter to both the local congregation and to the HQ demanding that the JW's do not call you either in person or by telephone, or write letters to you, or contact you in any way whasoever. Send it by registered mail, and copy it to your lawyer (if you don't have one, get one). Tell them that if they violate your expressed demands, you may take all possible legal remedies available to you, including having them charged with trespassing and harassement, and suing the individual publishers, the congregation, and the Watchtower Society itself.
Write another letter detailing your outrage at the harassement you have received from the JW's, and why you do not want to have contact with them (detail the child abuse scandal, for instance. You damn well don't want pedophiles knocking on your door!). Send this letter to every local newspaper in the area.
If they call, sue the britches off them.