JoinedPosts by iconoclastic
Where is this evil spirit from?
by iconoclastic inmany believe in the wonderful drama of evolution (life evolving from non-life through flower/fruit beautiful trees and variety of species, reaching homo sapiens and finally returning to non-life) through various processes such as mutation, adaptation, natural selection .... yet there is an evil spirit working against the very spirit of the evolution, producing ironical results in too large a scale.
to mention a few:.
1) the really superior beings are kept sidelined (http://thoughtcatalog.com/lorenzo-jensen-iii/2015/07/17-ways-that-science-proves-women-are-superior-to-men/).
When something good and reasonable is mentioned/asked, you escape attributing it to BK. Instead, why can't you try for answer/comments? -
Where is this evil spirit from?
by iconoclastic inmany believe in the wonderful drama of evolution (life evolving from non-life through flower/fruit beautiful trees and variety of species, reaching homo sapiens and finally returning to non-life) through various processes such as mutation, adaptation, natural selection .... yet there is an evil spirit working against the very spirit of the evolution, producing ironical results in too large a scale.
to mention a few:.
1) the really superior beings are kept sidelined (http://thoughtcatalog.com/lorenzo-jensen-iii/2015/07/17-ways-that-science-proves-women-are-superior-to-men/).
I liked the way you, Saintbertholdt, reviewed my comments—manly. Regarding your question: Then why are you such a skeptic when it comes to evolution?
Because evolution theory is too inadequate to explain simple questions such as:
How did matter get so perfectly organized? Where did the energy come from to do all the organizing? When, where, why, and how did life come from dead matter? When, where, why, and how did life learn to reproduce itself? With what did the first cell capable of sexual reproduction reproduce? How can mutations (recombining of the genetic code) create any new, improved varieties? What can similarities in design between different animals prove a common Creator or a common ancestor? If you say a common ancestor, then you will find it very difficult to explain ensuing question: Which evolved first (how, and how long, did it work without the others)?
a. The digestive system, the food to be digested, the appetite, the ability to find and eat the food, the digestive juices, or the body’s resistance to its own digestive juice (stomach, intestines, etc.)?
b. The drive to reproduce or the ability to reproduce?
c. The lungs, the mucus lining to protect them, the throat, or the perfect mixture of gases to be breathed into the lungs?
d. DNA or RNA to carry the DNA message to cell parts?
e. The termite or the flagella in its intestines that actually digest the cellulose?
f. The plants or the insects that live on and pollinate the plants?
g. The bones, ligaments, tendons, blood supply, or muscles to move the bones?
h. The nervous system, repair system, or hormone system?
i. The immune system or the need for it? …….. How did photosynthesis evolve? How did thought evolve? How did flowering plants evolve, and from what, and for whom to see and appreciate those beautiful flowers? List would go endless
Thus religions nor evolution are the answer.
Avoid harm, and Do good to yourself and others, and enjoy the surprise which is in store-- is my philosophy.
Where is this evil spirit from?
by iconoclastic inmany believe in the wonderful drama of evolution (life evolving from non-life through flower/fruit beautiful trees and variety of species, reaching homo sapiens and finally returning to non-life) through various processes such as mutation, adaptation, natural selection .... yet there is an evil spirit working against the very spirit of the evolution, producing ironical results in too large a scale.
to mention a few:.
1) the really superior beings are kept sidelined (http://thoughtcatalog.com/lorenzo-jensen-iii/2015/07/17-ways-that-science-proves-women-are-superior-to-men/).
Saintbertholdt you are asking:
Why do you equate the existence of God with whether evolution is true or not?
The question, “Does God exist?“ has three possible answers: (1) Yes; (2) Maybe; (3) No. Since no one can prove or disprove the existence of God, all three answers may be right -for respective followers. I believe that I the spirit in me is eternal (3:11) and returns to God at the death of my physical apparatus (Eccl 12:7), reside with my God in heaven for some time, then come to earth and reside for some time (Mathew 11:14) and again return to God only to repeat it all over again (Ecc 1:9). Proof for this is that I came through my parents (not from them) who in turn came through their parents—and it goes backward infinitely.Just seeing with physical eyes are not enough, we should also use the eye of understanding. Ask another question: “Does the world really exist?“ You may say you can see the world. However, just because we can see the world and experience it with our bodily senses, can we say it `exists' as solid as rock, as liquid as water, as gas as air …..? What is the definition of existence? Are our bodily senses so completely reliable for us to say that the world `exists'? When we are seeing a dream, the dream world does seem real for the duration of the dream. We can see it and our senses experience it as if it is `real'. But when we wake up, we say the dream wasn't real! It seems everything is relative to a certain state of consciousness we are in. So, even the so-called real world exists only in the kind of consciousness we have in our waking state. What if we are awakened to another state of consciousness of different plane/dimension. Ths is not to say that this world is not real, but to show the limitations of our physical senses which some of the people view them as ultimate source of knowledge/experience.
Your second question to me: Why do you insist on a literal interpretation of Genesis with two naked teenagers in a botanical garden and a talking snake?
I do not take the Genesis account of creation which is the fabrication of later writers, according to Jeremiah 7:22; 8:8
Where is this evil spirit from?
by iconoclastic inmany believe in the wonderful drama of evolution (life evolving from non-life through flower/fruit beautiful trees and variety of species, reaching homo sapiens and finally returning to non-life) through various processes such as mutation, adaptation, natural selection .... yet there is an evil spirit working against the very spirit of the evolution, producing ironical results in too large a scale.
to mention a few:.
1) the really superior beings are kept sidelined (http://thoughtcatalog.com/lorenzo-jensen-iii/2015/07/17-ways-that-science-proves-women-are-superior-to-men/).
In the US, how many women presidents do we have? Why not even one so far in its "239 years" of history?
Where is this evil spirit from?
by iconoclastic inmany believe in the wonderful drama of evolution (life evolving from non-life through flower/fruit beautiful trees and variety of species, reaching homo sapiens and finally returning to non-life) through various processes such as mutation, adaptation, natural selection .... yet there is an evil spirit working against the very spirit of the evolution, producing ironical results in too large a scale.
to mention a few:.
1) the really superior beings are kept sidelined (http://thoughtcatalog.com/lorenzo-jensen-iii/2015/07/17-ways-that-science-proves-women-are-superior-to-men/).
& Saintbertholdt
I was also believing like you 10 years before. However, this is my experience:
Peace comes with harmony. Harmony comes with accepting the truth. Truth is that woman is superior—something I realized in the second half of my married life. With patriarchal mind-set, I was trying to control my wife with my comments on everything she does, but this reaped only distress and conflict. One day she said:
“By not letting me do things with freedom, you are only safeguarding your superiority which is an illusion. Prove yourself superior letting me do things my own way and seeing me collapsing. On the other hand, if I succeed without your help—you don’t have to approve my superiority, at least you can approve my equality. Fact is that I don’t want to make a big deal about equality; I would be genuinely happy if you could measure up and get it too. True I do sometimes behave as childishly as you. When it comes to equality, I have no problem at all over you aspiring to it. Maybe you are more mature. May be you just know that it won’t happen. But, go ahead, keep trying. All men are born equal; and most women are born more so. Remember, how much you make me sweat for the privilege? Well, what do you know? It made me realize there was no point in getting all hot and bothered about it. The gender equation would always be skewed. Like any other women I am also simply encoded with a superior set of chromosomes. Mine is not to question Y; mine is but to be XXtra strong, mentally and cerebrally. Hence I challenge you—let me do things with freedom, experiment with me, and come to a conclusion after seeing the result.”
I agreed. I let her do without any kind of intervention from me. Now she proved her worth. She is the real hero at home, despite the fact that she also runs a hospital without any kind of intervention/help from me. (I retired from merchant navy only a few months back). She is better than me.
Where is this evil spirit from?
by iconoclastic inmany believe in the wonderful drama of evolution (life evolving from non-life through flower/fruit beautiful trees and variety of species, reaching homo sapiens and finally returning to non-life) through various processes such as mutation, adaptation, natural selection .... yet there is an evil spirit working against the very spirit of the evolution, producing ironical results in too large a scale.
to mention a few:.
1) the really superior beings are kept sidelined (http://thoughtcatalog.com/lorenzo-jensen-iii/2015/07/17-ways-that-science-proves-women-are-superior-to-men/).
Many believe in the wonderful drama of evolution (life evolving from non-life through flower/fruit beautiful trees and variety of species, reaching homo sapiens and finally returning to non-life) through various processes such as mutation, adaptation, natural selection …. Yet there is an evil spirit working against the very spirit of the evolution, producing ironical results in too large a scale. To mention a few:
1) The really superior beings are kept sidelined (http://thoughtcatalog.com/lorenzo-jensen-iii/2015/07/17-ways-that-science-proves-women-are-superior-to-men/)
2) The powerful majority subsist at the mercy of a few rich people. In the US many feel it is 99 vs 1%
3) For the last few decades, policies of the wealthy and (all)mighty nations are determined by a few terrorists (how even the President of the sole Super Power should sleep is determined by them—He needs a no-fly zone above his residence even when he visits other countries). (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/wrost-year-global-terrorism-2014-article-1.2130490) Travel has become extremely difficult even for the former president of the largest democracy in the world. (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Former-President-APJ-Abdul-Kalam-frisked-twice-in-US/articleshow/10714158.cms)
The only way to know God exists!
by iconoclastic indo everything as god would do if he were present here.
this will attract his attention, and you will experience his invisible hands blessing everything you do, giving you results more than what you sowed.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
hence put to the test the above, and then you can make really authentic comments!.
Dear punkofnice
Don't worry about any organization. No one can recruit you without your consent!
The only way to know God exists!
by iconoclastic indo everything as god would do if he were present here.
this will attract his attention, and you will experience his invisible hands blessing everything you do, giving you results more than what you sowed.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
hence put to the test the above, and then you can make really authentic comments!.
This I not only agree with you—but this is what I have been practicing ever since I left JW org***. But when my wife started a hospital with the money I earned, and later turned into more of a service to the society working in close association with Catholic nuns who also run some orphanages, we began to experience the invisible support of God. Our former life of money-making business and its attendant pleasures are comparable to drainage water where as now as if we are drinking from the pure water. Hence the OP that says--rather than trying to seek proof for the existence of God, attract Him towards you embarking on journey doing exactly what you expect Him to do if He were present here.
***(not much longer association I had with JW. After Bible study was over, I began a practice of reading a chapter daily. When I reached Jeremiah—especially 7:22 and 8:8 I stopped reading the Bible and association with JWs whose basic belief is that every verse of the Bible is inspired whereas Jeremiah in those two verses say much of the Bible is interpolated)
The only way to know God exists!
by iconoclastic indo everything as god would do if he were present here.
this will attract his attention, and you will experience his invisible hands blessing everything you do, giving you results more than what you sowed.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
hence put to the test the above, and then you can make really authentic comments!.
Dear punkofnice
When the concept of love is mentioned, you don’t ask which love—American love, European love, Russian love, Australian love. Similarly, when the concept of God is mentioned, asking which God—Hebrew, Christian, Muslim …. is not necessary!
People simply ask for proof. If proof is given, they will still cling on to their conviction. Medical Science has coined the word life-style diseases which means certain life styles invite some diseases. What effect does this have on people? Now, we also know that cooking destroys enzymes and brings in loss of protein and vitamins. (for more details: Survival Report into the 21st Century, BY Dr. Viktoras Kulvinskas). Will this change the habit of cooking we are so accustomed to? No chance.
Why, even our own experience does not change our conviction. You think you are the physical body. Yet every night in a dream experience while that body is stretched out on a mattress, a ‘you’ unconnected to the body works through your dream. That dream experience does not shake your conviction that you are the body. Wilder Penfield experimented with patients undergoing neurosurgery and found that the mind seemed to act independently of the brain in the same way a programmer acts independent of his computer, however much he may depend upon his computer. British neurologist and Nobel laureate John Eccles showed consciousness to be extracerebral and specified an area (SMA) in the brain where fusion of the consciousness with brain takes place. He also showed that by a complex code the extracerebral mind is playing 50 million neurons in the SMA region. Eccles holds that such a non-physical mind survives after death of our physical body and brain. Yet what effect did his findings (now more than 10 years old) have on people?
Because if we believe we have an immortal mind, then we will have to believe in a Supreme Mind behind this universe which people in general do not want to accept.
Is this a subtle clue that the leaders really see the "great tribulation" of the WT coming soon?
by never a jw insimilarly, we cannotexpect that the future interruption inthe great tribulation will result in aninflux of new believers.
rather, it willbe an opportunity for all true believersto prove their love for jehovah andgive their support to christs brothers.. (par.
7, page 16, wt july 2015).
Greater tribulation will be for the "Faithful and Discreet slave" who 'started beating his fellow slaves' by abuse such as not greeting ... calling them apostates.
sorry, it is not greater, "greatest" (Mathew 24:51) for teaching God-dishonoring doctrines such as 'God felt challenged by Satan' and so on.