and why was the earmuff kid always in a soccer uniform?? oh god, i about lost it with the dart gun. "snoop, snoop-a-loop."
JoinedPosts by eyegirl
Seen Old School?
by patio34 inhas anyone seen old school with will ferrell?
i'm still rofl!!!
it's soooo funny!!.
Maui Was Wonderful
by Stacy Smith ini want to go back right now.
what a beautiful place and such friendly people.
i enjoyed the relaxed pace there, a lot, maybe too much.. but i'm back to my reality and classes start on monday.
all i can say is good luck and perhaps you want to bookmark this thread so you can look back in a few years and see if you still feel the same way. it always used to annoy me when my mother would tell me that i acted like i knew everything and had it all figured out. i thought i did, then i grew up and found out that i knew jack shit. there is no doubt that compromise is part of any relationship. it seems, however, that the older you get, the more your boundaries of compromise are defined. you find out more about yourself, what you want, what you don't want, what you can put up with, etc. i guess i don't see what the hurry is to get married. you've already said you don't want to have children, so what's the rush? another you/have you live(d) on your own? that's one thing my brother says he has always admired about my sister and me. we've proven ourselves that we can truly make it without the help of any man in our life. his wife never did. it annoys the shit out of him to this day. also some have brought up about some couples getting married very young and they've been together 20, 30, 40+ years. again, times were alot different back then. look at how much has changed in the world. 25 or 30 years ago, most women didn't have much of a choice other than to get married and have babies. that's not even coming from me--that's a little piece of advice i got from my folks (who fall into the previous category) when i was considering marriage a couple of years ago. yes, marriage can be great, but why rush into a huge commitment early on in life. get out, live life. you're only young once, might as well make the most of of luck.
Seen Old School?
by patio34 inhas anyone seen old school with will ferrell?
i'm still rofl!!!
it's soooo funny!!.
i own it and have watched it repeatedly. omg, i freakin love that movie. it's the general concensus that i should date frank the tank. he's my soulmate, lol. that movie has so many great one liners.............."honey, do you think KFC is still open?"
No one gets me!
by joannadandy inyes it's true...i am having flashbacks of my angsty teen years where my call to arms was always "you just don't understand me!".
miss eyegirl and i have been spending a lot of time together.
probably too much for the safety of the human race.
oh gawd girly, we have far too much fun. i'd have stayed if i could've but work beckoned. besides, i think your mom was trying to use telekinetic powers to kill me, like in the movie Carrie. heehee. on a more serious note, i do totally identify. never in a million years did i think i'd ever find a best friend. cripes, even when i was a JW i never really had a best friend. little did i know that they do exist and friendship could be THAT good. somedays i'm amazed that you can even put up with me.......sputtering out words like "Bourbon!!!" for no apparent reason and improper use of the phrase "apparently so." in all honesty though, who else could sip champagne and discuss ass porn on new year's eve? not many that i know. you also put up with my family, and even enjoy it a little bit after a string of bad luck with friends, you were definitely worth the wait. i love ya girly.
looking for x-jw minn.
by midwest inlooking to make contact with any x-jw living north of mlps st. paul
i'm all for another fest as well. duluth area chiming in here. i just have to say though, january 24th is out for's our annual christmas party for work. other than that, the month is prettymuch wide open!
ARRGHH I don't know what to get her for christmas!!!! HELP!!!!
by avishai indammitt!!!
i am so bad at the gift thing, anyone else?
i feel being raised as a dub has'nt helped with this.
i'm a big fan of jewelry myself. my favorite gift was diamond earrings from my now ex for our first christmas together.
Truly loving two people (KInd of a response to the Soul Mate thing)
by ADubsFriend ini was reading the soul mate thread and wanted to ask: how many of you have truly loved and been in love with two people at the same time?.
i have been married 30 years to a wonderful man.
i do love him and he is crazy about me.
i know some of these comments do sound harsh, but desperate times call for desperate measures. basically, i think what it boils down to and what people are getting at, is that it's time to shit or get off the pot. you have to make some decision. i agree with stacy, i think you do know what you want. word of caution though, it's generally best to make decisions based on what you honestly want for yourself, without involving another person. granted, we don't know the whole situation with your husband. obviously though, there had to be problems. if not, you wouldn't have been 'looking' elsewhere. however, try to look at your life then as an individual. you say you were married very young. perhaps you're curious to see what else life holds for you. in my opinion you are being unfair to your husband. i'm not trying to cast any stones, but i speak from similar experience. life is strange. take time to figure it out, often the answer is staring you right in the face.
Do you believe in Soul Mates?
by Lost Diamond inhow many here believe that we all have a soulmate somewhere in this world that is especially for us, or do you believe that the person we happen to fall in love with becomes our soul mate?
i don't know that i believe in romantic soulmates. if you'd have asked me a couple years ago, i probably would've said yes, but time has jaded me somewhat. however, i do believe in soulmates are far as family and friends. my sister and joannadandy are two people i would definitely consider soulmates in that sense, with not interested close behind. there's nothing quite like a friendship of that depth.
I'm talking a chance here.
by Princess inlast summer i got shafted by a teenager on ebay.
willingly, to a point.
i bought two seventh row concert tickets to rascal flatts for my daughter and i. i paid $125 for them and discovered when they arrived that the face value for each ticket was $10.
good luck princess
i guess everyone's experience is different. scooter and i went to the creed concert, march of last year. the tickets i bought were on yahoo auctions, not much more expensive than through ticketmaster and MUCH better seats than what were still available. i'm sure you'll have no problem selling the tickets and whomever gets them will be thrilled.
Orlando area.
by caspian inany one here from the orlando area that i can meet up with in january.
i am out there for 3 weeks .
dude, i was just there last week! jo jo, maybe i'll have to stow away with you..........getting out of the frozen north may prove to be fun in the dead of winter...........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?????