the circumstances of the breakup certainly contribute to whether or not you can remain friends after. if the relationship didn't work out due to certain circumstances rather than serious flaws with either individual, i believe it to be more likely.
JoinedPosts by eyegirl
Is it possible to stay friends?
by Fe2O3Girl ini am no longer in touch with anyone i've had a relationship with in the past.. there was one man that i stayed friends with long after i had got over the relationship.
however, the "staying friends" stuff dragged out the process of getting over the breakup to painful lengths.
the friendship lasted as long as he needed a mate in the area to pass an evening with when he was around here, and someone to fill out the numbers and buy a present when he got married.
I need a hug (vent)
by Billygoat inwhy is it i always end up working for companies that don't give a crap about their employees well-being?
i've been here since march as a temp; got a full-time offer in december and almost immediately the workload has increased and there is no new hires are on the horizon.
the political games in some of these departments is mind-blowing.
(((((((((((((((((Andi)))))))))))))))))))) hopefully things will get better soon.
Is it possible to stay friends?
by Fe2O3Girl ini am no longer in touch with anyone i've had a relationship with in the past.. there was one man that i stayed friends with long after i had got over the relationship.
however, the "staying friends" stuff dragged out the process of getting over the breakup to painful lengths.
the friendship lasted as long as he needed a mate in the area to pass an evening with when he was around here, and someone to fill out the numbers and buy a present when he got married.
i think it is possible, for awhile anyway. my ex whom i was engaged to, we broke up almost 2 years ago. we were friends for quite awhile before we ever dated. our breakup was one of the most difficult things for the both of us, but we knew it was for the better. we've managed to remain fairly close friends since. however, he's involved in a relationship and his current girlfriend really does not like me. she and i have never met, but she's been very vocal in letting us know that she doesn't approve. it looks as though she's winning out. he used to call me once a week and we'd talk for maybe an hour or so. now, it's at most 15 mins--she sits next to him and times him. he didn't call this week, but emailed yesterday and it seems as though she's now put the kabosh on any future phone calls. it's kind of ridiculous......they live 1500 miles away. i have no intentions or plans of seeing him anytime soon, neither of us has any desire to be in a relationship with the other again--we only want the best for each other. he's aware of that and has made her aware as well. and he says he's not whipped, lol.
anyway, back to the original ques. yes, i think it's possible to remain friends if you're both willing, but it takes effort on both sides.
sorry to get off the topic there for a min.
Were getting married in Vegas!!!!!!
by obiwan inyep!!!
were getting married in las vegas!!!.
the fourth of july weekend obiwan and sloan are getting married!!!!
OMG Jo, is that *gasp* my signature color??
congrats you two
Couples and names
by Stefanie ini was just wondering who on this board is married or a couple.
my second question is, what is everybodys first name.. .
just trying to get familiar with you guys
just make sure you don't remove that from your eye. best to let the doc do that
a personal question about *gasp* sex!
by missylissy in.
ok here goes.... how old were you your first time?
i guess i don't see the harm in you asking. often, you can learn alot from others and mistakes they may have made in the past. i was a few weeks shy of 23, and honestly, it wasn't all that great. however, it was with someone i loved and we dated for a couple of years. even though we've split, we remain very close friends to this day. it's a big deal, think it through. you'll know when you're ready.
OMG! Bikerchic are you ok?!?!
by joannadandy inkatie are you ok?!.
with your new hubby craig coming out of the closet, i am really worried about you!
this must be really hard to take in right now.. onacruse said:"i'm homosexual.
btw, you cut me off in the phone call, said the batteries were going dead? Hmmmm...what, were you saving those batteries for something else
LOL, OF COURSE!!! Hello!!! my phone has the vibrate feature! we've been calling each other all night!!
Why I Will No Longer Be Flying the "Friendly Skies"
by SanFranciscoJim inheightened security measures in the u.s. now demand the implementation very soon of a new program called "capps ii".
airline passengers will now be required to not only present photo identification at the airport ticket counter, they will now be required to also provide their date of birth.. airlines are being ordered by the so-called "homeland security" agency to determine if each passenger is a flight risk, rating them "green" (ok to fly), "yellow" (need to be interrogated before allowing access to the aircraft), or "red" (forbidden to fly under any circumstances).. while many see this as a necessary security measure in the shadow of the 9/11 disaster, others are screaming "foul" because they believe it is an invasion of their privacy.. once this plan is initiated, i will no longer patronize airlines, not because of the invasion of privacy factor, but because of the threat of datamining.
what is "datamining"?
I do know that it will tell the ticket counter agent if the person has any criminal record, or any outstanding warrants
i guess i don't see where that's necessarily such a bad thing.
A question for all women that were raised in the "truth"
by codeblue in.
do you feel like you have low self esteem because of being raised as a jw?.
i swear our mother's are related. also, i can't quite dictate if my feelings about myself come from being raised a dub or if it's just how my mother is. dealing with my parents, i can't ever get away from it. every time i go home to visit, my mom starts in about how she's such a failure as a mother. i ask her why? why does she feel that way when she has 3 children who are happy, healthy, productive members of society? apparently that doesn't make a difference to her. she would be happier seeing me a witness, married to a witness--hell probably happier if we bankrupted and had to move back in with them with 5 kids. when she gets in the moods and rants that she's failed as a mother because none of her children are dubs, it starts to wear on me. these thoughts creep into my head and i start to wonder what is so wrong with me. maybe things wouldn't have been different is we hadn't been witnesses way back when, but i guess i'll never know for sure. adult life has been good for me. now i get the chance to choose the people around me as friends and some even like family.
Our new baby girl !!
by Gopher inveronica was born to proud parents (yourschelbie and me) at 8:30 a.m. this past saturday morning, january 3rd.
she weighed in at almost 7 pounds (3.15 kg) , and is 18 inches (46 cm) long.
we're all doing fine.
christy and i were just wondering saturday night if the little one had arrived yet. i think we definitely need to have an apostababyshower, heehee :)