oh god, nathan is so damn cute i guess he does love auntie.
hmmm......i collect shot glasses and cool barware.
anything that brings such enjoyment to your life that it is almost an obsession that you are constantly hunting and searching for?
i collect pieces made my marjolein bastin.
for those that aren't familiar w/this artist, here is a bit about her:.
oh god, nathan is so damn cute i guess he does love auntie.
hmmm......i collect shot glasses and cool barware.
brothers - if you are down, listen to this song, it will help you remember what is important.
you will be more thankful for what you are blessed with.
oh god, that was definitely a great laugh. just what i needed for a friday!
the p0420 code is showing up again on my car... everyone i talk to agrees that the problem is with the catalytic converter(s).
the problem i am having is that no one (including the dealer) can tell me how many or where my catalytic converter(s) are.
i have heard people say that there is 1, 2 and even 3 catalytic converters.. so far the most plausable (and financially disturbing) thing i have heard is that there is one "catalytic converter" just before the muffler and two "pre-catalytic converters" attached to the exauhst manafolds on each side of the v6 engine.
lol, well if all else fails i'm sure that may be the quick fix
the p0420 code is showing up again on my car... everyone i talk to agrees that the problem is with the catalytic converter(s).
the problem i am having is that no one (including the dealer) can tell me how many or where my catalytic converter(s) are.
i have heard people say that there is 1, 2 and even 3 catalytic converters.. so far the most plausable (and financially disturbing) thing i have heard is that there is one "catalytic converter" just before the muffler and two "pre-catalytic converters" attached to the exauhst manafolds on each side of the v6 engine.
those check engine lights are really a pain in the arse. i have the same kind of car, but a '95. the damn check engine light has been coming on since valis came to visit nearly 2 years ago. however, i'm lucky in that my brother is a mechanic and used to work at the local Ford dealership. his advice to me: leave it until it's really broken. the problem is, he hooks the car up to his snap-on computer thing and no codes come up because the light doesn't always come on. it's a pain, seriously..........i'm sure this doesn't help, just saying: i feel your pain.
sometimes when i log on to jwd i go directly to "jokes and humor" because i know that there will be something there that will crack me up.
i love to laugh and i think humor is great therapy especially when alot of us have been through so much.
its great that we can make fun of ourselves and can find the humour in many of our experiences.
hmmmmmmmmm...............well for starters, joannadandy never ceases to make me laugh. cracks me right up! slippy good god, you always seem to put a smile on my face too. NoApologies......you've made me damn near wet myself as of late. ring was always a good one too for totally off the wall humor. and good lord, don't get me started on Dede and her whore boots.....that still can make me bust out laughing for no apparent reason at any time
everything keeps changing all the time.
5 years ago, i never thought i'd be where i am today.
its not all been nice, had some shit times, but some good times too.
it's hard to look that far down the road, but time really does fly. in 5 years, i too hope to be debt free. i'm working on that plan right now and it sucks. professionally, i hope to be just as successful as i am now, only making a little more money (heehee). well, and if i really get my way......the business my sister and i are trying to start will really take off and in my wildest dreams we'll be sitting on stage at the Tonight Show smack dab between the Teutuls and Jesse James. *snap* back to reality. 5 years: debt free, owning (or in the process of) a home, and truly happy.......
when i originally brought up the topic about the 1961 green bible i wanted to write more about it but my computer went screwy and submitted only what i had typed in up to that point.. the one really whacked thing in the old green bible was, imo, what someone mentioned about genesis in the last topic.
i don't have one anymore..... (the society, i believe, is trying to hide their stupidity and systematically tried to get rid of them) but i do remember plain as day that, in that green bible, genesis' time period that it covered was 46,026 b.c.e to 1657 b.c.e.
(the ones after that just said: "in the beginning to 1657 b.c.e.
i was just thinking that too VM44!!!
this is just off topic of a recent thread about britney or beyonce.
how many of you guys out there prefer a real woman with curves.
how many of you guys prefer a boney stick body?.
Genesis 2:56-57
56 And God looked down on the Earth and beheld many flat chested women. And he began to weep for them. 57 And God proceeded to take silicon and form implant with it. And for 3,000 shekels per breast the flat chested women's breats were enlarged. And he looked down on and them and it was good.
today is the big day.
we are praying that we won't get any more rain there is a 60% chance of it today.
i am so excited and no matter if it rains or not i am sure we are going to have a good time.
congratulations and all the best!
what are your thoughts on this?
would you date someone significantly older than yourself?
have you done so in the past?
i myself am a big fan of dating older men. miss joanna likes to tease me saying that they're all part of the AARP club i swear it's genetic though........i remember my mom telling me that she always dated guys who were older than her because they generally treat you better. my seester is a big fan too; her hubby is 16 years her senior. guess i don't necessarily see a problem with it as long as you genuinely have things in common.