awwww...........hon, we're glad ya like us bunch of crazies here it only gets better.
JoinedPosts by eyegirl
a year in the life
by candidlynuts inyep..been a whole year since i joined jwd.
i've let go of a lot of the anger towards the wtbs but still rather bitter.
learned not to be so hard on myself .
Bad boys V's Nice guys
by Lehaa in.
ok all you girls out there.. which do you prefer and why?.
or can a bad boy be nice.. and i'm not talking about the crims.. you know, motor bikes, tattoo's, etc.. leah - of the can't get enough of vin diesel
**waves back at hill**
i do agree with you that for the most part steady, reliable and dependable are underappreciated. my albino twin and i were just talking last night about what qualities we really like in men and what we absolutely will not put up with. we agreed that lying is a deal breaker. i really hate being lied to about anything and frankly, having an honest relationship is important to me. what the hell kind of relationship do you have if you can't talk honestly with each other?? in past experiences, it seems the guys who tried to have the toughest exterior were the ones that were the biggest softies. their major complaint with previous partners was that they felt they couldn't really talk about what was on their mind and be honest. they felt as though they would be rejected if they opened up that way before. to me, that seems really sad.
a question from a girl....for guys
by kittyeatzjdubs inso my b-day is this month on the 22nd...whoop!whoop!...anyway.
i've been trying to get clues as to what my hunny bunny may be getting me.
i think i may have a theory.
yeah, i'm kinda throwin my hat in the ring too as far as the "you're way to young to get married" issue. i mean seriously, what's the rush?? i thought i was super mature at 20 also (and other told me that as well) and frankly, i've changed ALOT in the past 7 years. it's amazing how life has a way of doing that. as you get older, you learn more about yourself. i'm sure it's tough to stomach it now, but listen to people who have some years of wisdom. that's what i've done. it pays off in the long run. you never get a second chance to be young and single. enjoy it while you can.
Bad boys V's Nice guys
by Lehaa in.
ok all you girls out there.. which do you prefer and why?.
or can a bad boy be nice.. and i'm not talking about the crims.. you know, motor bikes, tattoo's, etc.. leah - of the can't get enough of vin diesel
Women enter relationships with the hope they can change the guy. Guys enter relationships with the hope that the woman never changes
i don't necessarily agree with you completely. however, this does happen. it's sad to go into something, hoping to change someone and their personality. blech! myself, i prefer a good guy who thinks he's a badass. to me, they're the most fun--have a bit of a naughty streak, but dependable as hell.
About last night... :o)
by wanderlustguy ini guess you guys got the equivalent of the 2:am drunk phone call.
was wollowing in my grief last night over the end of a relationship i didn't want to see end.
i had talked about it before here :
((((((((((((((wlg))))))))))))))) breakups are never easy. however, it's like ripping off a bandaid--it hurts at first, but after awhile, the pain dissipates. if you know in your heart that this is the right thing to do, a little ways down the road, you'll be much happier. trust me, i've been there. wishing you all the best on your new journey in life
A very lonely life.
by Harpy inhow do i stop having a lonely life?
i am 33 years old and have never had a relationship with anyone.
i have never dated..and as much as i would like to blame the jws, truth is i have never been asked out by anyone..ever.. i am a bit large, but i am not too fat or ugly and i think i am a good person, so why can't i find someone??
my brother (who's miserably married) gave me some good advice--go figure! he said that if you get involved doing things that you like, you're bound to meet someone. it is tough to make new friends, but sometimes trying to find groups or getting involved with others that share common interests is good.
i believe unconditional love is possible. my sister and i definitely share it with each other. i know that no matter what i say, what i do, how i act--she will always be there and vice versa. that doesn't mean, however, that we don't feel free to speak our minds and tell the other what we're thinking. we just know that no matter what, nothing and no one will ever seperate us again.
by Cygnus in.
i have no update because i have been away from them for 2 days now.
cygnus, suffering minnesota blondes withdrawal
at least you didn't cause a golf course and i just saw a segment about that on A Current Affair. if it's on A Current Affair, you know it's big news!
Joanna and Eyegirl are the greatest people ever! EVER!
by Cygnus ini just got home from a 5 day stint with joanna, eyegirl, and no apologies as well as joanna's manwhore and it was by far the best vacation i ever had and i had the most fun humanly imaginable.
joanna is the best host ever and eyegirl is great to swap silly stories with, among other things.
;) a public thank you for having me and this is not an invitation for anyone else to swamp them with invitation requests because they do lead busy lives and they are mine mine, you hear me, mine all mine!
lol, yeah! we totally kick ass!
Joanna and Eyegirl are the greatest people ever! EVER!
by Cygnus ini just got home from a 5 day stint with joanna, eyegirl, and no apologies as well as joanna's manwhore and it was by far the best vacation i ever had and i had the most fun humanly imaginable.
joanna is the best host ever and eyegirl is great to swap silly stories with, among other things.
;) a public thank you for having me and this is not an invitation for anyone else to swamp them with invitation requests because they do lead busy lives and they are mine mine, you hear me, mine all mine!
actually it's been gorgeous in minneapolis. i heard on the radio this is the warmest April we've had in 100 years. i say, bring it on!