JoinedTopics Started by eyeslice
Where does the money go?
by ozziepost inhere is a serious question, asked seriously, where does all the cash that the watch tower receives, end up?.
we take it for granted that much of their income is used to run the various headquarters and branch office buildings, including the materials used in printing their publications.
travel costs would account for a sizable amount of expenditure.
Have your prayers changed?
by eyeslice inthis is a sort of follow up to "jesus- ignored, forgotten & unemployed at wts" posted by metatron.. it strikes me, that since i have re-appraised many of my religious views that my prayers have changed significantly.
and whilst i am still an active jw, i have wondered whether my family has noticed, though they have not said anything so far.. jws prayers are not only very stereotyped (despite what jesus admonition about not using the same words, or by extension the same thoughts, over and over again) but also extremely introverted towards the watchtower society.. for example, a typical congregation prayer will include the following thoughts;.
1. bless our congregation.
Political Compass Test
by Spartacus inthis is a neat little test, there aren't any wrong answers, only what you think, after answering the questionaire it tells you approximately where you stand on political and economic policy.
(numbers below 0 are to the left, numbers above 0 are to the right).
The collapse of the WBTS? - I don't think so.
by dmouse indo we apostates fall into the same trap as jehovahs witnesses when it comes to blinding ourselves to the truth?.
how often have i confronted jws with overwhelming evidence that the so called signs of the times are simply not being fulfilled in our day only for them to bring up some barely relevant snippet of information, which, to them, shoots my argument down in flames?
it is incredible how jws can ignore the camel of evidence that contradicts what they believe and then exult over the gnat of evidence that supports their view.
Heaven and Earth will pass away?
by eyeslice inlike many, for years i understood the generation mentioned in matthew 24:34 to be an actual chronological generation that actually saw the events of 1914. this would mean that to be in a position to see and understand the events of 1914, someone would have to be at least 10 years old, and to be someone who actually fought in the great war, say 17 or 18 years old.
this generation has passed away, as clearly brought home with the recent death of the british queen mother who was born at the beginning of the 20th century.. whilst i understand the so called change of thought of a few years back that now makes this generation a contemporary rather than a chronological one, i cannot see how the guarantee that heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away sits with a much vaguer contemporary one.
if it is not possible to clearly define this generation, then this guarantee makes no sense.. has anyone heard of any new spins on the guarantee aspect, say from cos, dos, bethelites, etc, as the official lines have been particularly vague on this point?
Flogging a dead horse?
by eyeslice indakota tribal wisdom says that when you discover you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.
however, we often try other strategies with dead horses, including the following:.
1. buying a stronger whip.
WTS says you are free to do what we tell you
by ozziepost inthe may 15 issue of the watchtower contains a discussion of the question: would it be advisable for a true christian to attend a funeral or a wedding in a church?.
the tone of the wts view is set in the very first line our taking part in any form of false religion is displeasing to jehovah and must be avoided.
nonetheless the last line of the article states whatever the situation, the christian should make sure that the decision will not interfere with his preserving a good conscience before god and men.. so apparently it's a personal decision for the jw as to whether he/she will attend a funeral in a church or not.
How All Religions Can Be True
by metatron inif there's one thought that's truly unthinkable or beyond.
an average witnesses' comprehension, it's the thought that.
more than one religion can be true.. in reality, it's not that hard to fathom.. first, start with the thought that god is everywhere and in everything.
What Do You Eat For Brakfast?
by Carmel inno attempt her at subtrafuge, just thought i'd kick off a subject with an anology.
when i eat breakfast, i usually have one of three things, something with eggs, something sweet or just the coffee!
how much of what i injest for the start of my day is controlled by the culture i live in and the habits i have come to consider "normal"?