akichristian..If you truley are a martial artist,why would you need to ask these questions?..Why would you discourage someone from one of the most respected fighting forms?..My best guess is,you know nothing about martial arts..Except..What you read,watch on TV or the Movies...OUTLAW
Whoa, whoa, whoa! I never discouraged anyone, especially my own girlfriend, from practicing martial arts. You're mis-informed about Capoeira. Capoeira is popular, but it does not have a lot of respect as an effective style for combat or self-defense. Karate, Judo, BJJ, Muay Thai, and Escrima have WAY more respect than Capoeira. I don't even think Capoeira would be in the top 50 styles in terms of "respect". Your best guess is WAY wrong, I'm an active judoka (nikyu rank), aikidoka (yonkyu rank), and goju ryu karateka (ikkyu rank). Martial arts has been a big part of my life since I was 7 years old. I don't discourage my girlfriend from re-taking Capoeira or picking up a new MA. I am worried that the WTS will come out with another article saying that martial art "X" is bad too, causing her to get drama from her parents and eventually drop it. I have recommended that she take Judo, but who knows? the WTS may oppose that too because Judo's founder was a Shinto-ist and may be against the bowing and stuff. Fred: You don't have to look for war, sometimes war looks for you! Which is why one ought to have the ability to protect oneself should that situation arise (spiritually AND physically). I don't wish this on you or your loved ones: But one day you may find yourself in a situation where someone is imposing physical harm/violence upon you through no fault of your own. You're going to protect yourself or your loved ones from harm or further harm. Your attacker will not be interested in Jehovah, Christ's sacrifice, how many doors you knocked on, or if you read your Bible. Besides, the majority of MA schools emphasize self-defense rather than just going up to people and attacking them. Also a lot of MA styles developed as a defensive measure to invading forces (Okinawin karate, Escrima/Kali, Savate, etc.). Read your Bible, Fred, even Jehovah has used armies to protect his "Chosen People" and to expand the Kingdom of Israel. Spiritual and physical battle has been intertwined since Lucifer opposed Jehovah.