Friday: You just emphasized my point. The JW definition of "acceptable Christian conduct" does not agree with that of the apostles. You did this by asking: "Have you known anybody in today's military that has had holy spirit miraculously rained down upon them, who then spoke with "tongues", but then afterwards were refused baptism by JWs?"
As we know Peter baptized a man who was an active member of his country's military, whom he had just seen talking in tongues. (Acts 10) However, JWs refuse to baptize anyone who is a member of his country's military and anyone who talks in tongues and believes they do so by the power of God's Holy Spirit. By doing so they prove in these two ways (among many others) that they teach differently than the apostles. And the apostle Paul said quite plainly that those who teach differently than the apostles are accursed by God. (Gal. 1:8,9)