I hate creepy, crawly bugs, but I must admit the picture of this one fascinates me.
It looks like something out of a sci-fi movie....getting ready to grow and take over the world...
i found out that it's the caterpillar of the cecropia moth.
a very large and beautiful moth.
there were three of these huge caterpillars in our new little apple tree.
I hate creepy, crawly bugs, but I must admit the picture of this one fascinates me.
It looks like something out of a sci-fi movie....getting ready to grow and take over the world...
i just found out about an hour ago.
he wasn't even old enough to drink yet.. to make it even sh*ttier, he had called me a few weeks ago and asked if he could come out here with me but i couldn't do it at the time.
so of course the first thing that comes to mind is if i had done something different it wouldn't have happened.. he was going through the sh*t as i call it, when witnesses go off the deep end and get into everything in the world to stop hurting and they don't even know what is wrong.
WLG, I am so sorry for your loss.
I agree with stillanexjwelder. Rape is not a laughing matter.
The elders border on perversion sometimes in their questioning of rape victims.
i got dragged to the convention with my folks again because i got a court order stating i have to be with my mother at all times.
so tomorrow, i'm playing a prank.
only a few people on this board know what that prank is.
Please tell me it's 100 goldfish in the babtism pool!
Hahahaha. Too funny. I would love to see that one!
a witness cannot question anything from a critic's point of view.
wondering aloud why the watchtower says a certain thing can get you in trouble with the think police (the elders).
what things can you think of that are taboo for jws??
I wasn't allowed to call the police on my unbelieving, abusive husband or to divorce him. I was told by the elders ...You can't bring reproach upon Jehovah's name...Be like that wife in proverbs...Cook his favorite foods... Keep your house spotless...Get out in Service more...Don't skip any meetings. This was after showing up at an elders house 2 doors down from my houseminutes after I had being nearly strangled to death and with finger mark bruises on my neck for the second time!
F*** them! I did divorce him...Best thing I ever did. Then I left the JWs...second best thing I ever did.
so i've been thinking about many of the different things the wts has put into effect this year in keep their strong hold on the flock: .
- a new edition of the watchtower for jws only that uses all of their insider terminology.
- individuals who are disfelloshipped, dissassociated, or have ceased association with the congregation should not receive the current literature.
Wasn't independent bible study among Bethelites the beginning of the end for Ray Franz? Perhaps they are going to start a massive disfellowshipping move again and clean house (congregations), thereby getting rid of all the independent thinkers again.
so i was thinking with the new kool-aid edition of the craptower and the (now proven and confirmed) september 07 km basically telling us to only look at society literature, and the light getting brighter and brighter the noose getting tighter and tighter.. .
why not start a campaign to let the society we have noticed.
i would love to hear your thoughts and this wont cost any of us much money or time.. buy 2 packages of kool-aid (make sure it is that brand)...and preferably grape.
Hahaha. Sounds like fun to me. That would be hysterical if you could pull it off.
my mom has to have a heart cath tomorrow at 11 am, please pray for her, or send well wishes.
this is the 2nd one she has had in the last 4 years.
im hoping and praying that the doctors can fix whatever they find.. .
I hope your mom does well with her cardiac cath. That is sad about your cousin's B-I-L. A sudden, accidental death like his, especially doing something that is supposed to be fun and something that you love doing, is so sad.
first ever post.
this is not new information, but it may be a scam anyway since it broke first in german and not english.
i am still barely coasting along in this org.
Speaking of having your mind blown away, mine was last weekend. Has anyone read Jehovah Unmasked? IMO, the author makes a wonderful case for his theory.
out there?.
i am currently sipping on a green tea.
but am partial to celestial seasonings tension tamer or ginger.. what's yours?.
I love tea...especially Earl Grey and Irish Breakfest Tea.
I have tried the herbal teas, but I don't like them. To me, they taste like you're drinking perfume.
I have never had chai, but that recipe looks good. I'll try it.I ced tea with rum sounds good, too. Gonna make that tonight and have it tomorrow. LOL