Raised in : Mom was introduced when I was eight around 1990. Mom and I are the only ones who got baptized. Dad and two younger siblings (as well as an older sibling) not baptized. Hoping to keep it that way.
JoinedPosts by jelcat8224
Were you a "Born-In", or were you "Converted"?
by Warlock ini was converted in the early 1980's.. warlock .
Merry Becomes A Muslim (a bit long)
by Merry Magdalene inwho is merry?
i was born in 1965, the same year that malcolm x was assassinated.
my father had committed suicide a few months into my mother's pregnancy so we lived with her parents until she married again when i was about 18 months old.
Islam teaches that all the prophets from Abraham to Moses to Jesus (PBUT) were muslim. It is not believed that Islam started with Muhammed (PBUH), since the word only means submission to one God. Muhammed (PBUH) did not bring a new Religion, just the final message of the monotheistic religion that had been followed by all faithful worshipers of God throughout history. The fact that Cyrus lived before Muhammad's time (PBUH) does not mean that he could not have been a muslim.
Merry Becomes A Muslim (a bit long)
by Merry Magdalene inwho is merry?
i was born in 1965, the same year that malcolm x was assassinated.
my father had committed suicide a few months into my mother's pregnancy so we lived with her parents until she married again when i was about 18 months old.
Abbadon: Here is a little more information on each of the afore mentioned contradictions in the Quran. I do not want to speak for Merry but I felt that I wanted to have more information on these topics as well.
Alexander The Great Was a Muslim and Died of Old Age:
The Quran does not specify who 'Zulquarnain' is. There is never any specific name given. Some speculate that it was Alexander but most think it ws Cyrus. The description of 'Zulquarnain' in the Quran more aptly fits Cyrus. The directions of his conquests, his belief in one God (Alexander was a polytheist but Cyrus followed Zoroaster who preached belief in one God), the fact that he was a kind and just ruler (history confirms Cyrus' extreme kindness and justice), and his dealings with the jews. In any case, these are both just speculations as, again, it was never specified in the Quran.
Jews Believe Ezra is the Son of God:
This statement was made in reference to jews in medina, not necesarily all jews. There is evidence suggesting that there were jews in medina and yemen who shared this mystical view of Ezra and believed that his being raised to life after 100 years could not have been possible unless he had been the son of God. Another point is that the jews who heard this verse recited at the time did not dispute it as they had been eager to do in other instances.
Six Days Or Eight Days of Creation?:
The Qur'an in these verses was actually saying that the basic structure of the earth was created in two (2) days. Later on, mountains, seas and other paraphernalia required for the sustenance of living organisms on this basic structure of the earth were designed and created. And all this work (including the creation of the earth and the designing and provision of the paraphernalia) was completed in a total of four (4) days. The two days of creation it took to create the earth is included in the four creative days mentioned to create the things on the earth. After this, the skies were modeled and seven heavens were created in two (2) days. Thus the total time involved in the creation of the earth and the heavens totalled to six (6) days -- not eight (8) days.
Pharoah Used Crucifixion:
Oxford Companion to the Bible defines " Crucifixion " as:Crucifixion is the act of nailing, binding or impaling a living victim or sometimes a dead person to a cross, stake or tree whether for executing the body or for exposing the corpse. New Catholic Encyclopaedia defines " Crucifixion " as: Crucifixion developed from a method of execution by which the victim was fastened to an upright stake either by impaling him on it or by tying him to it with thongs ...
The history of crucifixion is far too long for me to try to condense here. This link will take you through all the secular and historical evidence which shows that crucifixion was in practice LONG before the romans began employing it!
A Samartain Helped Build the Golden Calf:
The name shomronim that appears in II Kings 17:29 is associated with the worship of idols. However, the Samaritans do not address themselves by this name at all. They call themselves shamerin
, that is "keepers" or "observers" of the Torah. [13] The Samaritans themselves make a clear distinction between their own ancestors and the inhabitants of Samaria. Put simply, shomronim means the "inhabitants of Samaria" and it has nothing to do with shamerin, "keepers" or "observers" of the Torah, which the Samaritans use for themselves. In fact, a long line of Samaritan scholarship has already pointed out this fact. Encyclopaedia Judaica under the entry " Samaritans " says:
Little guidance is obtained from the name of the Samaritans. The Bible uses the name Shomronim once, in II Kings 17:29, but this probably means Samarians rather than Samaritans . The Samaritans themselves do not use the name at all; they have long called themselves Shamerin; i.e., "keepers" or "observers" of the truth = al ha-amet, both the short and long forms being in constant use in their chronicles. They take the name Shomronim to mean inhabitants of the town of Samaria built by Omri (cf. I Kings 16:24), where the probable origin of the word Shomronim is to be found). [17] ... T he Samaritans are the direct descendants of the Joseph tribes, Ephraim and Manasseh, and until the 17th century C.E. they possessed a high priesthood descending directly from Aaron through Eleazar and Phinehas .
Clearly, if the Samaritans trace their origins from the time of Joseph's descendants, then they were certainly in existence in the time of Moses. There is also the study of their genetic history, as recent studies have shown that Samaritains produce the highest inbreeding coefficient record for any population. Studies from the Y-chromosome analysis concludes that the samaritains did indeed descend from the Isrealites.
Here is the link to the rest of the artical if you would like more information on this subject.
Merry Becomes A Muslim (a bit long)
by Merry Magdalene inwho is merry?
i was born in 1965, the same year that malcolm x was assassinated.
my father had committed suicide a few months into my mother's pregnancy so we lived with her parents until she married again when i was about 18 months old.
Any time blood flows outside of the body the person (whether male or female) is required to perform ablution. This is not to say that when a man gets a bloody nose he is unclean, as that is not the case. It is simply a time when he must purify himself before praying or entering a house of prayer. A man cannot enter a mosque with a bloody nose any more than a woman can enter while menstruating.
I deal with many 'born-in muslim males' as well as with thier 'born-in muslim wives'. They all feel the same as Merry and I. Again, we aknowledge that women are being abused around the world but this is the case with every religion. It is not just Islam. And regardless of the reasons or the justifications that are given by any of these extreme religionists, it does not make it right, no matter which holy book these justifications percievably come from.
What Subject Did You HATE Hearing About At The Meetings?
by minimus ini was bored to death when i had to listen to prophecy bullsh*t. especially the isaiah books!
OMG! My cong always had a problem with meeting attendance so I got REAL tired of listening to why we should always be there and what were 'acceptable' reasons for not being at the meetings! The public talk was also a form of torture bcuz it always seemed to be about five hours long!
Do the JW'S know what a cult really is?
by ButtLight ini didnt!
but again i was quite young.. i know this stuff has been posted in the past.....but for the heck of it, i wanted to see what others believe cults consist of.....so i googled this.
As a JW, I went by the Resoning Book'd definition of a cult: Follow one leader, live seperate from others. Then I would parrot the old "we live right in among everyone else. We don't seperate ourselves from the world and go live in some secluded community, so JW's must not be a cult right?" ... UGH! What a fool I was! The WTBS just feeds them all a nice neat little definition of a cult ad they all just fall right in line! It's infuriating!
NEED HELP: What's wrong with CURRENT Borg policy on molestation?
by Open mind inok, first off, please don't shoot the messenger here.
the dateline show on jws hiding pedophiles was one of several "defining moments" in my process of questioning "the truth".
it disgusted me.
I just want to thank everyone on this thread for all their input. Even though I didn't start this thread, I too am in a similar situation. Trying to bring this subject up with my parents. Both of my grandfathrs were molesters (though not JW's), and so I'm hoping this may just be my smoking gun to wake up my parents. Since they both have first hand exp. with molesters, they have truly the utmost HATE and DISDANE for them. After I moved out of my parents house and into another hall I learned that there was a MS in the hall I grew up in who is a registered sex offender. I used to HUG THIS MAN AS A LITTLE GIRL!!!!!!!!! Makes me want to puke! Then my parents moved to a new hall where they then learned there was a pedophile in their midst (although the elders would not give up the identity). This info came in the form of a local needs/marking talk!! ABSURDITY!!! This thread I feel has given me all the ammo I need, as I did not previously have knowledge of the actual policy of the org. on molesters! THANK YOU ALL!!! And I wish you the best of luck Open Mind, truly. jelcat!
Who hates smoking and pets?
by averyniceguy ini really do hate smoking odors.
i do not really hate pets but i am allergic to them.
what about you?
Hate smoking. LOVE pets ... all pets!
Most annoying Kingdom song
by Billzfan23 inmine would have to be "dark days are here!
men live in fear!....
" followed by the annoying change to a happy beat before the chorus "but the bible gives us a reason for cheer.." .
This is a great thread!! I have laughed the whole way through! I aways hated ANY of those songs where they would assign the sisters and brothers different parts. There was one Elder in my hall who was obsessed woth doing that and sometimes he would just assign alternate verses to the brothers and sisters and then we would all sing the courus together!!! It was torture!! Pure torture, I tell you!!!
"We Must Have The Faith" was one of those that felt like two different songs too, like the "Dark Days Are here" song. The verses were slow and in a lower octave and then the chorus would come in and everyone would sound like chipmunks on fast forward!! "we must have the hope that the bible does provide. We must have this faith if this world we will survive." ARGH!!!!!
"Loving Shepherds Tend God's 'Sheep'": "They expend themselves in service, helping all God's truth to learn" WHAT!?!?!?! An elder in service!?!?! who are they trying to kid???
I think I did a really bad thing.
by emilyblue ini do not attend the same hall as my boyfriend because he is currently reproved for being involved with me.
i'm not a witness.
he confessed to his elders that he had sex with someone outside of marriage after his second divorce was already final.
I just read this entire thread and Emily dear, YOU HAVE TO GET OUT. listen REAL HARD to what everyone here is telling you. This is unhealthy on EVERY LEVEL! I know it's easier cuz we are on the outside looking in and we can all see it so much clearer. We can see it in each of your posts how miserable this man and this relationship is. If you don't get out now you WILL live with this constant paranoia, always with someone looking over your shoulder, putting thier nose in your business and looking for something to 'report'. It's utterly rediculous. And besides the ramifications of joining this organization, there are also the ramifications of your 'abusive', 'unstable', and unhealthy relationship. You say you keep waiting for him to 'get himself together'. Sweetheart, if that has not happened for him after two marriages and becoming a father, I don't see how it will EVER happen. You need to think about YOU right now. Take care of yourself! Stop feeling responsible for the drama HE has created in his life! You have NOTHING to do with his problems. I wish you all the luck in the world in shutting this man and the 'organization' out of your life for good!