I do not believe that to die for someone is a sign of love.
I prefer to kill for my daughters than to die for them.
Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful.
ask yourself one thing, seriously.
would the person you are with die for you?
would you die for them?
I do not believe that to die for someone is a sign of love.
I prefer to kill for my daughters than to die for them.
Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful.
something has puzzeled me for a long time since i came to this board.
first i would like to say i'm not judging any in what i'm about to say as we all are at different places in our lives and i respect that.. here it is: at what point in your life did you no longer believe in god or believe the bible?.
how many came to this conclution after coming to this db?.
I was an agnositc before joining the Borg. I believed their lies. After leaving, I dabbled a little in other Christian sects but went back to agnosticism after realizing that the god of the bible is as mythical as Huitzilopochtli, Zeus, Thor, or others.
I still believe in the possibility of a god or gods, but reason tells me these gods/godesses cannot be as murdering, lying, contradictory, spiteful, and unloving as the ancient Jewish tribal war god.
there was an interesting segment on the history channel last night.
they didn't mention noah, actually.
it was about the asteroids and such that have hit the earth.
According to the Jehovah’s Witless bible. The gods (Elohim) created from the water the fish and the winged flying creatures on the fifth day, before creating simultaneously man and woman.
*** Rbi8 Genesis 1:20-23 ***
20 And God went on to say: “Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls and let flying creatures fly over the earth upon the face of the expanse of the heavens.” 21 And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds, and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God got to see that [it was] good. 22 With that God blessed them, saying: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the waters in the sea basins, and let the flying creatures become many in the earth.” 23 And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a fifth day.
But Jehovah created the flying creatures from the ground before creating a woman, but after creating man.
*** Rbi8 Genesis 2:18-20 ***
18 And Jehovah God went on to say: “It is not good for the man to continue by himself. I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him.” 19 Now Jehovah God was forming from the ground every wild beast of the field and every flying creature of the heavens, and he began bringing them to the man to see what he would call each one; and whatever the man would call it, each living soul, that was its name. 20 So the man was calling the names of all the domestic animals and of the flying creatures of the heavens and of every wild beast of the field, but for man there was found no helper
on whtv upn 18 (channel 5) they aired the commercial put out by the congregation of jehovah's witnesses (12:38 am on monday night).
it is only airing in the north east us.. a brother who saw the commercial last friday said it was really nicely done.
it talks about family life and plays the kingdom songs in the background.. a telephone call to the society confirmed it was a trial, and it was a bonafide jw advertisement.. .
A brother who saw the commercial last Friday said it was really nicely done. It talks about Family life and plays the kingdom songs in the background.
I wonder if the Watchtower Publishing and Real Estate Co. can be sued for false advertising.
They should be held to the truth in advertising laws and made to publicly admit that to them their cult is more important that their own families.
here is something that is interesting:.
"a research paper on the major doctrines and.
doomsday apocalypticism of the watchtower organization".
I think the link should include the word Español, which means Spanish in Spanish
not sure if there are any active jw's here.
i think i've seen a few floating around.
(i'm not talking about obvious lunatics like you know but an average jw) here's my question.. were all the bible writers prophets?
Fred Hall,
What holy spirit? Is this the one that is another form of Yahweh or the form of energy that does not think? Anyway, my point is that whether person or energy, I’d like to know how come the bible is so full of mistakes. Is it then the holy spirit who made the mistakes? I would like to know why it is so full of contradictions and which parts of it can be trusted.
PS, sorry for not answering sooner. The little bell in my Yahoo messenger seems not to be working.
I found the following information at http://www.infidels.org/library/historical/joseph_wheless/is_it_gods_word/ Chapter XI. You will find that none of the major “prophecies” came true, especially those that supposedly applied to Jesus. The thing that distinguished most prophets was that they howled. Also some of them went around naked in public. So when it is said that someone acted like a prophet, it usually means acted like a nut.
The word "prophet," as a name for these nomadic conjurers and fortune-tellers, is a late Biblical term; they were originally called — just as the fortune-tellers and trance- mediums of to-day describe themselves in their advertisements — "seers"; people who "see things" in their imaginations, or pretend for pay to see them. Samuel, who well describes the grafting practices of this gentry, testifies to this: "Before- time in Israel, when a man went to enquire of the gods [ha- Elohim], thus he spoke, Come, and let us go to the seer [roeh]: for he that is now called a Prophet [Nabi] was beforetime called a Seer [Roeh)" (1 Sam. 9: 9). We may note here another sidelight on Bible editorship: as the word "Roeh" ("Seer") is used throughout the Books of Samuel and elsewhere, it is evident that these books were compiled long afterwards, when "Nabi" ("raver," hence "prophet") was the word in current use, so that the original and then obsolete word, "Roeh," had to be explained.
YAHVEH'S HOWLING DERVISHESThe so-called prophets, major and minor, are one and all typical examples of the howling dervish of the desert. Hear them howl! What a string of howls from the great howl-master Isaiah: "Howl ye, for the day of Yahveh is at hand" (Isa. 13: 6)! "Howl, O gate; cry, O city" (14: 31)! "Every one shall howl" (16: 7)! "Howl, ye inhabitants of the isle" (23: 6)! "Ye shall howl for vexation of spirit" (65: 14)!' Jeremiah swells the refrain: "Lament and howl: for the fierce anger of Yahveh" (Jer. 4: S)! "All the inhabitants of the land shall howl" (xl7: 2)! Ezekiel, he who saw things inexplicable, joins in: "Cry and howl, son of man" (Ezek. 21: 12)! "Howl ye, Woe worth the day!" (30: 2). And the "minor league" joins the chorus: "Howl, ye inhabitants!" cries Zephaniah (Zeph. 1: 11); "Howl, O ye oaks of Bashan!" bellows Zechariah (Zech. 11: 2); "The songs of the temple shall be howlings!" howls Amos (Amos 8: 3). Joel not only howls himself, but wants everybody else to howl: "Awake, ye drunkards, weep and howl! Lament, ye priests! Howl, ye ministers of the altar! Alas, for the day of Yahveh is at hand! How do the beasts groan! Yahveh also shall roar out of Zion!" (Joel, passim). Poor Job — but then he was not a prophet but a pagan, and it is not known how he got into the Bible. Job is the only one who does not howl; be wails: "My bowels boiled; ... the days of affliction prevented me" (Job 30: 27)! Micah exults in his frenzy, crying: "I will wail and howl; I will go stripped and naked: I will make a wailing like the dragons, and mourning as the owls" (Mic. 1: 8)
THE HOLY FAKIR PROPHETSThe prophets, as described by Inspiration, were a precious set of lazy and worthless vagabonds of Israel, the exact counterpart of the howling dervishes and divination-mongers of their cousin Ishmaelites. In speaking of prophets one thinks naturally of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and such reputed "holy men of God": these are but a few signal ones out of thousands of unkempt and unclean loafers, who went publicly naked — as did Aaron, Saul, Samuel, David, Isaiah — or wore old bran-sacks for clothes — like John the Baptist and others — and wandered about begging, and selling sorceries and magic, and talking in a wild sing-song jargon of which they themselves did not know the meaning. The usual term to describe them was in the Hebrew language meshuggah (frenzied); they wandered about "prophesying," or, as the Hebrew word actually signifies (see the Revised Version) razing through the land. Their current Hebrew name was Nabi, which "signified to speak enthusiastically, 'to utter cries, and make more or less wild gestures,' like the pagan mantics" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. XII, p. 477, art. Prophecy, Prophet, and Prophetess). They were "seers," fortune-tellers, and diviners, through pretended dreams and trances, and by the use of sacred dice and arrows, and phallic images of Yahveh.
not sure if there are any active jw's here.
i think i've seen a few floating around.
(i'm not talking about obvious lunatics like you know but an average jw) here's my question.. were all the bible writers prophets?
How does Yahweh inspire her writers? Does she blow in their ears? Does she send telepathic messages to their brains? Does she move their hands. What does she do if they get the message wrong in order to correct it?
Just curious.
doesn't it feel good to not be a jw at this point in history?
through the fear of the last few days, i do have comfort from scripture about my eternal salvation through jesus (as a witness you never felt secure with god--don't miss a meeting or field service for long or you're out), but also because my husband and i can display our american flag on our cars and in front of our house to support our country!.
as americans, we will not stand for terrorism and i'm proud to be in this country.
Would you please be realistic? You're a patriot manque. Raising your flag isn't going to stop terrorists from making more attacks. Raising your flag isn't going to bring people back to life. Raising your flag isn't going to do shit except get dusty. Excuse my veracity, but if life was about raising a piece of cloth on a pole to make me feel better, then screw life.
The aim of terrorists is to instill fear. They want people to lose faith in their governments. By not raising your flag you are signaling the terrorists that their ploy worked.
While it is true that raising our flag will not bring people back to life, it is also true that not raising it will also not bring people back to life. Raising a flag is a signal to Muslim fundies that we support the policies of the leaders of our country.
I would take the US Constitution over the bible any day. The US Constitution has brought more justice and equality to the world than the bible.
Thank you for reminding me to buy a flag and a flagpole so that I can signal the world that I support our nation.
It is true that a flag is a piece of cloth, but this particular piece of cloth represents a way of life. It is this way of life that has my support.
Your acuity is obviously very shallow. Do you realize that you are not supporting your country in any way shape or form just by saying that you support your country? What a fool. Quit your jibber jabber.
I feel remorse of not being smart enough to see through the Witchtower’s mental control, and spend over a decade away from saluting the flag, and what it represents. As of tomorrow, I will proudly fly in front of my house
i thought it would be interesting for people to just post a few things about themselves so we can get to know each other just a bit.. try posting 10 facts about your life.. joel.
1. i was born and raised in south georgia.. 2. my favorite subject in school was math.. 3. i was in the fulltime service (bethel and pioneer) for 4 years.. 4. my favorite color is blue.. 5. mitch and i have been together over 12 years.. 6. we live in a suburb of atlanta georgia.. 7. we love to eat out and have friends over for dinner and board games.. 8. the only sport i was ever any good at is tennis.. 9. my favorite tv show of all time is the simpsons.. 10. we are both naturists and wish we could lay on the beach naked every day.
1. I was born in Mexico in 1945. Presently living in Bolingbrook, a suburb of Chicago, where I teach.
2. Have three daughters and one son. Three granddaughters from oldest daughter.
3. I will soon be divorced after over 2 and a half years of proceedings.
4. I have a one-year-old Pomeranian.
5. I have a weakness for traveling and taking pictures of archeological sites, town’s gazeboes and flowers.
6. Favorite subjects were Math, Chemistry, and Latin.
7. Love to party and bar hop, but damned diabetes was my party pooper.
8. I am a sucker for science fiction, especially Star Trek and offspring.
9. I’d like to learn the private eye trade, lock picking, surveillance, martial arts, etc.
10. My children are the center of my life.
commited adultery my wife and i are headed in that direction what should i tell the brothers?
we are doing so because she just doesnt trust me anymore ?
Just leave the club.
They'll advise her to divorce you. They will even help her find another sucker.