I hope you both have a great day ,"witness" or no "witness" what woman doesnt like to be treated like a queen for one day
Give her the full works. (and dont expect anything in return if you know what I mean) LOL
my wife is still nominally in, but only because it "makes me (her) happy".
there is nothing academic about her beliefs and when i try, she interprets me as negative.. but then she cusses like a sailor and watches certain movies with me.
her birthday is coming up and it's also right around valentine's day.
I hope you both have a great day ,"witness" or no "witness" what woman doesnt like to be treated like a queen for one day
Give her the full works. (and dont expect anything in return if you know what I mean) LOL
hi everyone i don't even know where to begin.
i recently saw leah remini's series on scientology thanks to my husband (semi-active jw) and i felt like my eyes were being opened for the 1st time in my adult life.
i felt shaken almost sick to my stomach with each episode i watched.
Welcome confused & angry believe me your story is not uncommon .To learn the TTATT (the truth about the truth ) can be very daunting for the first time. There are many people here who can give you support and encouragement as you go through this realization that you have been conned all these years like the rest of us.
I know its hard to admit it but thats whats happened.
You will be given many books by well meaning friends on here to look at that will help you to understand what you believed & how to cope and why the JW`s are just another American religion.
And they are all good ,dont get me wrong.
My suggestion is by an ex Elder Don Cameron "Captives Of A Concept" downloaded on Lulu for about 7$ its worth its weight in gold.
I wish you all the best in your journey into freedom from religious captivity.
i'm interested in finding out what it was that finally enabled you to open your eyes to the real truth of watchtower.
what started me thinking, was the societys very own book...' 'revelation..it's grand climax at hand'.
i found that book farcicle.
Looking back I think it started with the revelation book and the interpretation given about the Cedar Point Ohio conventions from 1922 onwards for the next 7 years being prophesised in the book of Revelation.
I thought thats stretching the point a bit too far.
I thought that was so not right<I believe that started it all and then I started questioning the preaching work and pointed out to a few JW`s that if you asked anybody in this street,that street or any other street what JW`s believed in the only thing they would say is, no blood ,or dont salute the flag,maybe dont vote and that would be it .
No householder would be able to say "they are waiting for Gods kingdom under Jesus Christ to Rule the Earth and live in paradise."
So for the past 100+ years nobody knows why we go preaching from D2D !
That was the beginning of the end for me and yet it still took a few more years to finally break free in 1993 .
check out this wacko bs from the 1943 'the truth shall make you free' book:.
page 342-343in the postwar "new order" jerusalem's modern counterpart, "christendom," will surround herself with armies of an international police force for her continued world domination.
the roman catholic hierarchy will attempt to act as the.
Jehovahs Witnesses have always had it in for the Roman Catholic Church they have been obsessed with persecuting the R.C.Church since the early days even calling it the principle opponent of Christ Jesus kingdom On Earth because of their adoption of the League Of Nations the counterfeit Kingdom Of God On Earth as they said.
A casual look at there publications will show how they are obsessed with the R,C.Church over many decades .and of course the Pope and his title was another thorn in their side.Such blasphemy they said .
Are the claims of the Governing Body today any less a blasphemy ? against God ?
Or is it all an insult to our intelligence .
i've been thinking about this for a while.. did jesus diee on a cross?
does it really matter?
it doesn't change anything that i can see.. is god a trinity?
Under Rutherford JW`s just had to be different from mainstream Christendom eg: Torture stake not the cross ,anti-trinity, blood transfusions a no-no ,empathis on the name Jehovah and not Jesus ,door to door ministry for everyone, all are ministers of God even baptised children ,neutrality of politics and nationalities ,
It seems like they were determined to go against everything mainstream Christendom stood for. just to set them apart as a new religion blessed by God.
my kids mother is getting a new heart valve.
there upset because she is making sure no blood is to be used and her jw cronies will be with her making it hard for my kids even to visit her in the hospital.
can jws get a pigs heart valve now and is her request by having no blood make this procedure difficult for the surgin for a successful operation?.
I presume your kids are also her kids ? Are they adults or children ? if adults cant they say who is in the room while they are their ? and exclude JW`s while they are visiting their mother ?
surely they have rights they can exercise as regards their mother.
just saying.
we haven't heard much recently about india.
whats the current situation over there?
And with the continuing birthrate going up each year compared to the number of JW`s the gap / ratio between Jw`s and the population is surely going to get bigger and bigger.
went out with my family and all they talked about was how terrible trump is and how he'll surely bring the great tribulation.
then they started going on about people supporting trump showing that america is becoming racist.
i don't consider myself a trump supporter but i disagreed that that was the reason why he won.
JW`s are continually looking for negatives in science, religion, politics, conflicts, etc,etc. to validate their belief that the end is just around the corner.
They have been doing it for over 100 years now and they will keep on doing it while they still exist as a religion.
In the meantime life goes on and JW`s are born and die like the rest of us in this system and will do so for evermore. Rom.13:1-7 which contradicts 2Cor.:4-4
one voice can be stronger than a thousand voices.
your mind is independent now.
with its own unique identity.
Thanks Jeff
,if only it was that easy to wake JW`s up out of their captivity .
i see that the uk prime monster t may is going to see the pressy of the usa whos name means 'fart' here in brit land.
i have my own views on those people, in fact authority in general.
but i ramble as we old people tend to do.. i wonder how long before jobos are saying; 'ooooh, look.
Going way back when I was" in" I loved that book "Your Will Be Done On Earth" I thought it summed up the political / millitary times we were living in down to a tee.
The book at the time seemed to describe world events as they were happening.
The king of the North the USSR ( United Soviet Socialist Republic ) not to be confused with Russia of today.
The King of the South the Anglo-American Alliance that existed back then ,the two major powers aligned together in WW2 .Again not to be confused with their situation today.
Of course it all came to nothing.
Didnt they write another Daniel prophecy book later on ? after my time how did that go ? .not to good I imagine.
I think the only way young people can get an inkling of what it was like to live in the 50`s and 60`s is to watch some movies such as "Fail safe" "The Bedford Incident" and the classic "Dr. Strangelove" and maybe "On The Beach"
In those days a number of Nations were testing Atomic Bombs And Hydrogen Bombs above ground which does not occur today.
The united Kingdom ,the USA , Russia ,and France were testing these bombs in the atomosphere.
Think of the bombs that devastated Nagasaki and Hiroshima and these were becoming more powerful with each test.