Looking back I think it started with the revelation book and the interpretation given about the Cedar Point Ohio conventions from 1922 onwards for the next 7 years being prophesised in the book of Revelation.
I thought thats stretching the point a bit too far.
I thought that was so not right<I believe that started it all and then I started questioning the preaching work and pointed out to a few JW`s that if you asked anybody in this street,that street or any other street what JW`s believed in the only thing they would say is, no blood ,or dont salute the flag,maybe dont vote and that would be it .
No householder would be able to say "they are waiting for Gods kingdom under Jesus Christ to Rule the Earth and live in paradise."
So for the past 100+ years nobody knows why we go preaching from D2D !
That was the beginning of the end for me and yet it still took a few more years to finally break free in 1993 .