OK I admit I was the more gullible ,I believed in the talking snake though I dont think I ever really believed in Santa Clause .
What does that make me ? Now I would say stupid.
But at least I have been cured ,or have I ?
who are more gullible, believers in santa or the ones in "the serpent"?
an old man that delivers gifts?
quite possible, grandpa does it all the time!
OK I admit I was the more gullible ,I believed in the talking snake though I dont think I ever really believed in Santa Clause .
What does that make me ? Now I would say stupid.
But at least I have been cured ,or have I ?
i've been thinking about this the past few days and curious what the honest consensus is here just for fun.. show of hands,.
is the governing body.... a: completely sincere.
they really do believe what they teach.. b: somewhat sincere.
I dont think any of them are now sincere believers , however they have invested so much time and effort into promoting the JW brand ,pride/loss of face is preventing them from ever giving it up.
Its a lifestyle they and their wives have become accustomed to and they are reluctant to give that up given their age and what else could they do now.
And so they will keep the the farce up as long as they can knowing their is no Jehovah ,no Jesus that is ever going to ask an account from them.
what i don't get about the russian petition action:.
watchtower launched at march, 21 the petition action.. in the instructions they write it can take 14 days for postal arrival in russia.. on april, 5 they expect legal clarification from the supreme court.. so, conclusion: the letters will arrive just around the day of clarification.. conclusion: this action is planned for media impact only.
if it was to make judges think, (what they don't do on a petition cry), .
Singing and praying in a KH may not be extreme however claiming the Russian government will be overthrown by Gods Kingdom (interpretation needed here) according to Bible prophecy might just do that.
Encouraging potential new members/Bible studies not to be involved in politics ,the military ,reject higher education ,dont be engaged in sports ,isolate yourself from the general community in all activities ,and regard all others other than Jehovahs Witnesses as tools of the Devil , no wonder they are regarded as an extreme religious dangerous group that should be curbed .
(for the record, i’m agnostic who is earnestly seeking an objective, honest and concrete hope for something greater).
“there is evidence of a creator if you just look for it”.
many of us have heard similar sentences from believers regarding proof of creator, proof that their religion is the correct one, proof that their particular sect is the right one, proof that their individual sects interpretation of a certain religious text is the right one, proof that their own personal interpretation of a certain religious text is the right one; the list goes on.. in one of my previous posts, i shared the following thought of mine:.
Whether an individual believes in a personal creator or not depends on two things.
1. An individual WANTS to believe a personal creator exists for many and varied reasons including faith.
2.An individual does not see any verifiable evidence that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that such a being exists and has no faith that such a being exists.
Just my 2 cents worth in a nutshell .
first the bible students represented an insulated layer.
they were the faithful and discreet slave of jehovah who were expected to guide the people in all matters of overall import.
but eventually someone noticed that in the first century, the seven churches were not independent, but had a council to guide them in weightier matters.
I do not believe this organisation could ever go autocratic ,they, the GB and probably their Lawyers would have made this an impossability.
Autocratic rule means losing control of all the congregations worldwide and each congregation being responsible for their own congregants , or am I in error here.
However I could see the lawyers taking over this religion and using it for their own means ($$$$$$)
so the brother that works in my office was talking about this russia thing, how jeh is "allowing" it to happen, how every witness is writing a letter to all six officials and not just to two or three, so my question was if that is true "aren't all you witnesses working against jehovah---he must have his reasons for allowing it to happen.
back to work but i'm sure monday he'll have an answer like what a great witness it is or how it gives every other witness a chance to demonstrate their faith (by writing letters).
i'll have an answer ready for him just for fun.. i'm sure watchtower just loves stuff like this russia business.
Why dont they just practise what they preach ?
please excuse me for long-winded ranting.
i know, as do most of us here that "love" is not something that the jdub's are known for except in their deluded, feeble minds.. i can handle their hypocrisy when it is directed at me, but when it is aimed at family who for decades have genuinely been the type of jw that the watchtower presents to the public, and when it is motivated by pure hate, then i get pissed!.
my mother was dunked in the 1940's and my father in the 1950's.
You have every right to rant because of the way your parents have been treated serving this cult religion ,its just a pity your father is still a captive.
it appears like the wt's bible is no longer to be used in russia.
king james version only.
from this forum: .
My thoughts exactly dated April 1st ,fools joke.
just passing on a link i found.
i didn't see anyone here post it so i hope i can share this.
download and pass it on!
If you compared the amount of clergy and lay people who identify themselves with the Roman Catholic Church with the same amount of people who identify themselves with the Jehovahs Witness religion as Elders and Ministerial servants and the rank and file members, I am quite sure that the Jehovahs Witnesses would come off far worse than the R.C.Church if we looked at statistics.
Well over 1 Billion Roman Catholics worldwide / Preists and Lay people.members.....Abuse victims -% ?
Only just over 8 Million Jehovahs Witnesses worldwide./ elders MS,and rank & file members....Abuse victims.-% ?
I do not have the expertise to do this ,hopefully someone can validate what I propose or debunk what I have said.
And this is not just for australia but worldwide, though it would also be applicable to us here in Aussie land.
the superstar of all scriptures.
for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.. .
but i just learned something about it.. i try to look at different translations of the bible and the lexham english bible words it a bit different.... 16 for in this way god loved the world, so that he gave his one and only son, in order that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but will have eternal life.
God must be an idiot , he needs imperfect humans of today , to interpret what he is supposed to have meant when he inspired the Bible writers.to write down what they did thousands of years ago.?
Couldnt he forsee what a problem he caused by confusing the languages at Babel ? and the outcome today trying to work out what he meant when he said anything ?