A very interesting post David Jay ,i was a convert in 1960 and i agree that JW`s did appear to have "meat for the due seson" in those years .Beliefs /doctrines that scriptures appeared /seemed to fit the times we were living in back then.
Lets look at some of the publications that came out from about the 1950`s. (I hope my memory serves me well here)
"Jehovahs Witnesses In The Divine Purpose" a book that highlighted the developement and increase in the ranks of Jehovahs Witnesses.
" Your Will Be done On Earth " the green book dealing with Daniels prophecy that spoke of the "king of the north & the king of the south" identifying them as the USSR as the king of the north and the Anglo-American power as the king of the south. { And in those days that was a plausible explanation}
Then their was "Babylon The Great Has Fallen Gods Kingdom Rules " giving an over view of history of religion prophecying the downfall /irrelevance of religion and the vindication of Jehovahs witnesses .Not so much the ealier references but certainly the later references
If you became a witness well after these times I mention do yourself a favour and read these publications then google what was happening in those years..
If your lazy like me watch these movies. "The Bedford incident" , "Fail safe " , Dr Strange love ," On The Beach"
Or President Kennedy and The Cuba Incident .