Posts by smiddy
Brussels Central station was evacuated Tuesday amid reports of an explosion and at least one man shot who shouted "Allahu Akbar,"
by freemindfade init looks like these attacks in europe are going from weekly, to daily, it literally gives me chills to think about traveling to europe with my family.
that is very unfortunate.
I just dont understand where your coming from ,I dont condone terrorism in any form
.it comes from sustained reflection on hatred........ WTF does that even mean ?
Do you believe Muslims have a right to commit these atrcocities against civillians in the western world in the first place ?
None of the coalition of nations fighting the ISIS/Taliban scourge have ever gone out with the intention of targeting Muslim civillians and committing atrocities against them anywhere in the world and certainly not Islam/Muslim nations.
Brussels Central station was evacuated Tuesday amid reports of an explosion and at least one man shot who shouted "Allahu Akbar,"
by freemindfade init looks like these attacks in europe are going from weekly, to daily, it literally gives me chills to think about traveling to europe with my family.
that is very unfortunate.
The more we see Muslim extremists carry out these attacks the more we are going to see a retalliation from people who are getting fed up with Muslim apologists denying it has anything to do with the Muslim/Islam religion. and are going for a tit for tat strategy.
You attack us ? on our home ground then we will attack you on your home ground.
Its not rocket science its just human nature.
Bible on cassette
by road to nowhere inone thing that i questioned years ago was the release of bible reading so you could listen.
then when we finally got a tape it was in a thick german accent.
so much for getting the meaning of it..
Lets face it the Bible is written in double dutch anyway no matter what language its translated into.
info needed on Mexico Scandal regarding KH's meetings with no prayers etc - Thanks.
trying to find info on the scandal involving mexican congregations not having prayers and singing at the meetings.. i have found some info on jw facts but would like more if anyone knows of a good website to look at.. watchtower observer had some info before but that website is long gone.. any help would be much appreciated.. thanks wgo..
The simple answer is they couldnt. religious organizations OTHER than the Catholic Church could not purchase land and build their house of worship on it and own it.
The Catholic religion was the official state religion and only they could own the land and building it was on .
Other religions could exist in Mexico but they could not own the land or property including JW`s.
info needed on Mexico Scandal regarding KH's meetings with no prayers etc - Thanks.
trying to find info on the scandal involving mexican congregations not having prayers and singing at the meetings.. i have found some info on jw facts but would like more if anyone knows of a good website to look at.. watchtower observer had some info before but that website is long gone.. any help would be much appreciated.. thanks wgo..
Then the organization had the audacity to say to the rest of the world of witnesses that they had gained religious freedom in Mexico when the Govt.allowed religions other than the Catholic Church to own the land their buildings were on.
As has been pointed out above religious freedom always existed for JW`s the only thing was that no religion other than the Catholic Church could own land that their places of worship was built on.
This didnt sit well for the GB of JW`s they wanted to own the land their buildings were on so they opted to renounce themselves as a religion and adopt a cultural stance.
Hence they then could no longer use the Bible ,sing Kingdom songs (hymns) or pray in their halls as it would mean they were a religion.and not a cultural centre.
And they put up with this hypocricy for many years.
What made you stay "in" even when you knew it wasn't the "truth"?
by mentalclarity inso i've been thinking a lot about why i stayed a jw for so long even though i had always had doubts about the doctrines.
i was born into the religion, left and came back as an adult for another decade.
some of the things that come to mind (besides the threat of shunning-and this isn't to minimize that very real threat) was:.
When you have been in it for many many years investing much time and money and emotion ,its not easy to just cut yourself off cold turkey.
At first you dont want to believe it ,and then slowly it takes hold on you when you cant deny the facts.
It takes time to absorb the fact that you have been duped / conned for however long you have been in the religion.
It is not something you process in the short term ,it can take months and sometimes years to fully extricate yourself from such a belief and involvement.
HOUSE, M.D., Jehovah's Witnesses, and '75
by compound complex inseason 7, episode 18: "the dig".
house picks up "thirteen" -- dr. remy hadley -- upon her release from prison.
she asks him to take her to a certain location in order to take care of a personal matter.
What was the movie that dennis weaver was in about blood transfusions though the movie didnt identify him as a JW ,though obviously he was way back in the 60`s I think.
Russian BOE letters of instruction - meetings and $$$ matter$
by OrphanCrow inthese letters can be found in the original russian on jwforum.eu.. i will provide links but also copy and paste the english translation that was provided for each one.. this first letter was dated may 21, 2017 and concerns instructions on how to handle the donation$.
(*bolding is mine).
we should not make the same boxes for all groups.
This is truly disgusting , I think the Australian Royal Commission would even be interested in these letters showing just where the Governing Body of JW`s has their priorities.$$$$$$ rather than sexually Abused Children.
Certainly the Russian Government would also see just what the priorities are with the WT/JW religion$$$$$$ not people
News people Journalists who have taken an interest in WT/JW goings on should be informed about these letters that highlight their main concern is all about the money Surely there is a story their.
Wasnt their people who were involved in the film "Spotlight" at a meeting about JW`s recently ? Maybe they would be interested in these letters .
If they could produce a movie like spotlight on the JW religion that would be heaven sent.
The Alliances for Constitutional Sex Offenders Laws
by John Davis ini was listening to the news today and heard of this organization.
it advocates for the removal of sex offenders registries or at least the reduction of its use and who has to register for it.
just one example of its work is to advocate for what the la district attorney's office is doing by working with sex offenders to get their names off the registry.
I think you make a good case scratchme1010
As I said, as is, the sex offender registry doesn't do what it's meant to do. There are no easy answers, but what we have certainly hasn't reduced nor stopped sex crimes at all.
Your review is sensible and logical.