Dont hold your breath about any real change happening soon Chook ,didnt the memorial attendance stagnate around the 8000 mark without ever going any lower for about 35 years ?
Posts by smiddy
I think it's possible for a change of trend in JW growth
by Chook injust like after decades of memorial partakers declining and now reversed.
this information age might reverse the trend of jw membership.
Has the Governing Body /Jehovahs witnesses ever distanced themselves from the Williams Sisters claim of Beng a JW ?
by smiddy ini bring this up because of an article in the supplement of the sunday mail in victoria australia "stellar" that pregnant serena williams is a devout (ihate that word ) jehovahs witness.
i have sent a letter to the editor about it ,i wonder if it gets published.. has the wt ever distanced themselves from the claims that serena herself has claimed to be a witness ?
when accepting a win in one of her succesful matches ?.
I bring this up because of an article in the supplement of the Sunday mail in Victoria Australia "Stellar" that pregnant Serena Williams is a devout (Ihate that word ) jehovahs Witness. I have sent a letter to the editor about it ,I wonder if it gets published.
Has the WT ever distanced themselves from the claims that Serena herself has claimed to be a witness ? when accepting a win in one of her succesful matches ?
Especially now that she is pregnant out of wedlock to a worldly person and not a fellow Jehovahs Witness ?
If she was baptised she would be DF right ? However not being baptised though a very public person who claims to be a JW vocally to the media will she be publicly sanctioned ?
And if not doesnt that send a message to the R&F that the GB has double standards for the rich and famous against the average JW ?
What do you think.
West Springfield, MA Congregation
by ryebass inlooking for anyone who was a regular at this congregation back in the 70's and 80's; my father just passed away and these were golden years for me (inextricable from my youth) despite any ill-feeling or resentment i may hold towards the faith at this point in my life (my father remained a witness until his death a few days ago).. thanks in advance.
Welcome ryebass to the forum. I`m sorry for the loss of your father ,no doubt he had expectation of living to see paradise restored to the earth or he had hope of being taken to heaven as an annointed one.
In any case he died before any of these things eventuated. Like so many before him.
And so many will have this dissappointment after him.
I can relate to many good times my family and I had while we were JW`s at socialising outside of KH meetings restuarants ,camping ,getting together at friends homes for scrabble ,drinks,or watching football.
Maybe I was in a more liberal Congregation than most.
I was a MS who hung around with Elders.
I`m sorry I`m not anywhere near Springfield MA, I just wanted to welcome you and hopefully make you feel a little bit at home here
I`m actually in Australia.
Take care.
Making Every Thought Captive To Christ(Washing the Brain Of Good Reasoning)
by Brokeback Watchtower innot a very good idea to say the least.
when i read paul's words the more i see how delusional the guy was.
he was a genuine religious fanatic who contradicts jesus words on the sermon on the mount.. 2 corinthians 10:5 5we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of god, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to christ.. delusional and in need of some serious psychological help.
Paul got everything about JC 2nd or 3rd hand ,he never met JC and ,apart from his supposed conversion on the road to damascus ,so why are his writings given so much importance in the New Testament ? If the Bible was indeed inspired by God ?
And why didnt Jesus write anything down if as the scriptures say "his sayings were such that it would take volumes to write them all down " or words to that effect.
If that was truly the case why were first century hearers of Jesus privy to his sayings and we in the 21st century have no idea about ?
According to that scripture we in the 21st century are in the dark about most of what Jesus said ?
Was it all unimportant ? no relevance for todays society ?
Article: WBBR-AM: A “Pioneering” Radio Experiment by the Watch Tower - A revealing history of WBBR- Includes the last broadcast - April 1957
by AndersonsInfo in
wbbr-am: a “pioneering” radio experiment by the watch tower .
introduction to main article.
Whatever backflips ,flip flops ,about face,contradictions JW`s do ,it will always be because Jehovah is blessing his organisation.
And the rank and file suck it up as new-light from Jah.
So, would we call the GB our Uncles, Aunts, Sisters or Cousins???
by stuckinarut2 inok, so try and follow me here.... according to jw doctrinal teachings, the gb are "christ's brothers".
humans are all "god's children".
so does that make the gb our "uncles"?.
LOL jwleaks, maybe thats where the expression " Go f***k yourself " originates from.
A big question, why writtings or book?
by Crazyguy inwe often have debates on this site about what was written in the bible and why.
there are also debates about which bible is better .
then there's the debate about if the quran is really the better book or more accurate.
The BIG question for me is why did it take more than 2000 years for Jehovah to think of having a written record made when he chose Moses to compile the first five books of the Bible.?
Lots of things can get screwed up with 2000 years of oral stories being repeated.
So, would we call the GB our Uncles, Aunts, Sisters or Cousins???
by stuckinarut2 inok, so try and follow me here.... according to jw doctrinal teachings, the gb are "christ's brothers".
humans are all "god's children".
so does that make the gb our "uncles"?.
Arent we all products of an incestuous relationships?
After all , Adam and Eves offspring had sexual relations with each other and so did their offspring and on and on it went.
This convention talk offended me
by Isambard Crater inhere are my notes from the r.c yesterday, the talk called "jehovah – the greatest example of endurance".
many of you will understand why i found it offensive.. jehovah has taken the hard option of choosing to endure:.
reproach to his holy name.
Jehovah has taken the hard option of choosing to endure:
Are they for real ? Isnt Jehovah A / The only true God ? Who created the Universe ?
And he has to endure what Satan hurls against him ? You have to be kidding me.
Which one is God Almighty here , Jehovah or Satan .if you take notice of the JW religion it seems Satan is the one that has the upper hand.
Jehovahs Witnesses and Babylon The Great.Why the Emphasis on the R.C.Church and not on Islam.
by smiddy ini was thinking back to when the book babylon the great has fallen gods kingdom rules.was published many years ago when it was believed religion was declining in the world.. the book took exception to the as the worst of christendom substituting themselves for the kingdom of god on earth , the counterfeit kingdom i think they called them.vicar of christ on earth.. and while its true to some degree in western lands today that religion is declining as regards christendom it is not happening in non christian religions around the world.. which brings me to the unprcedented rise and spread of islam in the world today .. with the war in iraq ,syria ,etc,and the people fleeing these war torn countries to europe and elsewhere around the globe with refugees and asylum seekers the spread of islam in the short space of time now beats any missionary projects conducted by christendom.. judaism ,christendom and islam all have their roots in the bible.the jews first then christians then muslims.. the bible only relates to the first two jews and christians and is completely silent about muslims.even in prophecy.. the book mentioned earlier btggkr nowhere mentions islam or if they didnt even exist ,yet today they equal in numbers to all of christendoms religions.. islam today is by far a greater threat to christianity and especially to jehovahs witnesses than anything the roman catholic church ever posed before.. obviously the holy bible and the holy spirit or jehovahs chosen people the jehovahs witnesses never did forsee the rise and influence of the religion of islam in todays world.. the bible is completely silent about islam or the rise of muslims on the world stage.. could it be that they could no more predict the future than i could ?.
the wtb&ts the publishing house of jehovahs witnesses have for the past 100 years have continually attacked the roman catholic religion and portrayed them in an unfavourable light.time after time in mags and books,.
how many times have the wtb&ts attacked and challenged the religion of islam and muslims and condemned them as a principle member of babylon the great the empire of false religion.. to this day jehovahs witnesses cannot freely go door to door preaching their message in muslim dominated countries where proselytism is forbidden.
Old navy ,I only respond out of courtesy , please take your medications