: I've always been taught that each disciple of Christ has a scriptural obligation to preach,
Yes, but unfortunately those who taught you this have offered no proof that is is an "obligation." They merely say it is. I challenge anyone to clearly show through the scriptures that "each disciple of Christ has a scriptural obligation to preach."
Also, if it is an "obligation" and one doesn't do it, then what are the consequences not not doing so? I mean, what do the SCRIPTURES say are the consequences for not performing that "obligation" of preaching?
Thirdly, in line with what AlanF has stated, if there IS an obligation then it is an obligation to preach WHAT? Whatever the Watchtower Corporation says to preach? I think not. What ever the Bible says to preach? OK, what does the Bible tell Christians to preach?
"God's Kingdom?" Define "God's Kingdom." Scripturally! Show us scripturally where "God's Kingdom" is a "Government" with a "Heavenly and and Earthly Organization." Any old scripture will do, just as long as it is crystal clear. Just any old scripture. I don't need dozens of them. Just one.
Do you see that in just one fuzzy statement, about Christians having an "obligation" to preach, the Watchtower Society has given themselves the right to define just about anything they want about that preaching, and at the same time, they've put fear in their members by declaring it to be an obligation with a fearsome "or else" attached for those who won't do it?
Take my questions to a CO, DO, or even a GB member and ask for clear, simple answers. From the Bible. You won't get any. You might get some gibberish, and a lot of stuttering and a lot of "don't question 'Jehovah's Organization(tm)' but you won't get clear, simple answers from the Bible. By the way, Watchtower Printing Corporation Publications(tm) are NOT the Bible. Don't forget that part!
You know why you won't get those kinds of answers? That's because they are NOT IN THE BIBLE. The Bible is full of crap, but most of its crap does not even justify Watchtower Crap(tm)! :)